676 lines
29 KiB
676 lines
29 KiB
import json
from time import time
from typing import Dict, List, Tuple
# from nonebot.log import logger
from ci import logger
from gspanel.__utils__ import (
async def getRelicConfig(char: str, base: Dict = {}) -> Tuple[Dict, Dict, Dict]:
* ``param char: str`` 角色名
* ``param base: Dict = {}`` 角色的基础数值,可由 Enka 返回获得,格式为 ``{"生命值": 1, "攻击力": 1, "防御力": 1}``
- ``return: Tuple[Dict, Dict, Dict]`` 词条评分权重、词条数值原始权重、各位置圣遗物最高得分
affixWeight = CALC_RULES.get(char, {"攻击力百分比": 75, "暴击率": 100, "暴击伤害": 100})
# 词条评分权重的 key 排序影响最优主词条选择
# 通过特定排序使同等权重时生命攻击防御固定值词条优先级最低
# key 的原始排序为 生命值攻击力防御力百分比、暴击率、暴击伤害、元素精通、元素伤害加成、物理伤害加成、元素充能效率
# 注:已经忘了最初为什么这样写了,但总之就是顺序有影响+现在这样写能用
affixWeight = dict(
key=lambda item: (
"暴击" in item[0],
"加成" in item[0],
"元素" in item[0],
# 计算词条数值原始权重
# 是一种与词条数值的乘积在百位数级别的东西,后续据此计算最终得分
# 非百分比的生命攻击防御词条也按百分比词条的 affixWeight 权重计算
pointMark = {k: v / GROW_VALUE[k] for k, v in affixWeight.items()}
if pointMark.get("攻击力百分比"):
pointMark["攻击力"] = pointMark["攻击力百分比"] / base.get("攻击力", 1020) * 100
if pointMark.get("防御力百分比"):
pointMark["防御力"] = pointMark["防御力百分比"] / base.get("防御力", 300) * 100
if pointMark.get("生命值百分比"):
pointMark["生命值"] = pointMark["生命值百分比"] / base.get("生命值", 400) * 100
# 各位置圣遗物的总分理论最高分、主词条理论最高得分
maxMark = {"1": {}, "2": {}, "3": {}, "4": {}, "5": {}}
for posIdx in range(1, 6):
# 主词条最高得分
if posIdx <= 2:
# 花和羽不计算主词条得分
mainAffix = "生命值" if posIdx == 1 else "攻击力"
maxMark[str(posIdx)]["main"] = 0
maxMark[str(posIdx)]["total"] = 0
# 沙杯头计算该位置评分权重最高的词条得分
avalMainAffix = {
k: v for k, v in affixWeight.items() if k in MAIN_AFFIXS[str(posIdx)]
# logger.debug(
# "{} 的主词条推荐顺序为:\n{}".format(
# list(POS.values())[posIdx - 1],
# " / ".join(f"{k}[{v}]" for k, v in avalMainAffix.items()),
# )
# )
mainAffix = list(avalMainAffix)[0]
maxMark[str(posIdx)]["main"] = affixWeight[mainAffix]
maxMark[str(posIdx)]["total"] = affixWeight[mainAffix] * 2
# 副词条最高得分
maxSubAffixs = {
k: v
for k, v in affixWeight.items()
if k in SUB_AFFIXS and k != mainAffix and affixWeight.get(k)
# logger.debug(
# "{} 的副词条推荐顺序为:\n{}".format(
# list(POS.values())[posIdx - 1],
# " / ".join(f"{k}[{v}]" for k, v in maxSubAffixs.items()),
# )
# )
# 副词条中评分权重最高的词条得分大幅提升
maxMark[str(posIdx)]["total"] += sum(
affixWeight[k] * (1 if kIdx else 6)
for kIdx, k in enumerate(list(maxSubAffixs)[0:4])
"\n\t词条评分权重 affixWeight\n\t{}"
"\n\t词条数值原始权重 pointMark\n\t{}"
"\n\t各位置圣遗物最高得分 maxMark\n\t{}"
" / ".join(f"{k}[{v}]" for k, v in affixWeight.items()),
" / ".join(f"{k}[{v}]" for k, v in pointMark.items()),
" / ".join(
for k, v in maxMark.items()
return affixWeight, pointMark, maxMark
def getRelicRank(score: float) -> str:
# 在角色等级较低(基础数值较低)时评级可能显示为 "ERR"
# 注:角色等级较低时不为 "ERR" 的评分也有可能出错
return [r[0] for r in RANK_MAP if score <= r[1]][0] if score <= 66 else "ERR"
async def calcRelicMark(
relicData: Dict, charElement: str, affixWeight: Dict, pointMark: Dict, maxMark: Dict
) -> Dict:
* ``param relicData: Dict`` 圣遗物数据
* ``param charElement: str`` 角色的中文元素属性
* ``param affixWeight: Dict`` 角色的词条评分权重,由 ``getRelicConfig()`` 获取
* ``param pointMark: Dict`` 角色的词条数值原始权重,由 ``getRelicConfig()`` 获取
* ``param maxMark: Dict`` 角色的各位置圣遗物最高得分,由 ``getRelicConfig()`` 获取
- ``return: Dict`` 圣遗物评分结果
posIdx, relicLevel = str(relicData["pos"]), relicData["level"]
mainProp, subProps = relicData["main"], relicData["sub"]
# 主词条得分、主词条收益系数(百分数)
if posIdx in ["1", "2"]:
calcMain, calcMainPct = 0.0, 100
# 角色元素属性与伤害属性不同时权重为 0,不影响物理伤害得分
_mainPointMark: float = pointMark.get(
mainProp["prop"].replace(charElement, ""), 0
_point: float = _mainPointMark * mainProp["value"]
# 主词条与副词条的得分计算规则一致,但只取 25%
calcMain = _point * 46.6 / 6 / 100 / 4
# 主词条收益系数用于沙杯头位置主词条不正常时的圣遗物总分惩罚,最多扣除 50% 总分
_punishPct: float = _point / maxMark[posIdx]["main"] / 2 / 4
calcMainPct = 100 - 50 * (1 - _punishPct)
# 副词条得分
calcSubs = []
for s in subProps:
_subPointMark: float = pointMark.get(s["prop"], 0)
calcSub: float = _subPointMark * s["value"] * 46.6 / 6 / 100
# 副词条 CSS 样式
_awKey = f"{s['prop']}百分比" if s["prop"] in ["生命值", "攻击力", "防御力"] else s["prop"]
_subAffixWeight: int = affixWeight.get(_awKey, 0)
subStyleClass = (
("great" if _subAffixWeight > 79 else "use") if calcSub else "unuse"
# [词条名, 词条数值, 词条得分]
calcSubs.append([subStyleClass, calcSub])
# 总分对齐系数(百分数),按满分 66 对齐各位置圣遗物的总分
calcTotalPct: float = 66 / (maxMark[posIdx]["total"] * 46.6 / 6 / 100) * 100
# 最终圣遗物总分
_total = calcMain + sum(s[1] for s in calcSubs)
calcTotal = _total * calcMainPct * calcTotalPct / 10000
# 强化歪次数
realAppendPropIdList: List[int] = (
relicData["_appendPropIdList"][-(relicLevel // 4) :] if (relicLevel // 4) else []
# logger.debug(
# "{} 强化记录:\n{}".format(
# list(POS.values())[int(posIdx) - 1],
# " / ".join(
# PROP.get(RELIC_APPEND[str(x)], RELIC_APPEND[str(x)])
# for x in realAppendPropIdList
# ),
# )
# )
notHit = len(
for x in realAppendPropIdList
if not pointMark.get(PROP.get(RELIC_APPEND[str(x)], RELIC_APPEND[str(x)]))
return {
"rank": getRelicRank(calcTotal),
"total": calcTotal,
"nohit": notHit,
"main": round(calcMain, 1),
"sub": [{"style": subRes[0], "goal": round(subRes[1], 1)} for subRes in calcSubs],
"main_pct": round(calcMainPct, 1),
"total_pct": round(calcTotalPct, 1),
async def transFromEnka(avatarInfo: Dict, ts: int = 0) -> Dict:
转换 Enka.Network 角色查询数据为内部格式
* ``param avatarInfo: Dict`` Enka.Network 角色查询数据,取自 ``data["avatarInfoList"]`` 列表
* ``param ts: int = 0`` 数据时间戳
- ``return: Dict`` 内部格式角色数据,用于本地缓存等
charData = CHAR_DATA[str(avatarInfo["avatarId"])]
res = {
"id": avatarInfo["avatarId"], # type: int
"rarity": 5 if "QUALITY_ORANGE" in charData["QualityType"] else 4,
"name": charData["NameCN"],
"slogan": charData["Slogan"],
"element": ELEM[charData["Element"]], # 中文单字
"cons": len(avatarInfo.get("talentIdList", [])), # type: int
"fetter": avatarInfo["fetterInfo"]["expLevel"], # type: int
"level": int(avatarInfo["propMap"]["4001"]["val"]), # type: int
"icon": charData["iconName"],
"gachaAvatarImg": charData["Costumes"][str(avatarInfo["costumeId"])]["art"]
if avatarInfo.get("costumeId")
else charData["iconName"].replace("UI_AvatarIcon_", "UI_Gacha_AvatarImg_"),
"baseProp": { # type: float
"生命值": avatarInfo["fightPropMap"]["1"],
"攻击力": avatarInfo["fightPropMap"]["4"],
"防御力": avatarInfo["fightPropMap"]["7"],
"fightProp": { # type: float
"生命值": avatarInfo["fightPropMap"]["2000"],
# "攻击力": avatarInfo["fightPropMap"]["2001"],
"攻击力": avatarInfo["fightPropMap"]["4"]
* (1 + avatarInfo["fightPropMap"].get("6", 0))
+ avatarInfo["fightPropMap"].get("5", 0),
"防御力": avatarInfo["fightPropMap"]["2002"],
"暴击率": avatarInfo["fightPropMap"]["20"] * 100,
"暴击伤害": avatarInfo["fightPropMap"]["22"] * 100,
"治疗加成": avatarInfo["fightPropMap"]["26"] * 100,
"元素精通": avatarInfo["fightPropMap"]["28"],
"元素充能效率": avatarInfo["fightPropMap"]["23"] * 100,
"物理伤害加成": avatarInfo["fightPropMap"]["30"] * 100,
"火元素伤害加成": avatarInfo["fightPropMap"]["40"] * 100,
"水元素伤害加成": avatarInfo["fightPropMap"]["42"] * 100,
"风元素伤害加成": avatarInfo["fightPropMap"]["44"] * 100,
"雷元素伤害加成": avatarInfo["fightPropMap"]["41"] * 100,
"草元素伤害加成": avatarInfo["fightPropMap"]["43"] * 100,
"冰元素伤害加成": avatarInfo["fightPropMap"]["46"] * 100,
"岩元素伤害加成": avatarInfo["fightPropMap"]["45"] * 100,
"skills": {},
"consts": [],
"weapon": {},
"relics": [],
"relicSet": {},
"relicCalc": {},
"damage": {}, # 预留
"time": ts or int(time()),
# 技能数据
skills = {"a": {}, "e": {}, "q": {}}
extraLevels = {
k[-1]: v for k, v in avatarInfo.get("proudSkillExtraLevelMap", {}).items()
for idx, skillId in enumerate(charData["SkillOrder"]):
# 实际技能等级、显示技能等级
level = avatarInfo["skillLevelMap"][str(skillId)]
currentLvl = level + extraLevels.get(list(SKILL)[idx], 0)
skills[list(SKILL.values())[idx]] = {
"style": "extra" if currentLvl > level else "",
"icon": charData["Skills"][str(skillId)],
"level": currentLvl,
"originLvl": level,
res["skills"] = skills
# 命座数据
consts = []
for cIdx, consImgName in enumerate(charData["Consts"]):
"style": "off" if cIdx + 1 > res["cons"] else "",
"icon": consImgName,
res["consts"] = consts
# 装备数据
affixWeight, pointMark, maxMark = await getRelicConfig(
charData["NameCN"], res["baseProp"]
relicsMark, relicsCnt, relicSet = 0.0, 0, {}
for equip in avatarInfo["equipList"]:
if equip["flat"]["itemType"] == "ITEM_WEAPON":
weaponSub: str = equip["flat"]["weaponStats"][-1]["appendPropId"]
weaponSubValue = equip["flat"]["weaponStats"][-1]["statValue"]
res["weapon"] = {
"id": equip["itemId"],
"rarity": equip["flat"]["rankLevel"], # type: int
"name": HASH_TRANS.get(equip["flat"]["nameTextMapHash"], "缺少翻译"),
"affix": list(equip["weapon"].get("affixMap", {"_": 0}).values())[0] + 1,
"level": equip["weapon"]["level"], # type: int
"icon": equip["flat"]["icon"],
"main": equip["flat"]["weaponStats"][0]["statValue"], # type: int
"sub": {
"prop": PROP[weaponSub].replace("百分比", ""),
"value": f"{weaponSubValue}{'' if weaponSub.endswith('ELEMENT_MASTERY') else '%'}",
if weaponSub != "FIGHT_PROP_BASE_ATTACK"
else {},
elif equip["flat"]["itemType"] == "ITEM_RELIQUARY":
mainProp: Dict = equip["flat"]["reliquaryMainstat"]
subProps: List = equip["flat"].get("reliquarySubstats", [])
posIdx = list(POS.keys()).index(equip["flat"]["equipType"]) + 1
relicData = {
"pos": posIdx,
"rarity": equip["flat"]["rankLevel"],
"name": HASH_TRANS.get(equip["flat"]["nameTextMapHash"], "缺少翻译"),
"setName": HASH_TRANS.get(equip["flat"]["setNameTextMapHash"], "缺少翻译"),
"level": equip["reliquary"]["level"] - 1,
"main": {
"prop": PROP[mainProp["mainPropId"]],
"value": mainProp["statValue"],
"sub": [
{"prop": PROP[s["appendPropId"]], "value": s["statValue"]}
for s in subProps
"calc": {},
"icon": equip["flat"]["icon"],
"_appendPropIdList": equip["reliquary"].get("appendPropIdList", []),
relicData["calc"] = await calcRelicMark(
relicData, res["element"], affixWeight, pointMark, maxMark
# 分数计算完毕后再将词条名称、数值转为适合 HTML 渲染的格式
relicData["main"]["value"] = vStr(
relicData["main"]["prop"], relicData["main"]["value"]
relicData["main"]["prop"] = kStr(relicData["main"]["prop"])
relicData["sub"] = [
{"prop": kStr(s["prop"]), "value": vStr(s["prop"], s["value"])}
for s in relicData["sub"]
# 额外数据处理
relicData["calc"]["total"] = round(relicData["calc"]["total"], 1)
relicSet[relicData["setName"]] = relicSet.get(relicData["setName"], 0) + 1
# 累积圣遗物套装评分和计数器
relicsMark += relicData["calc"]["total"]
relicsCnt += 1
# 圣遗物套装
res["relicSet"] = relicSet
res["relicCalc"] = {
"rank": getRelicRank(relicsMark / relicsCnt) if relicsCnt else "NaN",
"total": round(relicsMark, 1),
return res
async def transToTeyvat(avatarsData: List[Dict], uid: str) -> Dict:
转换内部格式角色数据为 Teyvat Helper 请求格式
* ``param avatarsData: List[Dict]`` 内部格式角色数据,由 ``transFromEnka()`` 获取
* ``param uid: str`` 角色所属用户 UID
- ``return: Dict`` Teyvat Helper 请求格式角色数据
res = {"uid": uid, "role_data": []}
if uid[0] not in ["1", "2"]:
res["server"] = getServer(uid)
for avatarData in avatarsData:
name = avatarData["name"]
cons = avatarData["cons"]
weapon = avatarData["weapon"]
baseProp = avatarData["baseProp"]
fightProp = avatarData["fightProp"]
skills = avatarData["skills"]
relics = avatarData["relics"]
relicSet = avatarData["relicSet"]
# dataFix from https://github.com/yoimiya-kokomi/miao-plugin/blob/ac27075276154ef5a87a458697f6e5492bd323bd/components/profile-data/enka-data.js#L186
if name == "雷电将军":
_thunderDmg = fightProp["雷元素伤害加成"]
_recharge = fightProp["元素充能效率"]
fightProp["雷元素伤害加成"] = max(0, _thunderDmg - (_recharge - 100) * 0.4)
if name == "莫娜":
_waterDmg = fightProp["水元素伤害加成"]
_recharge = fightProp["元素充能效率"]
fightProp["水元素伤害加成"] = max(0, _waterDmg - _recharge * 0.2)
if name == "妮露" and cons == 6:
_count = float(fightProp["生命值"] / 1000)
_crit = fightProp["暴击率"]
_critDmg = fightProp["暴击伤害"]
fightProp["暴击率"] = max(5, _crit - min(30, _count * 0.6))
fightProp["暴击伤害"] = max(50, _critDmg - min(60, _count * 1.2))
if weapon["name"] in ["息灾", "波乱月白经津", "雾切之回光", "猎人之径"]:
for elem in ["火", "水", "雷", "风", "冰", "岩", "草"]:
_origin = fightProp[f"{elem}元素伤害加成"]
fightProp[f"{elem}元素伤害加成"] = max(
0, _origin - 12 - 12 * (weapon["affix"] - 1) / 4
# 圣遗物数据
artifacts = []
for a in relics:
tData = {
"artifacts_name": a["name"],
"artifacts_type": list(POS.values())[a["pos"] - 1],
"level": a["level"],
"maintips": kStr(a["main"]["prop"], reverse=True),
"mainvalue": a["main"]["value"],
f"tips{sIdx + 1}": "{}+{}".format(
kStr(s["prop"], reverse=True), s["value"]
for sIdx, s in enumerate(a["sub"])
# 单个角色最终结果
"uid": uid,
"role": name,
"role_class": cons,
"level": int(avatarData["level"]),
"weapon": weapon["name"],
"weapon_level": weapon["level"],
"weapon_class": f"精炼{weapon['affix']}阶",
"hp": int(fightProp["生命值"]),
"base_hp": int(baseProp["生命值"]),
"attack": int(fightProp["攻击力"]),
"base_attack": int(baseProp["攻击力"]),
"defend": int(fightProp["防御力"]),
"base_defend": int(baseProp["防御力"]),
"element": round(fightProp["元素精通"]),
"crit": f"{round(fightProp['暴击率'], 1)}%",
"crit_dmg": f"{round(fightProp['暴击伤害'], 1)}%",
"heal": f"{round(fightProp['治疗加成'], 1)}%",
"recharge": f"{round(fightProp['元素充能效率'], 1)}%",
"fire_dmg": f"{round(fightProp['火元素伤害加成'], 1)}%",
"water_dmg": f"{round(fightProp['水元素伤害加成'], 1)}%",
"thunder_dmg": f"{round(fightProp['雷元素伤害加成'], 1)}%",
"wind_dmg": f"{round(fightProp['风元素伤害加成'], 1)}%",
"ice_dmg": f"{round(fightProp['冰元素伤害加成'], 1)}%",
"rock_dmg": f"{round(fightProp['岩元素伤害加成'], 1)}%",
"grass_dmg": f"{round(fightProp['草元素伤害加成'], 1)}%",
"physical_dmg": f"{round(fightProp['物理伤害加成'], 1)}%",
"artifacts": "+".join(
f"{k}{4 if v >= 4 else (2 if v >= 2 else 1)}"
for k, v in relicSet.items()
if (v >= 2) or ("之人" in k)
"ability1": skills["a"]["level"],
"ability2": skills["e"]["level"],
"ability3": skills["q"]["level"],
"artifacts_detail": artifacts,
return res
async def simplDamageRes(damage: Dict) -> Dict:
* ``param damage: Dict`` 角色伤害计算请求数据,由 ``queryDamageApi()["result"][int]`` 获取
- ``return: Dict`` 精简格式伤害数据,出错时返回 ``{}``
res = {"level": damage["zdl_result"] or "NaN", "data": [], "buff": []}
for key in ["damage_result_arr", "damage_result_arr2"]:
for dmgDetail in damage[key]:
dmgTitle = "{}{}".format(
f"[{damage['zdl_result2']}]<br>" if key == "damage_result_arr2" else "",
if "期望" in str(dmgDetail["value"]) or not dmgDetail.get("expect"):
dmgCrit, dmgExp = "-", str(dmgDetail["value"]).replace("期望", "")
dmgCrit = str(dmgDetail["value"])
dmgExp = str(dmgDetail["expect"]).replace("期望", "")
res["data"].append([dmgTitle, dmgCrit, dmgExp])
for buff in damage["bonus"]:
# damage["bonus"]: {"0": {}, "2": {}, ...}
# damage["bonus"]: [{}, {}, ...]
intro = damage["bonus"][buff]["intro"] if isinstance(buff, str) else buff["intro"]
buffTitle, buffDetail = intro.split(":")
if buffTitle not in ["注", "备注"]:
res["buff"].append([buffTitle, buffDetail])
return res
async def simplFightProp(
fightProp: Dict, baseProp: Dict, char: str, element: str
) -> Dict[str, Dict]:
转换角色面板数据为 HTML 模板需求格式
* ``param fightProp: Dict`` 角色面板数据,由 ``transFromEnka()["fightProp"]`` 获取
* ``param baseProp: Dict`` 角色基础数据,由 ``transFromEnka()["baseProp"]`` 获取
* ``param element: str`` 角色元素属性
- ``return: Dict[str, Dict]`` HTML 模板需求格式面板数据
affixWeight = CALC_RULES.get(char, {"攻击力百分比": 75, "暴击率": 100, "暴击伤害": 100})
# 排列伤害加成
prefer = (
element if affixWeight.get("元素伤害加成", 0) > affixWeight.get("物理伤害加成", 0) else "物"
damages = sorted(
[{"k": k, "v": v} for k, v in fightProp.items() if str(k).endswith("伤害加成")],
key=lambda x: (x["v"], x["k"][0] == prefer),
for unuseDmg in damages[1:]:
# 生成模板渲染所需数据
res = {}
for propTitle, propValue in fightProp.items():
# 跳过无效治疗加成
if propTitle == "治疗加成" and not propValue and not affixWeight.get(propTitle):
# 整理渲染数据
res[propTitle] = {
"value": f"{round(propValue, 1)}%"
if propTitle not in ["生命值", "攻击力", "防御力", "元素精通"]
else round(propValue),
"weight": max(affixWeight.get("元素伤害加成", 0), affixWeight.get("物理伤害加成", 0))
if propTitle.endswith("伤害加成")
else affixWeight.get(propTitle) or affixWeight.get(f"{propTitle}百分比", 0),
# 补充基础数值
if propTitle in ["生命值", "攻击力", "防御力"]:
res[propTitle]["detail"] = [
round(res[propTitle]["value"] - baseProp[propTitle]),
# 标记异常伤害加成
if propTitle.endswith("伤害加成"):
if (
propTitle[0] not in ["物", element]
or affixWeight.get(propTitle[-6:], 0) != res[propTitle]["weight"]
res[propTitle]["error"] = True
return res
async def simplTeamDamageRes(raw: Dict, rolesData: Dict) -> Dict:
* ``param raw: Dict`` 队伍伤害计算请求数据,由 ``queryDamageApi(*, "team")["result"]`` 获取
* ``param rolesData: Dict`` 角色数据,键为角色中文名,值为内部格式
- ``return: Dict`` 精简格式伤害数据。出错时返回 ``{"error": "错误信息"}``
s = (
.replace("你的队伍", "")
.replace("秒内造成总伤害", "-")
.replace(",DPS为:", "")
tm, total = s.split("-")
pieData, pieColor = [], []
for x in raw["chart_data"]:
char, damage = x["name"].split("\n")
pieData.append({"char": char, "damage": float(damage.replace("W", ""))})
pieData = sorted(pieData, key=lambda x: x["damage"], reverse=True)
# 寻找伤害最高的角色元素属性,跳过绽放等伤害来源
elem = [
for _source in pieData
if rolesData.get(_source["char"])
avatars = {}
for role in raw["role_list"]:
panelData = rolesData[role["role"]]
avatars[role["role"]] = {
"rarity": role["role_star"],
"icon": panelData["icon"],
"name": role["role"],
"elem": panelData["element"],
"cons": role["role_class"],
"level": role["role_level"].replace("Lv", ""),
"weapon": {
"icon": panelData["weapon"]["icon"],
"level": panelData["weapon"]["level"],
"rarity": panelData["weapon"]["rarity"],
"affix": panelData["weapon"]["affix"],
"sets": {
[r for r in panelData["relics"] if r["setName"] == k][0]["icon"].split(
)[-2]: (2 if v < 4 else 4)
for k, v in panelData["relicSet"].items()
if v >= 2 # 暂未排版 祭X之人 单件套装
"cp": round(panelData["fightProp"]["暴击率"], 1),
"cd": round(panelData["fightProp"]["暴击伤害"], 1),
"key_prop": role["key_ability"],
"key_value": role["key_value"],
"skills": [
{"icon": skill["icon"], "style": skill["style"], "level": skill["level"]}
for _, skill in panelData["skills"].items()
for rechargeData in raw["recharge_info"]:
name, tmp = rechargeData["recharge"].split("共获取同色球")
same, diff = tmp.split("个,异色球")
if len(diff.split("个,无色球")) == 2:
# 暂未排版无色球
diff = diff.split("个,无色球")[0]
avatars[name]["recharge"] = {
"pct": rechargeData["rate"],
"same": round(float(same), 1),
"diff": round(float(diff.replace("个", "")), 1),
damages = []
for step in raw["advice"]:
if not step.get("content"):
# content: "4.2s 雷神e协同,暴击:3016,不暴击:1565,期望:2343"
t, s = step["content"].split(" ")
if len(s.split(",")) == 1:
# "3.89s 万叶q染色为:雷"
a = s.split(",")[0]
d = ["-", "-", "-"]
a, dmgs = s.split(",")
if len(dmgs.split(",")) == 1:
d = ["-", "-", dmgs.split(",")[0].split(":")[-1]]
d = [dd.split(":")[-1] for dd in dmgs.split(",")]
damages.append([t.replace("s", ""), a.upper(), *d])
buffs = []
for buff in raw["buff"]:
if not buff.get("content"):
logger.error(f"奇怪的 Buff:{buff}")
# buff: "1.5s 风套-怪物雷抗减少-40%"
t, tmp = buff["content"].split(" ", 1)
b, bd = tmp.split("-", 1)
buffs.append([t.replace("s", ""), b.upper(), bd.upper()])
return {
"uid": raw["uid"],
"elem": elem,
"rank": raw["zdl_tips2"],
"dps": raw["zdl_result"],
"tm": tm,
"total": total,
"pie_data": json.dumps(pieData, ensure_ascii=False),
"pie_color": json.dumps(pieColor),
"avatars": avatars,
"actions": raw["combo_intro"].split(","),
"damages": damages,
"buffs": buffs,