""" broadcast & statistic collector """ import asyncio from pyrogram.types import Message from pyrogram import Client, filters, __version__ as pyrover from pytgcalls import (__version__ as pytgver) from program import __version__ as ver from program.start import __python_version__ as pyver from driver.filters import command from driver.decorators import sudo_users_only from driver.database.dbchat import get_served_chats from driver.database.dbusers import get_served_users from driver.database.dbpunish import get_gbans_count from config import BOT_NAME as name, BOT_USERNAME as uname @Client.on_message(command(["broadcast", f"broadcast@{uname}"]) & ~filters.edited) @sudo_users_only async def broadcast(c: Client, message: Message): if not message.reply_to_message: pass else: x = message.reply_to_message.message_id y = message.chat.id sent = 0 chats = [] schats = await get_served_chats() for chat in schats: chats.append(int(chat["chat_id"])) for i in chats: try: m = await c.forward_messages(i, y, x) await asyncio.sleep(0.3) sent += 1 except Exception: pass await message.reply_text(f"āœ… Broadcast complete in {sent} Group.") return if len(message.command) < 2: await message.reply_text( "**usage**:\n\n/broadcast (`message`) or (`reply to message`)" ) return text = message.text.split(None, 1)[1] sent = 0 chats = [] schats = await get_served_chats() for chat in schats: chats.append(int(chat["chat_id"])) for i in chats: try: m = await c.send_message(i, text=text) await asyncio.sleep(0.3) sent += 1 except Exception: pass await message.reply_text(f"āœ… Broadcast complete in {sent} Group.") @Client.on_message(command(["broadcast_pin", f"broadcast_pin@{uname}"]) & ~filters.edited) @sudo_users_only async def broadcast_pin(c: Client, message: Message): if not message.reply_to_message: pass else: x = message.reply_to_message.message_id y = message.chat.id sent = 0 pin = 0 chats = [] schats = await get_served_chats() for chat in schats: chats.append(int(chat["chat_id"])) for i in chats: try: m = await c.forward_messages(i, y, x) try: await m.pin(disable_notification=True) pin += 1 except Exception: pass await asyncio.sleep(0.3) sent += 1 except Exception: pass await message.reply_text( f"āœ… Broadcast complete in {sent} Group.\nšŸ“Œ With the {pin} pins." ) return if len(message.command) < 2: await message.reply_text( "**usage**:\n\n/broadcast (`message`) or (`reply to message`)" ) return text = message.text.split(None, 1)[1] sent = 0 pin = 0 chats = [] schats = await get_served_chats() for chat in schats: chats.append(int(chat["chat_id"])) for i in chats: try: m = await c.send_message(i, text=text) try: await m.pin(disable_notification=True) pin += 1 except Exception: pass await asyncio.sleep(0.3) sent += 1 except Exception: pass await message.reply_text( f"āœ… Broadcast complete in {sent} Group.\nšŸ“Œ With the {pin} pins." ) @Client.on_message(command(["stats", f"stats@{uname}"]) & ~filters.edited) @sudo_users_only async def broadcast(c: Client, message: Message): chat_id = message.chat.id user_id = message.from_user.id msg = await c.send_message( chat_id, "šŸ”„ Calculate..." ) served_chats = len(await get_served_chats()) served_users = len(await get_served_users()) gbans_usertl = await get_gbans_count() tgm = f""" šŸ“Š Current Statistic of [{name}](https://t.me/{uname})`:` āž„ **Groups Chat** : `{served_chats}` āž„ **Users Dialog** : `{served_users}` āž„ **Gbanned Users** : `{gbans_usertl}` āž› **Python Version** : `{pyver}` āž› **PyTgCalls Version** : `{pytgver.__version__}` āž› **Pyrogram Version** : `{pyrover}` šŸ¤– bot version: `{ver}`""" await msg.edit(tgm, disable_web_page_preview=True)