import os import re import sys import asyncio import subprocess from asyncio import sleep from git import Repo from pyrogram.types import Message from driver.filters import command from pyrogram import Client, filters from os import system, execle, environ from driver.decorators import bot_creator from git.exc import InvalidGitRepositoryError from config import UPSTREAM_REPO, BOT_USERNAME from driver.database.dbqueue import get_active_chats, remove_active_chat def gen_chlog(repo, diff): upstream_repo_url = Repo().remotes[0].config_reader.get("url").replace(".git", "") ac_br = ch_log = "" tldr_log = "" ch = f"updates for [{ac_br}]:" ch_tl = f"updates for {ac_br}:" d_form = "%d/%m/%y || %H:%M" for c in repo.iter_commits(diff): ch_log += ( f"\n\nšŸ’¬ {c.count()} šŸ—“ [{c.committed_datetime.strftime(d_form)}]\n" f"[{c.summary}] šŸ‘Øā€šŸ’» {}" ) tldr_log += f"\n\nšŸ’¬ {c.count()} šŸ—“ [{c.committed_datetime.strftime(d_form)}]\n[{c.summary}] šŸ‘Øā€šŸ’» {}" if ch_log: return str(ch + ch_log), str(ch_tl + tldr_log) return ch_log, tldr_log def updater(): try: repo = Repo() except InvalidGitRepositoryError: repo = Repo.init() origin = repo.create_remote("upstream", UPSTREAM_REPO) origin.fetch() repo.create_head("main", origin.refs.main) repo.heads.main.set_tracking_branch(origin.refs.main) repo.heads.main.checkout(True) ac_br = if "upstream" in repo.remotes: ups_rem = repo.remote("upstream") else: ups_rem = repo.create_remote("upstream", UPSTREAM_REPO) ups_rem.fetch(ac_br) changelog, tl_chnglog = gen_chlog(repo, f"HEAD..upstream/{ac_br}") return bool(changelog) @Client.on_message(command(["update", f"update@{BOT_USERNAME}"]) & ~filters.edited) @bot_creator async def update_bot(_, message: Message): chat_id = msg = await message.reply("šŸ”„ `processing update...`") update_avail = updater() if update_avail: await msg.edit("āœ… Update finished !\n\nā€¢ Bot restarting, back active again in 1-2 minutes.") os.system("git pull -f && pip3 install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt") execle(sys.executable, sys.executable, "", environ) return await msg.edit(f"bot is **up-to-date** with [main]({UPSTREAM_REPO}/tree/main)", disable_web_page_preview=True) @Client.on_message(command(["restart", f"restart@{BOT_USERNAME}"]) & ~filters.edited) @bot_creator async def restart_bot(_, message: Message): served_chats = [] try: chats = await get_active_chats() for chat in chats: served_chats.append(int(chat["chat_id"])) except Exception as e: pass for x in served_chats: try: await bot.send_message( x, f"šŸ’” Bot server has just restarted !\n\nā€¢ Sorry for the inconveniences due to bot maintenance.", ) await remove_active_chat(x) except Exception: pass msg = await message.reply("`restarting bot...`") args = [sys.executable, ""] await msg.edit("āœ… Bot restarted\n\nā€¢ now bot is working again.") execle(sys.executable, *args, environ) return