from cache.admins import admins from driver.veez import call_py, bot from pyrogram import Client, filters from driver.chat_author import adminsOnly from driver.perms import member_permissions from driver.queues import QUEUE, clear_queue from driver.filters import command, other_filters from driver.decorators import authorized_users_only from driver.utils import skip_current_song, skip_item from program.utils.inline import stream_markup, close_mark, back_mark from config import BOT_USERNAME, GROUP_SUPPORT, IMG_3, UPDATES_CHANNEL from pyrogram.types import ( CallbackQuery, InlineKeyboardButton, InlineKeyboardMarkup, Message, ) @Client.on_message(command(["reload", f"reload@{BOT_USERNAME}"]) & other_filters) @authorized_users_only async def update_admin(client, message): global admins new_admins = [] new_ads = await client.get_chat_members(, filter="administrators") for u in new_ads: new_admins.append( admins[] = new_admins await message.reply_text( "✅ Bot **reloaded correctly !**\n✅ **Admin list** has **updated !**" ) @Client.on_message(command(["skip", f"skip@{BOT_USERNAME}", "vskip"]) & other_filters) async def skip(client, m: Message): if m.sender_chat: return await m.reply_text("you're an __Anonymous__ Admin !\n\n» revert back to user account.") permission = "can_manage_voice_chats" s = await adminsOnly(permission, m) if s == 1: return user_id = chat_id = if len(m.command) < 2: op = await skip_current_song(chat_id) if op == 0: await m.reply("❌ nothing is currently playing") elif op == 1: await m.reply("✅ __Queues__ **is empty.**\n\n**• userbot leaving voice chat**") elif op == 2: await m.reply("🗑️ **Clearing the Queues**\n\n**• userbot leaving voice chat**") else: buttons = stream_markup(user_id) await m.send_photo( chat_id, photo=f"{IMG_3}", reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup(buttons), caption=f"⏭ **Skipped to the next track.**\n\n🏷 **Name:** [{op[0]}]({op[1]})\n💭 **Chat:** `{chat_id}`\n💡 **Status:** `Playing`\n🎧 **Request by:** {m.from_user.mention()}", ) else: skip = m.text.split(None, 1)[1] OP = "🗑 **removed song from queue:**" if chat_id in QUEUE: items = [int(x) for x in skip.split(" ") if x.isdigit()] items.sort(reverse=True) for x in items: if x == 0: pass else: hm = await skip_item(chat_id, x) if hm == 0: pass else: OP = OP + "\n" + f"**#{x}** - {hm}" await m.reply(OP) @Client.on_message( command(["stop", f"stop@{BOT_USERNAME}", "end", f"end@{BOT_USERNAME}", "vstop"]) & other_filters ) async def stop(client, m: Message): if m.sender_chat: return await m.reply_text("you're an __Anonymous__ Admin !\n\n» revert back to user account.") permission = "can_manage_voice_chats" s = await adminsOnly(permission, m) if s == 1: return chat_id = if chat_id in QUEUE: try: await call_py.leave_group_call(chat_id) clear_queue(chat_id) await m.reply("✅ The userbot has disconnected from the video chat.") except Exception as e: await m.reply(f"🚫 **error:**\n\n`{e}`") else: await m.reply("❌ **nothing is streaming**") @Client.on_message( command(["pause", f"pause@{BOT_USERNAME}", "vpause"]) & other_filters ) async def pause(client, m: Message): if m.sender_chat: return await m.reply_text("you're an __Anonymous__ Admin !\n\n» revert back to user account.") permission = "can_manage_voice_chats" s = await adminsOnly(permission, m) if s == 1: return chat_id = if chat_id in QUEUE: try: await call_py.pause_stream(chat_id) await m.reply( "⏸ **Track paused.**\n\n• **To resume the stream, use the**\n» /resume command." ) except Exception as e: await m.reply(f"🚫 **error:**\n\n`{e}`") else: await m.reply("❌ **nothing in streaming**") @Client.on_message( command(["resume", f"resume@{BOT_USERNAME}", "vresume"]) & other_filters ) async def resume(client, m: Message): if m.sender_chat: return await m.reply_text("you're an __Anonymous__ Admin !\n\n» revert back to user account.") permission = "can_manage_voice_chats" s = await adminsOnly(permission, m) if s == 1: return chat_id = if chat_id in QUEUE: try: await call_py.resume_stream(chat_id) await m.reply( "▶️ **Track resumed.**\n\n• **To pause the stream, use the**\n» /pause command." ) except Exception as e: await m.reply(f"🚫 **error:**\n\n`{e}`") else: await m.reply("❌ **nothing in streaming**") @Client.on_message( command(["mute", f"mute@{BOT_USERNAME}", "vmute"]) & other_filters ) async def mute(client, m: Message): if m.sender_chat: return await m.reply_text("you're an __Anonymous__ Admin !\n\n» revert back to user account.") permission = "can_manage_voice_chats" s = await adminsOnly(permission, m) if s == 1: return chat_id = if chat_id in QUEUE: try: await call_py.mute_stream(chat_id) await m.reply( "🔇 **Userbot muted.**\n\n• **To unmute the userbot, use the**\n» /unmute command." ) except Exception as e: await m.reply(f"🚫 **error:**\n\n`{e}`") else: await m.reply("❌ **nothing in streaming**") @Client.on_message( command(["unmute", f"unmute@{BOT_USERNAME}", "vunmute"]) & other_filters ) async def unmute(client, m: Message): if m.sender_chat: return await m.reply_text("you're an __Anonymous__ Admin !\n\n» revert back to user account.") permission = "can_manage_voice_chats" s = await adminsOnly(permission, m) if s == 1: return chat_id = if chat_id in QUEUE: try: await call_py.unmute_stream(chat_id) await m.reply( "🔊 **Userbot unmuted.**\n\n• **To mute the userbot, use the**\n» /mute command." ) except Exception as e: await m.reply(f"🚫 **error:**\n\n`{e}`") else: await m.reply("❌ **nothing in streaming**") @Client.on_callback_query(filters.regex("cbpause")) async def cbpause(_, query: CallbackQuery): a = await _.get_chat_member(, if not a.can_manage_voice_chats: return await query.answer("💡 Only admin with manage video chat permission that can tap this button !", show_alert=True) chat_id = if chat_id in QUEUE: try: await call_py.pause_stream(chat_id) await query.edit_message_text( "⏸ the streaming has paused", reply_markup=back_mark ) except Exception as e: await query.edit_message_text(f"🚫 **error:**\n\n`{e}`", reply_markup=close_mark) else: await query.answer("❌ nothing is currently streaming", show_alert=True) @Client.on_callback_query(filters.regex("cbresume")) async def cbresume(_, query: CallbackQuery): a = await _.get_chat_member(, if not a.can_manage_voice_chats: return await query.answer("💡 Only admin with manage video chat permission that can tap this button !", show_alert=True) chat_id = if chat_id in QUEUE: try: await call_py.resume_stream(chat_id) await query.edit_message_text( "▶️ the streaming has resumed", reply_markup=back_mark ) except Exception as e: await query.edit_message_text(f"🚫 **error:**\n\n`{e}`", reply_markup=close_mark) else: await query.answer("❌ nothing is currently streaming", show_alert=True) @Client.on_callback_query(filters.regex("cbstop")) async def cbstop(_, query: CallbackQuery): a = await _.get_chat_member(, if not a.can_manage_voice_chats: return await query.answer("💡 Only admin with manage video chat permission that can tap this button !", show_alert=True) chat_id = if chat_id in QUEUE: try: await call_py.leave_group_call(chat_id) clear_queue(chat_id) await query.edit_message_text("✅ **this streaming has ended**", reply_markup=close_mark) except Exception as e: await query.edit_message_text(f"🚫 **error:**\n\n`{e}`", reply_markup=close_mark) else: await query.answer("❌ nothing is currently streaming", show_alert=True) @Client.on_callback_query(filters.regex("cbmute")) async def cbmute(_, query: CallbackQuery): a = await _.get_chat_member(, if not a.can_manage_voice_chats: return await query.answer("💡 Only admin with manage video chat permission that can tap this button !", show_alert=True) chat_id = if chat_id in QUEUE: try: await call_py.mute_stream(chat_id) await query.edit_message_text( "🔇 userbot succesfully muted", reply_markup=back_mark ) except Exception as e: await query.edit_message_text(f"🚫 **error:**\n\n`{e}`", reply_markup=close_mark) else: await query.answer("❌ nothing is currently streaming", show_alert=True) @Client.on_callback_query(filters.regex("cbunmute")) async def cbunmute(_, query: CallbackQuery): a = await _.get_chat_member(, if not a.can_manage_voice_chats: return await query.answer("💡 Only admin with manage video chat permission that can tap this button !", show_alert=True) chat_id = if chat_id in QUEUE: try: await call_py.unmute_stream(chat_id) await query.edit_message_text( "🔊 userbot succesfully unmuted", reply_markup=back_mark ) except Exception as e: await query.edit_message_text(f"🚫 **error:**\n\n`{e}`", reply_markup=close_mark) else: await query.answer("❌ nothing is currently streaming", show_alert=True) @Client.on_message( command(["volume", f"volume@{BOT_USERNAME}", "vol"]) & other_filters ) async def change_volume(client, m: Message): if m.sender_chat: return await m.reply_text("you're an __Anonymous__ Admin !\n\n» revert back to user account.") permission = "can_manage_voice_chats" s = await adminsOnly(permission, m) if s == 1: return range = m.command[1] chat_id = if chat_id in QUEUE: try: await call_py.change_volume_call(chat_id, volume=int(range)) await m.reply( f"✅ **volume set to** `{range}`%" ) except Exception as e: await m.reply(f"🚫 **error:**\n\n`{e}`") else: await m.reply("❌ **nothing in streaming**")