# Copyright (C) 2021 By VeezMusicProject # =========== # running bot # =========== import logging import time import sys import asyncio import glob import importlib from pathlib import Path from pyrogram import Client, idle from config import Veez from bot.videoplayer import app from bot.videoplayer import call_py from helpers.loggings import LOG bot = Client( ":memory:", Veez.API_ID, Veez.API_HASH, bot_token=Veez.BOT_TOKEN, plugins=dict(root="bot"), ) StartTime = time.time() loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() _path = f"bot/*.py" files = glob.glob(_path) def load_plugins(plugin_name): path = Path(f"bot/{plugin_name}.py") name = "bot.{}".format(plugin_name) spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(name, path) load = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec) spec.loader.exec_module(load) sys.modules[f"bot." + plugin_name] = load print("Imported => " + plugin_name) async def start(): print('\n') print('------------------ Initalizing VEEZ --------------------') if bot: await bot.start() await app.start() await call_py.start() print('------------------------ DONE --------------------------') print('------------------ Importing Modules -------------------') for name in files: with open(name) as a: path_ = Path(a.name) plugin_name = path_.stem load_plugins(plugin_name.replace(".py", "")) print('------------------- INITIATED VEEZ ---------------------') print(' Logged in as User =>> {}'.format((await app.get_me()).first_name)) if bot: print(' Logged in to Bots =>> {}'.format((await bot.get_me()).first_name)) print('--------------------------------------------------------') await idle() if __name__ == '__main__': is_bot = bool(Veez.BOT_TOKEN) loop.run_until_complete(start()) # bot.start() # print("[STATUS]:✅ »» BOT CLIENT STARTED ««") # app.start() # print("[STATUS]:✅ »» USERBOT CLIENT STARTED ««") # call_py.start() # print("[STATUS]:✅ »» PYTGCALLS CLIENT STARTED ««") # idle() # print("[STATUS]:❌ »» BOT STOPPED ««")