# Copyright (C) 2021 By Veez Music-Project # Commit Start Date 20/10/2021 # Finished On 28/10/2021 import asyncio import re from config import BOT_USERNAME, GROUP_SUPPORT, IMG_1, IMG_2, UPDATES_CHANNEL from driver.filters import command, other_filters from driver.queues import QUEUE, add_to_queue from driver.veez import call_py from pyrogram import Client from pyrogram.types import InlineKeyboardButton, InlineKeyboardMarkup, Message from pytgcalls import StreamType from pytgcalls.types.input_stream import AudioVideoPiped from pytgcalls.types.input_stream.quality import ( HighQualityAudio, HighQualityVideo, LowQualityVideo, MediumQualityVideo, ) from youtubesearchpython import VideosSearch def ytsearch(query): try: search = VideosSearch(query, limit=1) for r in search.result()["result"]: ytid = r["id"] if len(r["title"]) > 34: songname = r["title"][:70] else: songname = r["title"] url = f"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v={ytid}" return [songname, url] except Exception as e: print(e) return 0 async def ytdl(link): proc = await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec( "yt-dlp", "-g", "-f", "best[height<=?720][width<=?1280]", f"{link}", stdout=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE, stderr=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE, ) stdout, stderr = await proc.communicate() if stdout: return 1, stdout.decode().split("\n")[0] else: return 0, stderr.decode() @Client.on_message(command(["vplay", f"vplay@{BOT_USERNAME}"]) & other_filters) async def vplay(client, m: Message): keyboard = InlineKeyboardMarkup( [ [ InlineKeyboardButton( text="• Mᴇɴᴜ", callback_data="cbmenu" ), InlineKeyboardButton( text="• Cʟᴏsᴇ", callback_data="cls" ), ] ] ) replied = m.reply_to_message chat_id = m.chat.id if replied: if replied.video or replied.document: loser = await replied.reply("📥 **downloading video...**") dl = await replied.download() link = replied.link if len(m.command) < 2: Q = 720 else: pq = m.text.split(None, 1)[1] if pq == "720" or "480" or "360": Q = int(pq) else: Q = 720 await loser.edit( "» __only 720, 480, 360 allowed__ \n💡 **now streaming video in 720p**" ) try: if replied.video: songname = replied.video.file_name[:70] elif replied.document: songname = replied.document.file_name[:70] except BaseException: songname = "Video" if chat_id in QUEUE: pos = add_to_queue(chat_id, songname, dl, link, "Video", Q) await loser.delete() await m.reply_photo( photo=f"{IMG_1}", caption=f"💡 **Track added to the queue**\n\n🏷 **Name:** [{songname}]({link})\n💭 **Chat:** `{chat_id}`\n🎧 **Request by:** {m.from_user.mention()}\n🔢 **At position »** `{pos}`", reply_markup=keyboard, ) else: if Q == 720: amaze = HighQualityVideo() elif Q == 480: amaze = MediumQualityVideo() elif Q == 360: amaze = LowQualityVideo() await call_py.join_group_call( chat_id, AudioVideoPiped( dl, HighQualityAudio(), amaze, ), stream_type=StreamType().pulse_stream, ) add_to_queue(chat_id, songname, dl, link, "Video", Q) await loser.delete() await m.reply_photo( photo=f"{IMG_2}", caption=f"💡 **video streaming started.**\n\n🏷 **Name:** [{songname}]({link})\n💭 **Chat:** `{chat_id}`\n💡 **Status:** `Playing`\n🎧 **Request by:** {m.from_user.mention()}", reply_markup=keyboard, ) else: if len(m.command) < 2: await m.reply( "» reply to an **video file** or **give something to search.**" ) else: loser = await m.reply("🔎 **searching...**") query = m.text.split(None, 1)[1] search = ytsearch(query) Q = 720 amaze = HighQualityVideo() if search == 0: await loser.edit("❌ **no results found.**") else: songname = search[0] url = search[1] veez, ytlink = await ytdl(url) if veez == 0: await loser.edit(f"❌ yt-dl issues detected\n\n» `{ytlink}`") else: if chat_id in QUEUE: pos = add_to_queue( chat_id, songname, ytlink, url, "Video", Q ) await loser.delete() await m.reply_photo( photo=f"{IMG_1}", caption=f"💡 **Track added to the queue**\n\n🏷 **Name:** [{songname}]({url})\n💭 **Chat:** `{chat_id}`\n🎧 **Request by:** {m.from_user.mention()}\n🔢 **At position »** `{pos}`", reply_markup=keyboard, ) else: try: await call_py.join_group_call( chat_id, AudioVideoPiped( ytlink, HighQualityAudio(), amaze, ), stream_type=StreamType().pulse_stream, ) add_to_queue(chat_id, songname, ytlink, url, "Video", Q) await loser.delete() await m.reply_photo( photo=f"{IMG_2}", caption=f"💡 **video streaming started.**\n\n🏷 **Name:** [{songname}]({url})\n💭 **Chat:** `{chat_id}`\n💡 **Status:** `Playing`\n🎧 **Request by:** {m.from_user.mention()}", reply_markup=keyboard, ) except Exception as ep: await m.reply_text(f"🚫 error: `{ep}`") else: if len(m.command) < 2: await m.reply( "» reply to an **video file** or **give something to search.**" ) else: loser = await m.reply("🔎 **searching...**") query = m.text.split(None, 1)[1] search = ytsearch(query) Q = 720 amaze = HighQualityVideo() if search == 0: await loser.edit("❌ **no results found.**") else: songname = search[0] url = search[1] veez, ytlink = await ytdl(url) if veez == 0: await loser.edit(f"❌ yt-dl issues detected\n\n» `{ytlink}`") else: if chat_id in QUEUE: pos = add_to_queue(chat_id, songname, ytlink, url, "Video", Q) await loser.delete() await m.reply_photo( photo=f"{IMG_1}", caption=f"💡 **Track added to the queue**\n\n🏷 **Name:** [{songname}]({url})\n💭 **Chat:** `{chat_id}`\n🎧 **Request by:** {m.from_user.mention()}\n🔢 **At position »** `{pos}`", reply_markup=keyboard, ) else: try: await call_py.join_group_call( chat_id, AudioVideoPiped( ytlink, HighQualityAudio(), amaze, ), stream_type=StreamType().pulse_stream, ) add_to_queue(chat_id, songname, ytlink, url, "Video", Q) await loser.delete() await m.reply_photo( photo=f"{IMG_2}", caption=f"💡 **video streaming started.**\n\n🏷 **Name:** [{songname}]({url})\n💭 **Chat:** `{chat_id}`\n💡 **Status:** `Playing`\n🎧 **Request by:** {m.from_user.mention()}", reply_markup=keyboard, ) except Exception as ep: await m.reply_text(f"🚫 error: `{ep}`") @Client.on_message(command(["vstream", f"vstream@{BOT_USERNAME}"]) & other_filters) async def vstream(client, m: Message): keyboard = InlineKeyboardMarkup( [ [ InlineKeyboardButton( text="• Mᴇɴᴜ", callback_data="cbmenu" ), InlineKeyboardButton( text="• Cʟᴏsᴇ", callback_data="cls" ), ] ] ) chat_id = m.chat.id if len(m.command) < 2: await m.reply("» give me a live-link/m3u8 url/youtube link to stream.") else: if len(m.command) == 2: link = m.text.split(None, 1)[1] Q = 720 loser = await m.reply("🔄 **processing stream...**") elif len(m.command) == 3: op = m.text.split(None, 1)[1] link = op.split(None, 1)[0] quality = op.split(None, 1)[1] if quality == "720" or "480" or "360": Q = int(quality) else: Q = 720 await m.reply( "» __only 720, 480, 360 allowed__ \n💡 **now streaming video in 720p**" ) loser = await m.reply("🔄 **processing stream...**") else: await m.reply("**/vstream {link} {720/480/360}**") regex = r"^(https?\:\/\/)?(www\.youtube\.com|youtu\.?be)\/.+" match = re.match(regex, link) if match: veez, livelink = await ytdl(link) else: livelink = link veez = 1 if veez == 0: await loser.edit(f"❌ yt-dl issues detected\n\n» `{ytlink}`") else: if chat_id in QUEUE: pos = add_to_queue(chat_id, "Live Stream", livelink, link, "Video", Q) await loser.delete() await m.reply_photo( photo=f"{IMG_1}", caption=f"💡 **Track added to the queue**\n\n💭 **Chat:** `{chat_id}`\n🎧 **Request by:** {m.from_user.mention()}\n🔢 **At position »** `{pos}`", reply_markup=keyboard, ) else: if Q == 720: amaze = HighQualityVideo() elif Q == 480: amaze = MediumQualityVideo() elif Q == 360: amaze = LowQualityVideo() try: await call_py.join_group_call( chat_id, AudioVideoPiped( livelink, HighQualityAudio(), amaze, ), stream_type=StreamType().pulse_stream, ) add_to_queue(chat_id, "Live Stream", livelink, link, "Video", Q) await loser.delete() await m.reply_photo( photo=f"{IMG_2}", caption=f"💡 **[Live stream video]({link}) started.**\n\n💭 **Chat:** `{chat_id}`\n💡 **Status:** `Playing`\n🎧 **Request by:** {m.from_user.mention()}", reply_markup=keyboard, ) except Exception as ep: await m.reply_text(f"🚫 error: `{ep}`")