""" chat utilities """ from functools import wraps from driver.veez import bot from config import SUDO_USERS from pyrogram.types import Message from driver.perms import member_permissions from pyrogram.errors.exceptions.forbidden_403 import ChatWriteForbidden async def authorised(m: Message): chatID = message.chat.id return 0 async def unauthorised(m: Message): chatID = m.chat.id text = ( "You're missing admin rights to use this command." + f"\n\n» ❌ can_manage_voice_chats" ) try: await m.reply_text(text) except ChatWriteForbidden: await bot.leave_chat(chatID) return 1 async def adminsOnly(permission, m: Message): chatID = m.chat.id if not m.from_user: if m.sender_chat: return await authorised(m) return await unauthorised(m) userID = m.from_user.id permissions = await member_permissions(chatID, userID) if userID not in SUDO_USERS and permission not in permissions: return await unauthorised(m) return await authorised(m)