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2022-01-31 12:41:47 +00:00
# Copyright (C) 2021 By VeezMusicProject
import os
from pyrogram import Client, filters
from pyrogram.types import Message
from driver.filters import command, other_filters
from driver.decorators import sudo_users_only, errors
downloads = os.path.realpath("program/downloads")
raw = os.path.realpath(".")
@Client.on_message(command(["rmd", "clear"]) & ~filters.edited)
async def clear_downloads(_, message: Message):
ls_dir = os.listdir(downloads)
if ls_dir:
for file in os.listdir(downloads):
os.remove(os.path.join(downloads, file))
await message.reply_text("✅ **deleted all downloaded files**")
await message.reply_text("❌ **no files downloaded**")
@Client.on_message(command(["rmw", "clean"]) & ~filters.edited)
async def clear_raw(_, message: Message):
ls_dir = os.listdir(raw)
if ls_dir:
for file in os.listdir(raw):
if file.endswith('.raw'):
os.remove(os.path.join(raw, file))
await message.reply_text("✅ **deleted all raw files**")
await message.reply_text("❌ **no raw files found**")
@Client.on_message(command(["cleanup"]) & ~filters.edited)
async def cleanup(_, message: Message):
pth = os.path.realpath(".")
ls_dir = os.listdir(pth)
if ls_dir:
for dta in os.listdir(pth):
os.system("rm -rf *.raw *.jpg")
await message.reply_text("✅ **cleaned**")
await message.reply_text("✅ **already cleaned**")
# this module has deactivated because no longer used if you want to take the code just take it and use it, Thanks