95 lines
3.1 KiB
95 lines
3.1 KiB
"name": "Video x Music Stream Bot",
"description": "Telegram bot for Streaming Video & Music trought the Telegram Group Video Chat, powered by PyTgCalls and Pyrogram",
"logo": "https://telegra.ph/file/1c41ded2dd871eb36bd7e.png",
"keywords": [
"telegram bot",
"video stream",
"live stream",
"music stream",
"website": "https://t.me/levinachannel",
"repository": "https://github.com/levina-lab/video-stream",
"success_url": "https://t.me/dlwrml",
"env": {
"API_ID": {
"description": "your API_ID from my.telegram.org",
"required": true
"description": "your API_HASH from my.telegram.org",
"required": true
"description": "your bot token from @BotFather",
"required": true
"description": "fill with your bot username from @BotFather but without using '@' symbol",
"required": true
"description": "fill with your bot name from @BotFather",
"required": true
"description": "fill with the assistant username account without @",
"required": true
"description": "fill with the pyrogram String Session",
"required": true
"description": "fill with the mongodb url, You must create it first from cloud.mongodb.com (tutorial about how to make it, find it on @VeezSupportGroup)",
"required": true
"description": "fill with the user id you want to be added into sudo member list (separate with spaces), or You can just fill this with your id",
"required": true
"description": "fill with your own telegram id, this is needed because there's any feature that only can be used by bot owner",
"required": true
"description": "if you have group, then fill the group username here without @",
"required": true
"description": "if you have channel, then fill the channel username here without @",
"required": true
"description": "fill with your telegram account username without @",
"required": true
"description": "fill with your telegram account nickname/name",
"required": true
"addons": [],
"buildpacks": [
"url": "heroku/python"
"url": "heroku/nodejs"
"url": "https://github.com/jonathanong/heroku-buildpack-ffmpeg-latest.git"
"formation": {
"worker": {
"quantity": 1,
"size": "free"
"stack": "container"