from io import BytesIO from pyrogram.types import Message from pyrogram import Client, filters from config import BOT_USERNAME from driver.filters import command from driver.decorators import sudo_users_only, get_arg from driver.database.data_sql import chatdata, del_chat @Client.on_message( command(["broadcast", f"broadcast@{BOT_USERNAME}"]) & filters.private & ~filters.edited ) @sudo_users_only async def broadcast(client: Client, message: Message): to_send = get_arg(message) success = 0 failed = 0 for chat in chatdata()(): try: await client.send_message( str(chat), to_send ) success += 1 except BaseException: failed += 1 del_chat(str(chat)) await message.reply( f"Message sent to {success} chat(s). {failed} chat(s) failed recieve message" ) @Client.on_message( command(["chatlist", f"chatlist@{BOT_USERNAME}"]) & filters.private & ~filters.edited ) @sudo_users_only async def chatlist(client, message): all_chats = chatdata() chats = [i for i in all_chats if str(i).startswith("-")] chatfile = "Chat List.\n0. Group ID | Members | Invite Link\n" P = 1 for chat in chats: try: link = await client.export_chat_invite_link(int(chat)) except BaseException: link = "Null" try: members = await client.get_chat_members_count(int(chat)) except BaseException: members = "Null" try: chatfile += f"{P}. {chat} | {members} | {link}\n" P += 1 except BaseException: pass with BytesIO(str.encode(chatfile)) as output: = "chatlist.txt" await message.reply_document(document=output, disable_notification=True)