import time import connector import telegram from telegram.ext import CommandHandler, MessageHandler, Filters from config import TOKEN import schedule bot = telegram.Bot(token=TOKEN) def start(update, context): try: connector.get_connection().keys() print('进入start函数') update.message.reply_text( '在呢!系统运行正常~', ) except Exception as e: print(e) print('进入start函数') update.message.reply_text("系统故障,Redis连接失败,请检查!") update.message.reply_text("错误信息:" + str(e)) def chat_content_exec(update, context): try: r = connector.get_connection() text = update.message.text chat_type = update.effective_chat.type user_id = chat_id = update.effective_message.chat_id # 限制为群组 if chat_type != "supergroup": return # 限制文字长度不能超过80字 if len(text) > 80: return # 取消注释开启独享模式(仅授权群组可用) # if chat_id not in ["1231242141"]: # return try: username = update.effective_user.username except Exception as e: username = user = update.message.from_user firstname = "" lastname = "" try: firstname = str(user["first_name"]) except Exception as e: print(e) print("用户没有设置 firstname") try: lastname = str(user["last_name"]) except Exception as e: print(e) print("用户没有设置 last_name") if firstname == "None" and lastname == "None": name = username elif firstname == "None" and lastname != "None": name = lastname elif firstname != "None" and lastname == "None": name = firstname elif firstname != "None" and lastname != "None": name = firstname + " " + lastname print("\n---------------------------") print("内容: " + text[:10]) print("群组类型: " + str(chat_type)) print("用户ID: " + str(user_id)) print("chat_id: " + str(chat_id)) if "/" in text: print("这是一条指令信息,跳过") return else: if text[-1] not in [",", "。", "!", ":", "?", "!", "?", ",", ":", "."]: r.append("{}_chat_content".format(chat_id), text + "。") else: r.append("{}_chat_content".format(chat_id), text) r.incrby("{}_total_message_amount".format(chat_id)) r.hincrby("{}_user_message_amount".format(chat_id), name) print("---------------------------") except Exception as e: print(e) print("用户数据提取、入库错误") def check_schedule(): while True: schedule.run_pending() time.sleep(1) start_handler = CommandHandler('start', start) chat_content_handler = MessageHandler(Filters.text, chat_content_exec)