""" global banned and un-global banned module """ import asyncio from pyrogram import Client, filters from pyrogram.types import Message from pyrogram.errors import FloodWait from driver.filters import command, other_filters from driver.decorators import bot_creator from driver.database.dbchat import get_served_chats from driver.database.dbpunish import add_gban_user, is_gbanned_user, remove_gban_user from config import BOT_NAME, SUDO_USERS, BOT_USERNAME as bn @Client.on_message(command(["gban", f"gban@{bn}"]) & other_filters) @bot_creator async def global_banned(c: Client, message: Message): if not message.reply_to_message: if len(message.command) < 2: await message.reply_text("**usage:**\n\n/gban [username | user_id]") return user = message.text.split(None, 2)[1] if "@" in user: user = user.replace("@", "") user = await c.get_users(user) from_user = message.from_user BOT_ID = await c.get_me() if user.id == from_user.id: return await message.reply_text( "You can't gban yourself !" ) elif user.id == BOT_ID: await message.reply_text("I can't gban myself !") elif user.id in SUDO_USERS: await message.reply_text("You can't gban sudo user !") else: await add_gban_user(user.id) served_chats = [] chats = await get_served_chats() for chat in chats: served_chats.append(int(chat["chat_id"])) m = await message.reply_text( f"šŸš· **Globally banning {user.mention}**\nā± Expected time: `{len(served_chats)}`" ) number_of_chats = 0 for num in served_chats: try: await c.ban_chat_member(num, user.id) number_of_chats += 1 await asyncio.sleep(1) except FloodWait as e: await asyncio.sleep(int(e.x)) except Exception: pass ban_text = f""" šŸš· **New Global ban on [{BOT_NAME}](https://t.me/{bn}) **Origin:** {message.chat.title} [`{message.chat.id}`] **Sudo User:** {from_user.mention} **Banned User:** {user.mention} **Banned User ID:** `{user.id}` **Chats:** `{number_of_chats}`""" try: await m.delete() except Exception: pass await message.reply_text( f"{ban_text}", disable_web_page_preview=True, ) return from_user_id = message.from_user.id from_user_mention = message.from_user.mention user_id = message.reply_to_message.from_user.id mention = message.reply_to_message.from_user.mention BOT_ID = await c.get_me() if user_id == from_user_id: await message.reply_text("You can't gban yourself !") elif user_id == BOT_ID: await message.reply_text("I can't gban myself !") elif user_id in SUDO_USERS: await message.reply_text("You can't gban sudo user !") else: is_gbanned = await is_gbanned_user(user_id) if is_gbanned: await message.reply_text("This user already gbanned !") else: await add_gban_user(user_id) served_chats = [] chats = await get_served_chats() for chat in chats: served_chats.append(int(chat["chat_id"])) m = await message.reply_text( f"šŸš· **Globally banning {mention}**\nā± Expected time: `{len(served_chats)}`" ) number_of_chats = 0 for num in served_chats: try: await c.ban_chat_member(num, user_id) number_of_chats += 1 await asyncio.sleep(1) except FloodWait as e: await asyncio.sleep(int(e.x)) except Exception: pass ban_text = f""" šŸš· **New Global ban on [{BOT_NAME}](https://t.me/{bn}) **Origin:** {message.chat.title} [`{message.chat.id}`] **Sudo User:** {from_user_mention} **Banned User:** {mention} **Banned User ID:** `{user_id}` **Chats:** `{number_of_chats}`""" try: await m.delete() except Exception: pass await message.reply_text( f"{ban_text}", disable_web_page_preview=True, ) return @Client.on_message(command(["ungban", f"ungban@{bn}"]) & other_filters) @bot_creator async def ungban_global(c: Client, message: Message): chat_id = message.chat.id if not message.reply_to_message: if len(message.command) != 2: await message.reply_text( "**usage:**\n\n/ungban [username | user_id]" ) return user = message.text.split(None, 1)[1] if "@" in user: user = user.replace("@", "") user = await c.get_users(user) from_user = message.from_user BOT_ID = await c.get_me() if user.id == from_user.id: await message.reply_text("You can't ungban yourself because you can't be gbanned !") elif user.id == BOT_ID: await message.reply_text("I can't ungban myself because i can't be gbanned !") elif user.id in SUDO_USERS: await message.reply_text("Sudo users can't be gbanned/ungbanned !") else: is_gbanned = await is_gbanned_user(user.id) if not is_gbanned: await message.reply_text("This user not ungbanned !") else: await c.unban_chat_member(chat_id, user.id) await remove_gban_user(user.id) await message.reply_text("āœ… This user has ungbanned") return from_user_id = message.from_user.id user_id = message.reply_to_message.from_user.id mention = message.reply_to_message.from_user.mention BOT_ID = await c.get_me() if user_id == from_user_id: await message.reply_text("You can't ungban yourself because you can't be gbanned !") elif user_id == BOT_ID: await message.reply_text( "I can't ungban myself because i can't be gbanned !" ) elif user_id in SUDO_USERS: await message.reply_text("Sudo users can't be gbanned/ungbanned !") else: is_gbanned = await is_gbanned_user(user_id) if not is_gbanned: await message.reply_text("This user not gbanned !") else: await c.unban_chat_member(chat_id, user_id) await remove_gban_user(user_id) await message.reply_text("āœ… This user has ungbanned")