148 lines
4.8 KiB
148 lines
4.8 KiB
import asyncio
from config import BOT_USERNAME, SUDO_USERS
from program.utils.function import get_calls
from driver.core import user, me_bot
from driver.filters import command, other_filters
from driver.database.dbchat import remove_served_chat
from driver.database.dbqueue import remove_active_chat
from driver.decorators import authorized_users_only, bot_creator, check_blacklist
from pyrogram.types import Message
from pyrogram import Client, filters
from pyrogram.raw.types import InputPeerChannel
from pyrogram.raw.functions.phone import CreateGroupCall, DiscardGroupCall
from pyrogram.errors import UserAlreadyParticipant, UserNotParticipant, ChatAdminRequired
command(["userbotjoin", f"userbotjoin@{BOT_USERNAME}"]) & other_filters
async def join_chat(c: Client, m: Message):
chat_id = m.chat.id
invitelink = (await c.get_chat(chat_id)).invite_link
if not invitelink:
await c.export_chat_invite_link(chat_id)
invitelink = (await c.get_chat(chat_id)).invite_link
if invitelink.startswith("https://t.me/+"):
invitelink = invitelink.replace(
"https://t.me/+", "https://t.me/joinchat/"
await user.join_chat(invitelink)
await remove_active_chat(chat_id)
return await user.send_message(chat_id, "✅ userbot joined chat")
except UserAlreadyParticipant:
return await user.send_message(chat_id, "✅ userbot already in chat")
command(["userbotleave", f"userbotleave@{BOT_USERNAME}"]) & other_filters
async def leave_chat(_, m: Message):
chat_id = m.chat.id
await user.leave_chat(chat_id)
await remove_active_chat(chat_id)
return await _.send_message(
"✅ userbot leaved chat",
except UserNotParticipant:
return await _.send_message(
"❌ userbot already leave chat",
@Client.on_message(command(["leaveall", f"leaveall@{BOT_USERNAME}"]) & ~filters.edited)
async def leave_all(client, message):
if message.from_user.id not in SUDO_USERS:
left = 0
failed = 0
msg = await message.reply("🔄 Userbot leaving all Group !")
async for dialog in user.iter_dialogs():
await user.leave_chat(dialog.chat.id)
await remove_active_chat(dialog.chat.id)
left += 1
await msg.edit(
f"Userbot leaving all Group...\n\nLeft: {left} chats.\nFailed: {failed} chats."
except BaseException:
failed += 1
await msg.edit(
f"Userbot leaving...\n\nLeft: {left} chats.\nFailed: {failed} chats."
await asyncio.sleep(0.7)
await msg.delete()
await client.send_message(
message.chat.id, f"✅ Left from: {left} chats.\n❌ Failed in: {failed} chats."
@Client.on_message(command(["startvc", f"startvc@{BOT_USERNAME}"]) & other_filters)
async def start_group_call(c: Client, m: Message):
chat_id = m.chat.id
msg = await c.send_message(chat_id, "`starting...`")
peer = await user.resolve_peer(chat_id)
await user.send(
random_id=user.rnd_id() // 9000000000,
await msg.edit_text("✅ Group call started !")
except ChatAdminRequired:
await msg.edit_text(
"The userbot is not admin in this chat. To start the Group call you must promote the userbot as admin first with permission:\n\n» ❌ manage_video_chats"
@Client.on_message(command(["stopvc", f"stopvc@{BOT_USERNAME}"]) & other_filters)
async def stop_group_call(c: Client, m: Message):
chat_id = m.chat.id
msg = await c.send_message(chat_id, "`stopping...`")
if not (
group_call := (
await get_calls(m, err_msg)
await msg.edit_text("❌ The group call already ended")
await user.send(
await msg.edit_text("✅ Group call has ended !")
async def bot_kicked(c: Client, m: Message):
bot_id = me_bot.id
chat_id = m.chat.id
left_member = m.left_chat_member
if left_member.id == bot_id:
await user.leave_chat(chat_id)
await remove_served_chat(chat_id)
await remove_active_chat(chat_id)