This commit is contained in:
xtaodada 2022-09-03 22:50:36 +08:00
parent 1d72f6016c
commit 2c259856fa
Signed by: xtaodada
GPG Key ID: 4CBB3F4FA8C85659
47 changed files with 283743 additions and 2 deletions

.gitignore vendored
View File

@ -158,5 +158,8 @@ cython_debug/
# be found at
# and can be added to the global gitignore or merged into this file. For a more nuclear
# option (not recommended) you can uncomment the following to ignore the entire idea folder.

41 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
from configparser import RawConfigParser
from os import mkdir, sep
from os.path import exists
from pyrogram import Client
from httpx import AsyncClient, get
from sqlitedict import SqliteDict
import uvloop
except ImportError:
# init folders
if not exists("data"):
sqlite = SqliteDict(f"data{sep}data.sqlite", autocommit=True)
# 读取配置文件
config = RawConfigParser()"config.ini")
bot_token: str = ""
api_id: int = 0
api_hash: str = ""
channel_id: int = 0
admin_id: int = 0
bot_token = config.get("basic", "bot_token", fallback=bot_token)
channel_id = config.get("basic", "channel_id", fallback=channel_id)
admin_id = config.get("basic", "admin_id", fallback=admin_id)
api_id = config.get("pyrogram", "api_id", fallback=api_id)
api_hash = config.get("pyrogram", "api_hash", fallback=api_hash)
guess_time = 30 # 猜语音游戏持续时间
""" Init httpx client """
# 使用自定义 UA
headers = {
"user-agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/76.0.3809.132 Safari/537.36"
client = AsyncClient(timeout=10.0, headers=headers)
me = get(f"{bot_token}/getme").json()
# 初始化客户端
app = Client("bot", bot_token=bot_token, api_id=api_id, api_hash=api_hash, plugins={"root": "plugins"})

config.gen.ini Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
api_id = 12345
api_hash = 0123456789abc0123456789abc
bot_token = 111:abc
channel_id = 0
admin_id = 0

defs/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
from ci import sqlite
def get_bind_list() -> dict:
return sqlite.get("bind", {})
def get_bind_uid(uid: int) -> str:
return get_bind_list().get(uid, None)
def set_bind(uid: int, player: str):
data = get_bind_list()
data[uid] = player
sqlite["bind"] = data
def remove_bind(uid: int):
data = get_bind_list()
data.pop(uid, None)
sqlite["bind"] = data
def check_bind(uid: int) -> bool:
return get_bind_uid(uid) is not None

defs/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
import json
import time
from datetime import datetime
from os.path import exists
from typing import List
from pyrogram.types import InlineKeyboardButton, InlineKeyboardMarkup
from ci import channel_id, app, sqlite
from gspanel.__utils__ import LOCAL_DIR
from gspanel.data_source import getRawData, getPanelMsg
def gen_char_dict(name: str, file_id: str) -> dict:
return {"name": name, "file_id": file_id, "time": int(time.time())}
class Player:
name: str = ""
uid: str = ""
all_char: List[dict] = []
time: int = 0
def __init__(self, uid: str):
self.uid = uid
self.time = 0
if not exists(LOCAL_DIR / "cache" / f"{uid}__data.json"):
with open(LOCAL_DIR / "cache" / f"{uid}__data.json", "r", encoding="utf-8") as fp:
data = json.load(fp) = data.get("playerInfo", {}).get("nickname", "")
def update_name(self):
with open(LOCAL_DIR / "cache" / f"{self.uid}__data.json", "r", encoding="utf-8") as fp:
data = json.load(fp) = data.get("playerInfo", {}).get("nickname", "")
async def update_char(self):
all_char = await getRawData(self.uid)
all_char = all_char.get("list", [])
for i in all_char:
for f in self.all_char:
if f["name"] == i:
all_char = await getPanelMsg(self.uid, i)
img = all_char.get("pic", None)
error = all_char.get("error", None)
if img:
msg = await app.send_photo(channel_id, img)
elif error:
return error
except Exception as e:
return f"成功缓存了 UID{self.uid}{''.join(all_char)}{len(all_char)} 位角色数据!"
def export(self):
return {"name":, "uid": self.uid, "time": int(time.time()), "all_char": self.all_char}
def restore(self):
sources = sqlite.get(self.uid, None)
if sources: = sources.get("name", "")
self.time = sources.get("time", 0)
self.all_char = sources.get("all_char", [])
def gen_keyboard(self) -> InlineKeyboardMarkup:
data = []
temp_ = []
num = 0
for i in self.all_char:
name = i.get("name", "")
temp_.append(InlineKeyboardButton(name, callback_data=f"{self.uid}|{name}"))
num += 1
if num == 3:
temp_ = []
num = 0
if temp_:
return InlineKeyboardMarkup(data)
def gen_back(self) -> InlineKeyboardMarkup:
return InlineKeyboardMarkup([[InlineKeyboardButton("返回", callback_data=self.uid)]])
def parse_time(time_stamp: int) -> str:
return datetime.strftime(datetime.fromtimestamp(time_stamp), '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
def gen_all_char(self) -> str:
if not self.all_char:
return ""
text = "缓存角色有:\n"
for i in self.all_char:
text += "🔸 " + i.get("name", "") + f" `{self.parse_time(i.get('time', time.time()))}`\n"
return text

defs/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
from defs.player import Player
from ci import sqlite
import time
async def refresh_player(uid: str) -> str:
data = Player(uid)
if data.time + 60 * 5 > int(time.time()):
return "刷新过快,请稍等一会儿再试"
text = await data.update_char()
if not text:
return "数据刷新失败,请重试"
except FileNotFoundError:
return "数据刷新失败,请重试"
sqlite[uid] = data.export()
return text

gspanel/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
import asyncio
import json
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Optional, Union
from httpx import AsyncClient
from playwright.async_api import Browser, async_playwright
GROW_VALUE = { # 词条成长值
"暴击率": 3.89,
"暴击伤害": 7.77,
"元素精通": 23.31,
"攻击力百分比": 5.83,
"生命值百分比": 5.83,
"防御力百分比": 7.29,
"元素充能效率": 6.48,
"元素伤害加成": 5.825,
"物理伤害加成": 7.288,
"治疗加成": 4.487,
MAIN_AFFIXS = { # 可能的主词条
"3": "攻击力百分比,防御力百分比,生命值百分比,元素精通,元素充能效率".split(","), # EQUIP_SHOES
"4": "攻击力百分比,防御力百分比,生命值百分比,元素精通,元素伤害加成,物理伤害加成".split(","), # EQUIP_RING
"5": "攻击力百分比,防御力百分比,生命值百分比,元素精通,治疗加成,暴击率,暴击伤害".split(","), # EQUIP_DRESS
SUB_AFFIXS = "攻击力,攻击力百分比,防御力,防御力百分比,生命值,生命值百分比,元素精通,元素充能效率,暴击率,暴击伤害".split(",")
ELEM = {
"Fire": "",
"Water": "",
"Wind": "",
"Electric": "",
"Grass": "",
"Ice": "",
"Rock": "",
SKILL = {"1": "a", "2": "e", "9": "q"}
DMG = {
"40": "",
"41": "",
"42": "",
"43": "",
"44": "",
"45": "",
"46": "",
PROP = {
"FIGHT_PROP_HP": "生命值",
_browser: Optional[Browser] = None
EXPIRE_SEC = 60 * 5
LOCAL_DIR = Path("resources")
if not (LOCAL_DIR / "cache").exists():
(LOCAL_DIR / "cache").mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
def kStr(prop: str) -> str:
return (
prop.replace("百分比", "")
.replace("元素充能", "充能")
.replace("元素伤害", "")
.replace("物理伤害", "物伤")
def vStr(prop: str, value: Union[int, float]) -> str:
if prop in {"生命值", "攻击力", "防御力", "元素精通"}:
return str(value)
return f"{str(round(value, 1))}%"
async def initBrowser(**kwargs) -> Optional[Browser]:
global _browser
browser = await async_playwright().start()
_browser = await browser.chromium.launch(**kwargs)
return _browser
except Exception as e:
print(f"启动 Chromium 发生错误 {type(e)}{e}")
return None
async def getBrowser(**kwargs) -> Optional[Browser]:
return _browser or await initBrowser(**kwargs)
async def fetchInitRes() -> None:
插件初始化资源下载通过阿里云 CDN 获取 Enka.Network API 提供的 JSON 文件HTML 模板资源文件角色词条权重配置等
# 仅首次启用插件下载的文件
initRes = [
tasks = []
for r in initRes:
d = r.replace("", "").split("/")[0]
tasks.append(download(r, local=("" if "." in d else d)))
await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
# 总是尝试更新的文件
urls = [
# "", # 仅包含 zh-CN 语言
tmp = {"0": {}, "1": {}, "2": {}}
async with AsyncClient(verify=False) as client:
for idx, url in enumerate(urls):
tmp[str(idx)] = (await client.get(url)).json()
(LOCAL_DIR / url.split("/")[-1]).write_text(
json.dumps(tmp[str(idx)], ensure_ascii=False, indent=2),
# 额外生成一份 {"中文名": "8 位角色 ID", ...} 配置
name2id, unknownCnt = {}, 1
for charId in tmp["1"]: # characters.json
if not tmp["1"][charId].get("NameTextMapHash"):
# 10000005-502 10000005-503 10000005-505
# 10000007-702 10000007-703 10000007-705
nameTextMapHash = tmp["1"][charId]["NameTextMapHash"] # type: int
nameCn = tmp["0"].get(str(nameTextMapHash), f"未知角色{unknownCnt}")
name2id[nameCn] = charId
if nameCn == f"未知角色{unknownCnt}":
unknownCnt += 1
(LOCAL_DIR / "name2id.json").write_text(
json.dumps(name2id, ensure_ascii=False, indent=2), encoding="utf-8"
async def download(url: str, local: Union[Path, str] = "") -> Union[Path, None]:
* ``param url: str`` 指定下载链接
* ``param local: Union[Path, str] = ""`` 指定本地目标路径传入类型为 ``Path`` 时视为保存文件完整路径传入类型为 ``str`` 时视为保存文件子文件夹名默认下载至插件资源根目录
- ``return: Union[Path, None]`` 本地文件地址出错时返回空
if not isinstance(local, Path):
d = (LOCAL_DIR / local) if local else LOCAL_DIR
if not d.exists():
d.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
f = d / url.split("/")[-1]
if not local.parent.exists():
local.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
f = local
# 本地文件存在时便不再下载JSON 文件除外
if f.exists() and ".json" not in
return f
client = AsyncClient()
retryCnt = 3
while retryCnt:
async with
"GET", url, headers={"user-agent": "NoneBot-GsPanel"}
) as res:
with open(f, "wb") as fb:
async for chunk in res.aiter_bytes():
return f
except Exception as e:
print(f"面板资源 {} 下载出错 {type(e)}{e}")
retryCnt -= 1
await asyncio.sleep(2)
return None

gspanel/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,569 @@
import asyncio
import io
import json
# from io import BytesIO
# from PIL import Image
from time import time
from typing import Dict, List, Literal, Tuple
from httpx import AsyncClient, HTTPError
from gspanel.__utils__ import (
async def getRawData(
uid: str,
charId: str = "000",
refresh: bool = False,
source: Literal["enka", "mgg"] = "enka",
) -> Dict:
Enka.Network API 原神游戏内角色展柜原始数据获取
* ``param uid: str`` 指定查询用户 UID
* ``param charId: str = "000"`` 指定查询角色 ID
* ``param refresh: bool = False`` 指定是否强制刷新数据
* ``param name2id: Dict = {}`` 角色 ID 与中文名转换所需资源
* ``param source: Literal["enka", "mgg"] = "enka"`` 指定查询接口
- ``return: Dict`` 查询结果出错时返回 ``{"error": "错误信息"}``
if name2id is None:
name2id = json.loads((LOCAL_DIR / "name2id.json").read_text(encoding="utf-8"))
cache = LOCAL_DIR / "cache" / f"{uid}__data.json"
print(f"checking cache for {uid}'s {charId}")
# 缓存文件存在且未过期、未要求刷新、查询角色存在于缓存中,三个条件均满足时才返回缓存
if cache.exists() and (not refresh):
cacheData = json.loads(cache.read_text(encoding="utf-8"))
avalCharIds = [
str(c["avatarId"]) for c in cacheData["playerInfo"]["showAvatarInfoList"]
# if int(time()) - cacheData["time"] > EXPIRE_SEC:
# pass
if charId in avalCharIds:
return [
c for c in cacheData["avatarInfoList"] if str(c["avatarId"]) == charId
elif charId == "000":
return {
"list": [
for nameCn, cId in name2id.items()
if cId == str(x["avatarId"])
for x in cacheData["playerInfo"]["showAvatarInfoList"]
if x["avatarId"] not in [10000005, 10000007]
# 请求最新数据
root = "" if source == "enka" else ""
async with AsyncClient() as client:
res = await client.get(
"Accept": "application/json",
"Accept-Language": "zh-CN,zh;q=0.9,en;q=0.8,en-US;q=0.7",
"Cache-Control": "no-cache",
"Cookie": "locale=zh-CN",
"Referer": "",
"User-Agent": ( # "Miao-Plugin/3.0",
"Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 12; Nexus 5) "
"AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) "
"Chrome/ Mobile Safari/537.36"
resJson = res.json()
resJson["time"] = int(time())
if not resJson.get("playerInfo"):
raise HTTPError("返回信息不全")
if not resJson["playerInfo"].get("showAvatarInfoList"):
return {"error": f"UID{uid} 的角色展柜内还没有角色哦!"}
if not resJson.get("avatarInfoList"):
return {"error": f"UID{uid} 的角色展柜详细数据已隐藏!"}
(LOCAL_DIR / "cache" / f"{uid}__data.json").write_text(
json.dumps(resJson, ensure_ascii=False, indent=2), encoding="utf-8"
# 返回 Enka.Network API 查询结果
if charId == "000":
return {
"list": [
for nameCn, cId in name2id.items()
if cId == str(x["avatarId"])
for x in resJson["playerInfo"]["showAvatarInfoList"]
if x["avatarId"] not in [10000005, 10000007]
elif [x for x in resJson["avatarInfoList"] if str(x["avatarId"]) == charId]:
return [
x for x in resJson["avatarInfoList"] if str(x["avatarId"]) == charId
return {"error": f"UID{uid} 的最新数据中未发现该角色!"}
except (HTTPError or json.decoder.JSONDecodeError):
return {"error": "暂时无法访问面板数据接口.."}
except Exception as e:
# 出错时返回 {"error": "错误信息"}
print(f"请求 Enka.Network 出错 {type(e)}{e}")
return {"error": f"[{e.__class__.__name__}]面板数据处理出错辣.."}
async def getAffixCfg(char: str, base: Dict) -> Tuple[Dict, Dict, Dict]:
* ``param char: str`` 指定角色名
* ``param base: Dict`` 指定角色的基础数值可由 Enka 返回直接传入格式为 ``{"生命值": 1, "攻击力": 1, "防御力": 1}``
- ``return: Tuple[Dict, Dict, Dict]`` 词条评分权重词条数值原始权重各位置圣遗物最高得分
allCfg = json.loads((LOCAL_DIR / "calc-rule.json").read_text(encoding="utf-8"))
assert isinstance(allCfg, Dict)
affixWeight = allCfg.get(char, {"攻击力百分比": 75, "暴击率": 100, "暴击伤害": 100})
affixWeight = dict(sorted(affixWeight.items(), key=lambda item: (item[1], "暴击" in item[0], "加成" in item[0], "元素" in item[0]), reverse=True))
pointMark = {k: v / GROW_VALUE[k] for k, v in affixWeight.items()}
if pointMark.get("攻击力百分比"):
pointMark["攻击力"] = pointMark["攻击力百分比"] / base.get("攻击力", 1020) * 100
if pointMark.get("防御力百分比"):
pointMark["防御力"] = pointMark["防御力百分比"] / base.get("防御力", 300) * 100
if pointMark.get("生命值百分比"):
pointMark["生命值"] = pointMark["生命值百分比"] / base.get("生命值", 400) * 100
maxMark = {"1": {}, "2": {}, "3": {}, "4": {}, "5": {}}
for posIdx in range(1, 5 + 1):
if posIdx <= 2:
mainAffix = "生命值" if posIdx == 1 else "攻击力"
maxMark[str(posIdx)]["main"] = 0
maxMark[str(posIdx)]["total"] = 0
avalMainAffix = {k: v for k, v in affixWeight.items() if k in MAIN_AFFIXS[str(posIdx)]}
print(f"posIdx:{posIdx} mainAffix:\n{avalMainAffix}")
mainAffix = list(avalMainAffix)[0]
maxMark[str(posIdx)]["main"] = affixWeight[mainAffix]
maxMark[str(posIdx)]["total"] = affixWeight[mainAffix] * 2
maxSubAffixs = {k: v for k, v in affixWeight.items() if k in SUB_AFFIXS and k != mainAffix and affixWeight.get(k)}
print(f"posIdx:{posIdx} subAffix:\n{maxSubAffixs}")
maxMark[str(posIdx)]["total"] += sum(affixWeight[k] * (1 if kIdx else 6) for kIdx, k in enumerate(list(maxSubAffixs)[:4]))
print(f"{char}」角色词条配置:\naffixWeight:\n {affixWeight}\npointMark:\n {pointMark}\nmaxMark:\n {maxMark}")
return affixWeight, pointMark, maxMark
async def getPanelMsg(uid: str, char: str = "all", refresh: bool = False) -> Dict:
* ``param uid: str`` 指定查询用户 UID
* ``param char: str = "all"`` 指定查询角色
* ``param refresh: bool = False`` 指定是否强制刷新数据
- ``return: Dict`` 查询结果出错时返回 ``{"error": "错误信息"}``
# 获取查询角色 ID
name2id = json.loads((LOCAL_DIR / "name2id.json").read_text(encoding="utf-8"))
charId = "000" if char == "all" else name2id.get(char, "阿巴")
if not charId.isdigit():
return {"error": f"{char}」是哪个角色?"}
# 获取面板数据
raw = await getRawData(uid, charId=charId, refresh=refresh, name2id=name2id)
if raw.get("error"):
return raw
if char == "all":
return {
"msg": f"成功获取了 UID{uid}{''.join(raw['list'])}{len(raw['list'])} 位角色数据!"
# 加载模板、翻译等资源
tpl = (LOCAL_DIR / "tpl.html").read_text(encoding="utf-8")
loc = json.loads((LOCAL_DIR / "TextMapCHS.json").read_text(encoding="utf-8"))
characters = json.loads((LOCAL_DIR / "characters.json").read_text(encoding="utf-8"))
propData, equipData = raw["fightPropMap"], raw["equipList"]
# 加载角色数据(抽卡图片、命座、技能图标配置等)
charData = characters[str(raw["avatarId"])]
# 加载角色词条配置
base = {"生命值": propData["1"], "攻击力": propData["4"], "防御力": propData["7"]}
affixWeight, pointMark, maxMark = await getAffixCfg(char, base)
dlTasks = [] # 所有待下载任务
# 准备好了吗,要开始了哦!
# 元素背景
tpl = tpl.replace("{{elem_type}}", f"elem_{ELEM[charData['Element']]}")
# 角色大图
charImgName = (
if raw.get("costumeId")
else charData["SideIconName"].replace(
"UI_AvatarIcon_Side", "UI_Gacha_AvatarImg"
charImg = LOCAL_DIR / char / f"{charImgName}.png"
download(f"{charImgName}.png", local=charImg)
tpl = tpl.replace("{{char_img}}", str(charImg.resolve().as_posix()))
# 角色信息
tpl = tpl.replace(
<div class="char-name">{char}</div>
<div class="char-lv">
<span class="uid">UID {uid}</span>
<span class="fetter">&hearts; {raw["fetterInfo"]["expLevel"]}</span>
# 命座数据
consActivated, consHtml = len(raw.get("talentIdList", [])), []
for cIdx, consImgName in enumerate(charData["Consts"]):
# 图像下载及模板替换
consImg = LOCAL_DIR / char / f"{consImgName}.png"
download(f"{consImgName}.png", local=consImg)
<div class="cons-item">
<div class="talent-icon {"off" if cIdx + 1 > consActivated else ""}">
<div class="talent-icon-img" style="background-image:url({str(consImg.resolve().as_posix())})"></div>
tpl = tpl.replace("<!--cons_data-->", "".join(consHtml))
# 技能数据
extraLevels = {k[-1]: v for k, v in raw.get("proudSkillExtraLevelMap", {}).items()}
for idx, skillId in enumerate(charData["SkillOrder"]):
# 实际技能等级、显示技能等级
level = raw["skillLevelMap"][str(skillId)]
currentLvl = level + extraLevels.get(list(SKILL)[idx], 0)
# 图像下载及模板替换
skillImgName = charData["Skills"][str(skillId)]
skillImg = LOCAL_DIR / char / f"{skillImgName}.png"
download(f"{skillImgName}.png", local=skillImg)
tpl = tpl.replace(
<div class="talent-icon {"talent-plus" if currentLvl > level else ""} {"talent-crown" if level == 10 else ""}">
<div class="talent-icon-img" style="background-image:url({str(skillImg.resolve().as_posix())})"></div>
# 面板数据
# 显示物理伤害加成或元素伤害加成中数值最高者
phyDmg = round(propData["30"] * 100, 1)
elemDmg = sorted(
[{"type": DMG[d], "value": round(propData[d] * 100, 1)} for d in DMG],
key=lambda x: x["value"],
if phyDmg > elemDmg["value"]:
dmgType, dmgValue = "物理伤害加成", phyDmg
elif elemDmg["value"] == 0:
dmgType, dmgValue = f"{ELEM[charData['Element']]}元素伤害加成", 0
dmgType, dmgValue = f"{elemDmg['type']}元素伤害加成", elemDmg["value"]
# 模板替换,奶妈角色额外显示治疗加成,元素伤害异常时评分权重显示提醒
tpl = tpl.replace(
{("<code>" + str(affixWeight["生命值百分比"]) + "</code>") if affixWeight.get("生命值百分比") else ""}
<span><font>{round(propData["1"])}</font>+{round(propData["2000"] - propData["1"])}</span>
{("<code>" + str(affixWeight["攻击力百分比"]) + "</code>") if affixWeight.get("攻击力百分比") else ""}
<span><font>{round(propData["4"])}</font>+{round(propData["2001"] - propData["4"])}</span>
{("<code>" + str(affixWeight["防御力百分比"]) + "</code>") if affixWeight.get("防御力百分比") else ""}
<span><font>{round(propData["7"])}</font>+{round(propData["2002"] - propData["7"])}</span>
{("<code>" + str(affixWeight["暴击率"]) + "</code>") if affixWeight.get("暴击率") else ""}
<strong>{round(propData["20"] * 100, 1)}%</strong>
{("<code>" + str(affixWeight["暴击伤害"]) + "</code>") if affixWeight.get("暴击伤害") else ""}
<strong>{round(propData["22"] * 100, 1)}%</strong>
{("<code>" + str(affixWeight["元素精通"]) + "</code>") if affixWeight.get("元素精通") else ""}
{("<code>" + str(affixWeight["治疗加成"]) + "</code>")}
<strong>{round(propData["26"] * 100, 1)}%</strong>
</li>''' if affixWeight.get("治疗加成") else ""}
{("<code>" + str(affixWeight["元素充能效率"]) + "</code>") if affixWeight.get("元素充能效率") else ""}
<strong>{round(propData["23"] * 100, 1)}%</strong>
"<code" +
' style="background-color: rgba(240, 6, 6, 0.7)"'
if dmgType[0] not in ["", ELEM[charData['Element']]]
else ""
) + ">" + str(affixWeight[dmgType[-6:]]) + "</code>"
if affixWeight.get(dmgType[-6:])
else ""
# 装备数据(圣遗物、武器)
equipsMark, equipsCnt = 0.0, 0
for equip in equipData:
if equip["flat"]["itemType"] == "ITEM_WEAPON":
# 武器精炼等级
affixCnt = list(equip["weapon"].get("affixMap", {".": 0}).values())[0] + 1
# 图像下载及模板替换
weaponImgName = equip["flat"]["icon"]
weaponImg = LOCAL_DIR / "weapon" / f"{weaponImgName}.png"
f"{weaponImgName}.png", local=weaponImg
tpl = tpl.replace(
<img src="{str(weaponImg.resolve())}" />
<div class="head">
<strong>{loc.get(equip["flat"]["nameTextMapHash"], "缺少翻译")}</strong>
<div class="star star-{equip["flat"]["rankLevel"]}"></div>
<span>Lv.{equip["weapon"]["level"]} <span class="affix affix-{affixCnt}">{affixCnt}</span></span>
elif equip["flat"]["itemType"] == "ITEM_RELIQUARY":
mainProp = equip["flat"]["reliquaryMainstat"] # type: Dict
subProps = equip["flat"].get("reliquarySubstats", []) # type: List
posIdx = POS.index(equip["flat"]["equipType"]) + 1
# 主词条得分(与副词条计算规则一致,但只取 25%),角色元素属性与伤害属性不同时不得分,不影响物理伤害得分
calcMain = (
if posIdx < 3
else pointMark.get(
PROP[mainProp["mainPropId"]].replace(ELEM[charData["Element"]], ""),
* mainProp["statValue"]
* 46.6
/ 6
/ 100
/ 4
# 副词条得分
calcSubs = [
# [词条名, 词条数值, 词条得分]
pointMark.get(PROP[s["appendPropId"]], 0)
* s["statValue"]
* 46.6
/ 6
/ 100,
for s in subProps
# 主词条收益系数(百分数),沙杯头位置主词条不正常时对圣遗物总分进行惩罚,最多扣除 50% 总分
calcMainPct = (
if posIdx < 3
else (
- 50
* (
- pointMark.get(
ELEM[charData["Element"]], ""
* mainProp["statValue"]
/ maxMark[str(posIdx)]["main"]
/ 2
/ 4
# 总分对齐系数(百分数),按满分 66 对齐各位置圣遗物的总分
calcTotalPct = 66 / (maxMark[str(posIdx)]["total"] * 46.6 / 6 / 100) * 100
# 最终圣遗物总分
calcTotal = (
(calcMain + sum(s[2] for s in calcSubs))
* calcMainPct
/ 100
* calcTotalPct
/ 100
# 最终圣遗物评级
calcRankStr = (
for r in [
["D", 10],
["C", 16.5],
["B", 23.1],
["A", 29.7],
["S", 36.3],
["SS", 42.9],
["SSS", 49.5],
["ACE", 56.1],
["ACE²", 66],
if calcTotal <= r[1]
if calcTotal <= 66
else "E"
# 累积圣遗物套装评分和计数器
equipsMark += calcTotal
equipsCnt += 1
# 图像下载及模板替换
artiImgName = equip["flat"]["icon"]
artiImg = LOCAL_DIR / "artifacts" / f"{artiImgName}.png"
download(f"{artiImgName}.png", local=artiImg)
tpl = tpl.replace(
<div class="arti-icon">
<img src="{str(artiImg.resolve())}" />
<span>+{equip["reliquary"]["level"] - 1}</span>
<div class="head">
<strong>{loc.get(equip["flat"]["nameTextMapHash"], "缺少翻译")}</strong>
<span class="mark mark-{calcRankStr}"><span>{round(calcTotal, 1)}</span> - {calcRankStr}</span>
<ul class="detail attr">
<li class="arti-main">
<span class="title">{kStr(PROP[mainProp["mainPropId"]])}</span>
<span class="val">+{vStr(PROP[mainProp["mainPropId"]], mainProp["statValue"])}</span>
<span class="{"mark" if calcMain else "val"}"> {round(calcMain, 1) if calcMain else "-"} </span>
'''<li class="{}"><span class="title">{}</span><span class="val">+{}</span>
<span class="mark">{}</span>
"great" if affixWeight.get(f'{s[0]}百分比' if s[0] in ["生命值", "攻击力", "防御力"] else s[0], 0) > 79.9 else ("useful" if s[2] else "nouse"),
kStr(s[0]), vStr(s[0], s[1]), round(s[2], 1)
) for s in calcSubs
<ul class="detail attr mark-calc">
<li class="result">
<span class="title">主词条收益系数</span>
<span class="val">
* {round(calcMainPct, 1)}%
</li>''' if posIdx >= 3 else ""}
<li class="result">
<span class="title">总分对齐系数</span>
<span class="val">* {round(calcTotalPct, 1)}%</span>
# # 评分时间
# tpl = tpl.replace("<!--time-->", f"@ {strftime('%m-%d %H:%M', localtime(raw['time']))}")
# 圣遗物总分
equipsMarkLevel = (
for r in [
["D", 10],
["C", 16.5],
["B", 23.1],
["A", 29.7],
["S", 36.3],
["SS", 42.9],
["SSS", 49.5],
["ACE", 56.1],
["ACE²", 66],
if equipsMark / equipsCnt <= r[1]
if equipsCnt and equipsMark <= 66 * equipsCnt
else "E"
tpl = tpl.replace("{{total_mark_lvl}}", equipsMarkLevel)
tpl = tpl.replace("{{total_mark}}", str(round(equipsMark, 1)))
# 下载所有图片
await asyncio.gather(*dlTasks)
# 渲染截图
tmpFile = LOCAL_DIR / f"{uid}-{char}.html"
tmpFile.write_text(tpl, encoding="utf-8")
browser = await getBrowser()
if not browser:
return {"error": "无法生成图片!"}
page = await browser.new_page()
await page.set_viewport_size({"width": 1000, "height": 1500})
await page.goto("file://" + str(tmpFile.resolve()), timeout=5000)
card = await page.query_selector("body")
assert card is not None
picBytes = await card.screenshot(timeout=5000)
bio = io.BytesIO(picBytes) = "card.png"
print(f"图片大小 {len(picBytes)} 字节")
# _ =
# str(tmpFile.resolve()).replace(".html", ".png")
# )
await page.close()
return {"pic": bio}
except Exception as e:
print(f"生成角色圣遗物评分图片失败 {type(e)}{e}")
return {"error": "生成角色圣遗物评分总图失败!"}

8 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
import logging
from ci import app
# 日志记录
logging.getLogger("pyrogram").setLevel(logging.CRITICAL)"Bot 已启动")

plugins/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
from pyrogram import filters, Client
from pyrogram.types import Message
from ci import app
from defs.refresh import refresh_player
from gspanel.__utils__ import fetchInitRes
@app.on_message(filters.command("refresh_admin") & filters.private)
async def refresh_admin_command(_: Client, message: Message):
if != 347437156:
await fetchInitRes()
if len(message.command) == 1:
return await message.reply("请输入 uid", quote=True)
if not message.command[1].isnumeric():
return await message.reply("请输入正确的 uid", quote=True)
uid = message.command[1]
msg = await message.reply("正在刷新数据,请稍等。。。", quote=True)
text = await refresh_player(uid)
await msg.edit(text)

plugins/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
from pyrogram import filters, Client
from pyrogram.types import Message
from defs.bind import check_bind, set_bind, remove_bind
from ci import app, me
@app.on_message(filters.command(["bind", f"bind@{me['result']['username']}"]) & filters.private)
async def bind_command(_: Client, message: Message):
if len(message.command) == 1:
if check_bind(
return await message.reply("使用 `/info [uid(可选)]` 查询角色缓存状态", quote=True)
return await message.reply("请使用 <code>/bind [uid]</code> 绑定游戏 uid", quote=True)
if not message.command[1].isdigit():
if message.command[1] == "remove":
return await message.reply("已解除绑定", quote=True)
return await message.reply("uid 非数字", quote=True)
uid = message.command[1]
set_bind(, uid)
await message.reply(f"绑定成功,您绑定的游戏 uid 为:{uid}\n\n"
f"请将角色放入展柜,开启显示详细信息后,使用 /refresh 刷新数据。", quote=True)

plugins/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
from os import sep
from pyrogram import Client
from pyrogram.types import CallbackQuery, InputMediaPhoto
from ci import app
from defs.player import Player
async def answer_callback(_: Client, callback_query: CallbackQuery):
data ="|")
uid = data[0]
char ="|")[1] if len(data) > 1 else None
data = Player(uid)
if not data.all_char:
return await callback_query.answer("没有可展示的角色,可能是数据未刷新", show_alert=True)
if not char:
return await callback_query.message.edit_media(
caption=f"请选择 {} 的一个角色:"),
if char_data := next((i for i in data.all_char if i.get("name", "") == char), None):
await callback_query.message.edit_media(
return await callback_query.answer("没有可展示的角色,可能是数据未刷新", show_alert=True)

plugins/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
from pyrogram import filters, Client
from pyrogram.types import Message
from defs.bind import check_bind, get_bind_uid
from defs.player import Player
from ci import app, me
@app.on_message(filters.command(["info", f"info@{me['result']['username']}"]) & filters.private)
async def info_command(_: Client, message: Message):
if not check_bind(
return await message.reply("请使用 <code>/bind [uid]</code> 绑定游戏 uid", quote=True)
uid = get_bind_uid(
if len(message.command) > 1 and message.command[1].isnumeric():
uid = message.command[1]
data = Player(uid)
return await message.reply(f"游戏 uid 为 {uid} 的角色缓存有:\n\n" f"{data.gen_all_char()}", quote=True) if data.all_char else await message.reply("没有可展示的角色,可能是数据未刷新", quote=True)

plugins/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
from pyrogram import Client, emoji
from pyrogram.types import InlineQuery, InlineQueryResultCachedPhoto
from ci import app
from defs.bind import check_bind, get_bind_uid
from defs.player import Player
async def answer_callback(_: Client, query: InlineQuery):
uid = None
if check_bind(
uid = get_bind_uid(
if query.query:
uid = query.query
if not uid:
return await query.answer(
switch_pm_text=f'{emoji.CROSS_MARK} 没有搜索到任何结果',
data = Player(uid)
if not data.all_char:
return await query.answer(
switch_pm_text=f'{emoji.CROSS_MARK} 没有搜索到任何结果',
inline_data = []
for i in data.all_char:
await query.answer(inline_data,
switch_pm_text=f'{emoji.KEY} 搜索到了 {len(data.all_char)} 个角色',

plugins/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
from pyrogram import filters, Client
from pyrogram.types import Message
from defs.bind import check_bind, get_bind_uid
from ci import app, me
from defs.refresh import refresh_player
@app.on_message(filters.command(["refresh", f"refresh@{me['result']['username']}"]) & filters.private)
async def refresh_command(_: Client, message: Message):
if not check_bind(
return await message.reply("请使用 <code>/bind [uid]</code> 绑定游戏 uid", quote=True)
uid = get_bind_uid(
if len(message.command) > 1 and message.command[1].isnumeric():
uid = message.command[1]
msg = await message.reply("正在刷新数据,请稍等。。。", quote=True)
text = await refresh_player(uid)
await msg.edit(text)

plugins/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
from os import sep
from pyrogram import filters, Client
from pyrogram.types import Message
from defs.bind import check_bind, get_bind_uid
from ci import app, me
from defs.player import Player
@app.on_message(filters.command(["search", f"search@{me['result']['username']}"]))
async def search_command(_: Client, message: Message):
if message.sender_chat or not message.from_user:
uid = None
if check_bind(
uid = get_bind_uid(
if len(message.command) > 1 and message.command[1].isnumeric():
uid = message.command[1]
if not uid:
return await message.reply("请使用 /search [uid] 或 /bind [uid] 绑定账号后搜索", quote=True)
data = Player(uid)
if not data.all_char:
return await message.reply("没有可展示的角色,可能是数据未刷新", quote=True)
await message.reply_photo(f"resources{sep}Kitsune.png",
caption=f"请选择 {} 的一个角色:",

plugins/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
from pyrogram import filters, Client
from pyrogram.types import Message
from ci import app, me
des = """
你好{} 我是 [{}]({})
> 请先使用 `/bind [uid]` 绑定游戏 uid 进行更新数据然后使用 `/search [uid可选]` 获取角色卡片
我基于公共 API 提供的数据来合成图片支持以下数据
- 等级天赋武器面板数据圣遗物
角色数据基于 [enka](
图片模板基于 [nonebot-plugin-gspanel](
@app.on_message(filters.command(["start", f"start@{me['result']['username']}"]) & filters.private)
async def start_command(_: Client, message: Message):
await message.reply(des.format(message.from_user.mention(),

requirements.txt Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@

resources/Kitsune.png Normal file

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 971 KiB

resources/TextMapCHS.json Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

resources/cache/190182329__data.json vendored Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

resources/calc-rule.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,439 @@
"神里绫人": {
"生命值百分比": 50,
"攻击力百分比": 75,
"暴击率": 100,
"暴击伤害": 100,
"元素伤害加成": 100,
"元素充能效率": 30
"八重神子": {
"攻击力百分比": 75,
"暴击率": 100,
"暴击伤害": 100,
"元素精通": 75,
"元素伤害加成": 100,
"元素充能效率": 55
"申鹤": {
"攻击力百分比": 100,
"暴击率": 100,
"暴击伤害": 100,
"元素伤害加成": 100,
"元素充能效率": 55
"云堇": {
"防御力百分比": 100,
"暴击率": 50,
"暴击伤害": 50,
"元素伤害加成": 40,
"元素充能效率": 90
"荒泷一斗": {
"攻击力百分比": 50,
"防御力百分比": 100,
"暴击率": 100,
"暴击伤害": 100,
"元素伤害加成": 100,
"元素充能效率": 30
"五郎": {
"攻击力百分比": 50,
"防御力百分比": 100,
"暴击率": 50,
"暴击伤害": 50,
"元素伤害加成": 25,
"元素充能效率": 90
"班尼特": {
"生命值百分比": 100,
"攻击力百分比": 50,
"暴击率": 100,
"暴击伤害": 100,
"元素伤害加成": 80,
"元素充能效率": 55,
"治疗加成": 100
"枫原万叶": {
"攻击力百分比": 75,
"暴击率": 100,
"暴击伤害": 100,
"元素精通": 100,
"元素伤害加成": 100,
"元素充能效率": 55
"雷电将军": {
"攻击力百分比": 75,
"暴击率": 100,
"暴击伤害": 100,
"元素伤害加成": 75,
"元素充能效率": 90
"行秋": {
"攻击力百分比": 75,
"暴击率": 100,
"暴击伤害": 100,
"元素伤害加成": 100,
"元素充能效率": 75
"钟离": {
"生命值百分比": 80,
"攻击力百分比": 75,
"暴击率": 100,
"暴击伤害": 100,
"元素伤害加成": 100,
"物理伤害加成": 50,
"元素充能效率": 55
"钟离-血牛": {
"生命值百分比": 100,
"攻击力百分比": 75,
"暴击率": 100,
"暴击伤害": 100,
"元素伤害加成": 75,
"元素充能效率": 55
"神里绫华": {
"攻击力百分比": 75,
"暴击率": 100,
"暴击伤害": 100,
"元素伤害加成": 100,
"元素充能效率": 30
"香菱": {
"攻击力百分比": 75,
"暴击率": 100,
"暴击伤害": 100,
"元素精通": 75,
"元素伤害加成": 100,
"元素充能效率": 55
"胡桃": {
"生命值百分比": 80,
"攻击力百分比": 50,
"暴击率": 100,
"暴击伤害": 100,
"元素精通": 75,
"元素伤害加成": 100
"甘雨": {
"攻击力百分比": 75,
"暴击率": 100,
"暴击伤害": 100,
"元素精通": 75,
"元素伤害加成": 100
"甘雨-永冻": {
"攻击力百分比": 75,
"暴击率": 100,
"暴击伤害": 100,
"元素伤害加成": 100,
"元素充能效率": 55
"温迪": {
"攻击力百分比": 75,
"暴击率": 100,
"暴击伤害": 100,
"元素精通": 75,
"元素伤害加成": 100,
"元素充能效率": 55
"珊瑚宫心海": {
"生命值百分比": 100,
"攻击力百分比": 50,
"元素伤害加成": 100,
"元素充能效率": 55,
"治疗加成": 100
"莫娜": {
"攻击力百分比": 75,
"暴击率": 100,
"暴击伤害": 100,
"元素精通": 75,
"元素伤害加成": 100,
"元素充能效率": 75
"阿贝多": {
"防御力百分比": 100,
"暴击率": 100,
"暴击伤害": 100,
"元素伤害加成": 100
"迪奥娜": {
"生命值百分比": 100,
"攻击力百分比": 50,
"暴击率": 50,
"暴击伤害": 50,
"元素伤害加成": 100,
"元素充能效率": 90,
"治疗加成": 100
"优菈": {
"攻击力百分比": 75,
"暴击率": 100,
"暴击伤害": 100,
"元素伤害加成": 40,
"物理伤害加成": 100,
"元素充能效率": 55
"达达利亚": {
"攻击力百分比": 75,
"暴击率": 100,
"暴击伤害": 100,
"元素精通": 75,
"元素伤害加成": 100,
"元素充能效率": 30
"魈": {
"攻击力百分比": 75,
"暴击率": 100,
"暴击伤害": 100,
"元素伤害加成": 100,
"元素充能效率": 55
"宵宫": {
"攻击力百分比": 75,
"暴击率": 100,
"暴击伤害": 100,
"元素精通": 75,
"元素伤害加成": 100
"九条裟罗": {
"攻击力百分比": 75,
"暴击率": 100,
"暴击伤害": 100,
"元素伤害加成": 100,
"元素充能效率": 55
"琴": {
"攻击力百分比": 75,
"暴击率": 100,
"暴击伤害": 100,
"元素伤害加成": 100,
"物理伤害加成": 100,
"元素充能效率": 55,
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"暴击率": 100,
"暴击伤害": 100,
"元素精通": 75,
"元素伤害加成": 100,
"元素充能效率": 30
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"暴击率": 100,
"暴击伤害": 100,
"元素伤害加成": 100,
"元素充能效率": 30
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"暴击率": 100,
"暴击伤害": 100,
"元素精通": 75,
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"暴击伤害": 100,
"元素精通": 75,
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"暴击伤害": 100,
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"暴击伤害": 50,
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"元素充能效率": 55,
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"暴击率": 100,
"暴击伤害": 100,
"元素精通": 75,
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"元素充能效率": 55,
"治疗加成": 50
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"暴击率": 100,
"暴击伤害": 100,
"元素伤害加成": 100,
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"暴击率": 100,
"暴击伤害": 100,
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"暴击伤害": 100,
"元素精通": 75,
"元素伤害加成": 100,
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"暴击伤害": 100,
"元素伤害加成": 60,
"物理伤害加成": 70,
"元素充能效率": 55,
"治疗加成": 100
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"暴击率": 100,
"暴击伤害": 100,
"元素伤害加成": 100,
"物理伤害加成": 100,
"元素充能效率": 30
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"攻击力百分比": 75,
"暴击率": 100,
"暴击伤害": 100,
"元素精通": 75,
"元素伤害加成": 100,
"元素充能效率": 30
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"元素精通": 75,
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"物理伤害加成": 100
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"暴击率": 100,
"暴击伤害": 100,
"元素精通": 75,
"元素伤害加成": 100
"埃洛伊": {
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"暴击率": 100,
"暴击伤害": 100,
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"暴击率": 100,
"暴击伤害": 100,
"元素伤害加成": 50,
"物理伤害加成": 100
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"暴击率": 100,
"暴击伤害": 100,
"元素精通": 100,
"元素伤害加成": 50,
"元素充能效率": 55
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"暴击率": 100,
"暴击伤害": 100,
"元素伤害加成": 50,
"物理伤害加成": 100
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"生命值百分比": 80,
"暴击率": 100,
"暴击伤害": 100,
"元素伤害加成": 100,
"元素充能效率": 55
"久岐忍": {
"生命值百分比": 100,
"攻击力百分比": 50,
"暴击率": 100,
"暴击伤害": 100,
"元素精通": 75,
"元素伤害加成": 100,
"元素充能效率": 55,
"治疗加成": 100
"鹿野院平藏": {
"攻击力百分比": 75,
"暴击率": 100,
"暴击伤害": 100,
"元素精通": 75,
"元素伤害加成": 100,
"元素充能效率": 30
"提纳里": {
"攻击力百分比": 75,
"暴击率": 100,
"暴击伤害": 100,
"元素精通": 90,
"元素伤害加成": 100,
"元素充能效率": 30
"柯莱": {
"攻击力百分比": 75,
"暴击率": 100,
"暴击伤害": 100,
"元素精通": 75,
"元素伤害加成": 100,
"元素充能效率": 30

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@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
"神里绫华": "10000002",
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"丽莎": "10000006",
"芭芭拉": "10000014",
"凯亚": "10000015",
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"安柏": "10000021",
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"北斗": "10000024",
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"可莉": "10000029",
"钟离": "10000030",
"菲谢尔": "10000031",
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"辛焱": "10000044",
"罗莎莉亚": "10000045",
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"烟绯": "10000048",
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"早柚": "10000053",
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"五郎": "10000055",
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"荒泷一斗": "10000057",
"八重神子": "10000058",
"鹿野院平藏": "10000059",
"夜兰": "10000060",
"埃洛伊": "10000062",
"申鹤": "10000063",
"云堇": "10000064",
"久岐忍": "10000065",
"神里绫人": "10000066",
"柯莱": "10000067",
"多莉": "10000068",
"提纳里": "10000069"

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.artis .weapon {
background-position: 0 -80px
.artis .weapon {
overflow: hidden;
height: 97px
.artis .weapon img {
width: 100px;
height: 100px;
top: 0;
left: 0;
position: absolute;
z-index: 2
.artis .weapon .head {
position: absolute;
bottom: 0;
right: 0;
left: 0;
text-align: right;
padding: 13px 12px 13px 0;
z-index: 3
.artis .weapon .head strong {
font-size: 18px;
margin-bottom: 3px;
font-weight: 400
.artis .weapon .head>span {
display: block
.artis .weapon span {
font-size: 16px
.artis .weapon .affix {
color: #000;
padding: 0 7px;
border-radius: 4px;
margin-left: 5px;
font-size: 16px
.artis .weapon .affix-1 {
box-shadow: 0 0 4px 0 #a3a3a3 inset;
background: #ebebebaa
.artis .weapon .affix-2 {
box-shadow: 0 0 4px 0 #51b72fbd inset;
background: #ddffdeaa
.artis .weapon .affix-3 {
box-shadow: 0 0 4px 0 #396cdecf inset;
background: #ddebffaa
.artis .weapon .affix-4 {
box-shadow: 0 0 4px 0 #c539debf inset;
background: #ffddf0aa
.artis .weapon .affix-5 {
box-shadow: 0 0 4px 0 #deaf39 inset;
background: #fff6dd
.artis .arti-stat {
height: 85px
.arti-stat {
height: 90px;
margin-top: 10px;
padding: 13px 10px;
display: table
.arti-stat>div {
display: table-cell;
text-align: center;
color: #fff
.arti-stat strong {
display: block;
height: 40px;
font-size: 30px;
line-height: 40px
.arti-stat span {
font-size: 13px;
line-height: 20px;
color: #bbb
.char-优菈 .main-pic {
margin-left: -175px
.char-烟绯 .main-pic {
margin-left: -135px
.char-香菱 .main-pic {
margin-left: -195px
.char-迪奥娜 .main-pic {
margin-left: -180px
.char-可莉 .main-pic {
margin-left: -210px
.char-凝光 .main-pic {
margin-left: -320px
.char-班尼特 .main-pic {
margin-left: -220px
body {
width: 650px
.container>.cont {
margin-left: 15px
.basic .detail .cont {
margin: 10px 0
.basic:after {
display: none
.arti-stat {
width: 100%;
margin-right: 0
.arti-icon {
width: 30px
.artis {
width: 650px;
position: relative;
z-index: 2;
padding: 0 10px
.artis ul.detail li span {
width: initial
.artis ul.detail li span.mark {
text-align: right;
padding-right: 10px
.artis ul.detail li span.mark:after {
content: "分";
font-size: 12px;
display: inline-block;
transform: scale(.8);
margin-right: -1px
.artis .mark-calc {
background: rgba(0, 0, 0, .35);
border-radius: 0 0 5px 5px;
border-top-style: dashed;
border-top-width: 1px
.artis .mark-calc li.result {
background: #2e353e;
height: 30px;
line-height: 30px
.artis .mark-calc li.result .mark {
font-size: 18px
.artis .item {
height: inherit;
width: 200px
.artis div .item.weapon {
padding-top: 100px;
margin-bottom: 15px
.artis div .item.arti-stat {
padding: 24px 10px

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