note: don't run while the assistant is playing in the stream because it will crash the bot
34 lines
1.1 KiB
34 lines
1.1 KiB
import os
from pyrogram import Client, filters
from pyrogram.types import Message
from helpers.filters import command
from helpers.decorators import sudo_users_only, errors
downloads = os.path.realpath("bot/downloads")
raw = os.path.realpath(".")
@Client.on_message(command(["rmd", "cleardl"]) & ~filters.edited)
async def clear_downloads(_, message: Message):
ls_dir = os.listdir(downloads)
if ls_dir:
for file in os.listdir(downloads):
os.remove(os.path.join(downloads, file))
await message.reply_text("✅ **deleted all downloaded files**")
await message.reply_text("❌ **no files downloaded**")
@Client.on_message(command(["clean", "wipe", "rmw"]) & ~filters.edited)
async def clear_raw(_, message: Message):
ls_dir = os.listdir(raw)
if ls_dir:
for file in os.listdir(raw):
if file.endswith('.raw'):
os.remove(os.path.join(raw, file))
await message.reply_text("✅ **deleted all raw files**")
await message.reply_text("❌ **no raw files**")