2023-01-14 21:59:43 +08:00

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import asyncio
import json
from pathlib import Path
from re import IGNORECASE, findall, sub
from typing import List, Set, Tuple, Union
from httpx import AsyncClient, Client
from ci import logger
# from nonebot import get_driver
# from nonebot.drivers import Driver
# from nonebot.log import logger
GROW_VALUE = { # 理论最高档4档词条成长值
"暴击率": 3.89,
"暴击伤害": 7.77,
"元素精通": 23.31,
"攻击力百分比": 5.83,
"生命值百分比": 5.83,
"防御力百分比": 7.29,
"元素充能效率": 6.48,
"元素伤害加成": 5.825,
"物理伤害加成": 7.288,
"治疗加成": 4.487,
SINGLE_VALUE = { # 用于计算词条数
"暴击率": 3.3,
"暴击伤害": 6.6,
"元素精通": 19.75,
"生命值百分比": 4.975,
"攻击力百分比": 4.975,
"防御力百分比": 6.2,
"元素充能效率": 5.5,
MAIN_AFFIXS = { # 可能的主词条
"3": "攻击力百分比,防御力百分比,生命值百分比,元素精通,元素充能效率".split(","), # EQUIP_SHOES
"4": "攻击力百分比,防御力百分比,生命值百分比,元素精通,元素伤害加成,物理伤害加成".split(","), # EQUIP_RING
"5": "攻击力百分比,防御力百分比,生命值百分比,元素精通,治疗加成,暴击率,暴击伤害".split(","), # EQUIP_DRESS
SUB_AFFIXS = "攻击力,攻击力百分比,防御力,防御力百分比,生命值,生命值百分比,元素精通,元素充能效率,暴击率,暴击伤害".split(",")
["D", 10],
["C", 16.5],
["B", 23.1],
["A", 29.7],
["S", 36.3],
["SS", 42.9],
["SSS", 49.5],
["ACE", 56.1],
["ACE²", 66],
ELEM = {
"Fire": "",
"Water": "",
"Wind": "",
"Electric": "",
"Grass": "",
"Ice": "",
"Rock": "",
POS = {
"EQUIP_BRACER": "生之花",
"EQUIP_SHOES": "时之沙",
"EQUIP_RING": "空之杯",
"EQUIP_DRESS": "理之冠",
SKILL = {"1": "a", "2": "e", "9": "q"}
DMG = {
"40": "",
"41": "",
"42": "",
"43": "",
"44": "",
"45": "",
"46": "",
PROP = {
"FIGHT_PROP_HP": "生命值",
# driver: Driver = get_driver()
# GSPANEL_ALIAS: Set[Union[str, Tuple[str, ...]]] = (
# set(driver.config.gspanel_alias)
# if hasattr(driver.config, "gspanel_alias")
# else {"面板"}
# )
Path() / "data"
if not LOCAL_DIR.exists():
LOCAL_DIR.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
if not (LOCAL_DIR / "cache").exists():
(LOCAL_DIR / "cache").mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
if not (LOCAL_DIR / "qq-uid.json").exists():
(LOCAL_DIR / "qq-uid.json").write_text("{}", encoding="UTF-8")
_client = Client(verify=False)
CALC_RULES = _client.get("https://cdn.monsterx.cn/bot/gspanel/calc-rule.json").json()
(LOCAL_DIR / "calc-rule.json").write_text(
json.dumps(CALC_RULES, ensure_ascii=False, indent=2), encoding="utf-8"
CHAR_DATA = _client.get("https://cdn.monsterx.cn/bot/gspanel/char-data.json").json()
(LOCAL_DIR / "char-data.json").write_text(
json.dumps(CHAR_DATA, ensure_ascii=False, indent=2), encoding="utf-8"
CHAR_ALIAS = _client.get("https://cdn.monsterx.cn/bot/gspanel/char-alias.json").json()
(LOCAL_DIR / "char-alias.json").write_text(
json.dumps(CHAR_ALIAS, ensure_ascii=False, indent=2), encoding="utf-8"
TEAM_ALIAS = _client.get("https://cdn.monsterx.cn/bot/gspanel/team-alias.json").json()
(LOCAL_DIR / "team-alias.json").write_text(
json.dumps(TEAM_ALIAS, ensure_ascii=False, indent=2), encoding="utf-8"
HASH_TRANS = _client.get("https://cdn.monsterx.cn/bot/gspanel/hash-trans.json").json()
(LOCAL_DIR / "hash-trans.json").write_text(
json.dumps(HASH_TRANS, ensure_ascii=False, indent=2), encoding="utf-8"
RELIC_APPEND = _client.get("https://cdn.monsterx.cn/bot/gspanel/relic-append.json").json()
(LOCAL_DIR / "relic-append.json").write_text(
json.dumps(RELIC_APPEND, ensure_ascii=False, indent=2), encoding="utf-8"
TPL_VERSION = "0.2.7"
def kStr(prop: str, reverse: bool = False) -> str:
if reverse:
return prop.replace("充能", "元素充能").replace("伤加成", "元素伤害加成").replace("物理元素", "物理")
return (
prop.replace("百分比", "")
.replace("元素充能", "充能")
.replace("元素伤害", "")
.replace("物理伤害", "物伤")
def vStr(prop: str, value: Union[int, float]) -> str:
if prop in ["生命值", "攻击力", "防御力", "元素精通"]:
return str(value)
return str(round(value, 1)) + "%"
def getServer(uid: str) -> str:
"""获取指定 UID 所属服务器,返回如 ``cn_gf01``"""
if uid[0] == "5":
return "cn_qd01"
elif uid[0] == "6":
return "os_usa"
elif uid[0] == "7":
return "os_euro"
elif uid[0] == "8":
return "os_asia"
elif uid[0] == "9":
return "os_cht"
return "cn_gf01"
async def formatInput(msg: str, qq: str, atqq: str = "") -> Tuple[str, str]:
输入消息中的 UID 与角色名格式化,应具备处理 ``msg`` 为空、包含中文或数字的能力。
- 首个中文字符串捕获为角色名,若不包含则返回 ``all`` 请求角色面板列表数据
- 首个数字字符串捕获为 UID若不包含则返回 ``uidHelper()`` 根据绑定配置查找的 UID
* ``param msg: str`` 输入消息,由 ``state["_prefix"]["command_arg"]`` 或 ``event.get_plaintext()`` 生成,可能包含 CQ 码
* ``param qq: str`` 输入消息触发 QQ
* ``param atqq: str = ""`` 输入消息中首个 at 的 QQ
- ``return: Tuple[str, str]`` UID、角色名
uid, char, tmp = "", "", ""
group = findall(
r"[0-9]+|[\u4e00-\u9fa5]+|[a-z]+", sub(r"\[CQ:.*\]", "", msg), flags=IGNORECASE
for s in group:
if s.isdigit():
if len(s) == 9:
if not uid:
uid = s
# 0人1斗97忍
tmp = s
elif s.encode().isalpha():
# dio娜abd
tmp = s.lower()
elif not s.isdigit() and not char:
char = tmp + s
uid = uid or await uidHelper(atqq or qq)
char = await aliasWho(char or tmp or "全部")
return uid, char
async def formatTeam(msg: str, qq: str, atqq: str = "") -> Tuple[str, List]:
输入消息中的 UID 与队伍角色名格式化
* ``param msg: str`` 输入消息,由 ``MessageSegment.data["text"]`` 拼接组成
* ``param qq: str`` 输入消息触发 QQ
* ``param atqq: str = ""`` 输入消息中首个 at 的 QQ
- ``return: Tuple[str, List]`` UID、队伍角色名
uid, chars = "", []
for seg in msg.split():
_uid, char = await formatInput(seg, qq, atqq)
uid = uid or _uid
if char != "全部" and char not in chars:
logger.info(f"从 QQ{qq} 的输入「{seg}」中识别到 UID[{uid}] CHAR[{char}]")
if not msg:
uid, _ = await formatInput("", qq, atqq)
if len(chars) == 1:
searchTeam = await aliasTeam(chars[0])
chars = searchTeam if isinstance(searchTeam, List) else chars
return uid, chars
async def fetchInitRes() -> None:
插件初始化资源下载,通过阿里云 CDN 获取 HTML 模板资源文件、角色词条权重配置、角色数据、TextMap 中文翻译数据等
# 仅首次启用插件下载的文件
initRes = [
tasks = []
for r in initRes:
d = r.replace("https://cdn.monsterx.cn/bot/gspanel/", "").split("/")[0]
tasks.append(download(r, local=("" if "." in d else d)))
await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
async def download(
url: str, local: Union[Path, str] = "", retry: int = 3
) -> Union[Path, None]:
* ``param url: str`` 下载链接
* ``param local: Union[Path, str] = ""`` 下载路径,传入类型为 ``Path`` 时视为保存文件完整路径,传入类型为 ``str`` 时视为保存文件子文件夹名(默认下载至插件资源根目录)
* ``param retry: int = 3`` 下载失败重试次数
- ``return: Union[Path, None]`` 本地文件路径,出错时返回空
if not url.startswith("http"):
url = DOWNLOAD_MIRROR + url + ".png"
if not isinstance(local, Path):
d = (LOCAL_DIR / local) if local else LOCAL_DIR
if not d.exists():
d.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
f = d / url.split("/")[-1]
if not local.parent.exists():
local.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
f = local
# 本地文件存在时便不再下载JSON 文件除外
if f.exists() and ".json" not in f.name:
return f
client, retry = AsyncClient(), 3
while retry:
async with client.stream(
"GET", url, headers={"user-agent": "NoneBot-GsPanel"}
) as res:
with open(f, "wb") as fb:
async for chunk in res.aiter_bytes():
return f
except Exception as e:
retry -= 1
if retry:
await asyncio.sleep(2)
logger.opt(exception=e).error(f"面板资源 {f.name} 下载出错")
return None
async def uidHelper(qq: Union[str, int], uid: str = "") -> str:
UID 助手,根据 QQ 获取对应原神 UID也可传入 UID 更新指定 QQ 的绑定情况
* ``param qq: Union[str, int]`` 操作 QQ
* ``param uid: str = ""`` 操作 UID默认不传入以查找该值传入则视为绑定/更新
- ``return: str``指定 QQ 绑定的原神 UID绑定/更新时返回操作结果
qq = str(qq)
cfgFile = LOCAL_DIR / "qq-uid.json"
uidCfg = json.loads(cfgFile.read_text(encoding="utf-8"))
if uid:
uidCfg[qq] = uid
json.dumps(uidCfg, ensure_ascii=False, indent=2), encoding="utf-8"
return "{} QQ{} 的 UID 为 {}".format("更新" if qq in uidCfg else "绑定", qq, uid)
return uidCfg.get(qq, "")
async def aliasWho(input: str) -> str:
for char in CHAR_ALIAS:
if (input in char) or (input in CHAR_ALIAS[char]):
return char
return input
async def aliasTeam(input: str) -> Union[str, List]:
for team in TEAM_ALIAS:
if (input == team) or (input in TEAM_ALIAS[team].get("alias", [])):
return TEAM_ALIAS[team]["chars"] # type: List
return input