from datetime import datetime from time import time from pyrogram import Client, filters from pyrogram.types import Message, InlineKeyboardButton, InlineKeyboardMarkup # from config import Veez.BOT_USERNAME from config import Veez from helpers.decorators import sudo_users_only from helpers.filters import command START_TIME = datetime.utcnow() START_TIME_ISO = START_TIME.replace(microsecond=0).isoformat() TIME_DURATION_UNITS = ( ('week', 60 * 60 * 24 * 7), ('day', 60 * 60 * 24), ('hour', 60 * 60), ('min', 60), ('sec', 1) ) async def _human_time_duration(seconds): if seconds == 0: return 'inf' parts = [] for unit, div in TIME_DURATION_UNITS: amount, seconds = divmod(int(seconds), div) if amount > 0: parts.append('{} {}{}' .format(amount, unit, "" if amount == 1 else "s")) return ', '.join(parts) @Client.on_message(command(["start", f"start@{Veez.BOT_USERNAME}"])) async def start(_, m: Message): if == "private": await m.reply_text( f"āœØ **Hello there, I am a telegram group video streaming bot.**\n\nšŸ’­ **I was created to stream videos in group " f"video chats easily.**\n\nā” **To find out how to use me, please press the help button below** šŸ‘‡šŸ»", reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup( [[ InlineKeyboardButton( "āž• Add me to your Group āž•", url=f"{Veez.BOT_USERNAME}?startgroup=true") ], [ InlineKeyboardButton( "ā” HOW TO USE THIS BOT", callback_data="cbguide") ], [ InlineKeyboardButton( "šŸŒ Terms & Condition", callback_data="cbinfo") ], [ InlineKeyboardButton( "šŸ’¬ Group", url=""), InlineKeyboardButton( "šŸ“£ Channel", url="") ], [ InlineKeyboardButton( "šŸ‘©šŸ»ā€šŸ’» Developer", url="") ], [ InlineKeyboardButton( "šŸ“š All Command List", callback_data="cblist") ]] )) else: await m.reply_text("**āœØ bot is online now āœØ**", reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup( [[ InlineKeyboardButton( "ā” HOW TO USE THIS BOT", callback_data="cbguide") ], [ InlineKeyboardButton( "šŸŒ Search Youtube", switch_inline_query='') ], [ InlineKeyboardButton( "šŸ“š Command List", callback_data="cblist") ]] ) ) @Client.on_message(command(["alive", f"alive@{Veez.BOT_USERNAME}"]) & & ~filters.edited) async def alive(_, m: Message): current_time = datetime.utcnow() uptime_sec = (current_time - START_TIME).total_seconds() uptime = await _human_time_duration(int(uptime_sec)) await m.reply_text( f"""āœ… **bot is running**\nšŸ’  **uptime:** `{uptime}`""", reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup( [ [ InlineKeyboardButton( "āœØ Group", url=f"" ), InlineKeyboardButton( "šŸ“£ Channel", url=f"" ) ] ] ) ) @Client.on_message(command(["ping", f"ping@{Veez.BOT_USERNAME}"]) & ~filters.edited) async def ping_pong(_, m: Message): sturt = time() m_reply = await m.reply_text("pinging...") delta_ping = time() - sturt await m_reply.edit_text( "šŸ“ `PONG!!`\n" f"āš”ļø `{delta_ping * 1000:.3f} ms`" ) @Client.on_message(command(["uptime", f"uptime@{Veez.BOT_USERNAME}"]) & ~filters.edited) @sudo_users_only async def get_uptime(_, m: Message): current_time = datetime.utcnow() uptime_sec = (current_time - START_TIME).total_seconds() uptime = await _human_time_duration(int(uptime_sec)) await m.reply_text( "šŸ¤– bot status šŸ¤–\n\n" f"ā€¢ **uptime:** `{uptime}`\n" f"ā€¢ **start time:** `{START_TIME_ISO}`" )