2020-03-28 17:22:46 +00:00
import os
import time
import warnings
import cv2
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image, ImageOps, ImageDraw
from scipy import signal, optimize
from module.config.config import AzurLaneConfig
from module.logger import logger
Add: 适配第一章, 修复大量bug
- 修复处理夜间委托时, 出现递归调用的问题
- 增加红脸出击确认的功能
- 增加了透视识别错误图片保存的开关
- 修复了地图太小时, 透视识别报错的问题
- 修复了相机位于地图外时, 透视识别出错的问题
- 修复了离开退役时, 会连击的问题
- 修复了同时出现低心情和船坞已满弹窗时, 卡住的问题
- 更新了一键退役实装后的安全点击的位置
- 修复了换装滑动失败时, 卡住的问题
- 修复了关闭自动收获后, 出现委托完成的提示是, 进图卡住的问题
- 修复了, 无正在跑的委托时, 报错的问题
2020-04-11 07:23:51 +00:00
from module.map.exception import PerspectiveError
2020-03-28 17:22:46 +00:00
from module.map.perspective_items import Points, Lines
class Perspective:
def __init__(self, image, config):
image: Screenshot
config (AzurLaneConfig):
self.image = image
self.config = config
self.correct = True
start_time = time.time()
# Image initialisation
image = self.load_image(image)
# Lines detection
inner_h = self.detect_lines(
inner_v = self.detect_lines(
edge_h = self.detect_lines(
pad=self.config.DETECTING_AREA[2] - self.config.DETECTING_AREA[0]
edge_v = self.detect_lines(
pad=self.config.DETECTING_AREA[3] - self.config.DETECTING_AREA[1]
# Lines pre-cleansing
# horizontal = inner_h.add(edge_h).group()
# vertical = inner_v.add(edge_v).group()
# edge_h = edge_h.group()
# edge_v = edge_v.group()
horizontal = inner_h.add(edge_h).group()
vertical = inner_v.add(edge_v).group()
edge_h = edge_h.group().delete(inner_h) # Experimental, reduce edge lines.
edge_v = edge_v.group().delete(inner_v)
self.horizontal = horizontal
self.vertical = vertical
# Calculate perspective
self.crossings = self.horizontal.cross(self.vertical)
self.vanish_point = optimize.brute(self._vanish_point_value, self.config.VANISH_POINT_RANGE)
distance_point_x = optimize.brute(self._distant_point_value, self.config.DISTANCE_POINT_X_RANGE)[0]
self.distant_point = np.array([distance_point_x, self.vanish_point[1]])
# Re-generate lines. Useless after mid_cleanse function added.
# self.horizontal = self.crossings.link(None, is_horizontal=True).group()
# self.vertical = self.crossings.link(self.vanish_point).group()
# self.draw(self.crossings.link(self.distant_point))
# print(edge_h)
# print(inner_h.group())
# Lines cleansing
2020-03-31 06:21:55 +00:00
# self.draw()
2020-03-28 17:22:46 +00:00
self.horizontal, self.lower_edge, self.upper_edge = self.line_cleanse(
self.horizontal, inner=inner_h.group(), edge=edge_h)
self.vertical, self.left_edge, self.right_edge = self.line_cleanse(
self.vertical, inner=inner_v.group(), edge=edge_v)
# self.draw()
# print(self.horizontal)
# print(self.lower_edge, self.upper_edge)
# print(self.vertical)
# print(self.left_edge, self.right_edge)
# Log
time_cost = round(time.time() - start_time, 3)
logger.info('%ss %s Horizontal: %s (%s inner, %s edge)' % (
str(time_cost).ljust(5, '0'), '_' if self.lower_edge else ' ',
len(self.horizontal), len(horizontal), len(edge_h))
logger.info('Edges: %s%s%s Vertical: %s (%s inner, %s edge)' % (
'/' if self.left_edge else ' ', '_' if self.upper_edge else ' ',
'\\' if self.right_edge else ' ', len(self.vertical), len(vertical), len(edge_v))
if len(horizontal) - len(self.horizontal) >= 3 or len(vertical) - len(self.vertical) >= 3:
logger.warning('Too many deleted lines')
2020-03-31 06:21:55 +00:00
# self.save_error_image()
2020-03-28 17:22:46 +00:00
def load_image(self, image):
"""Method that turns image to monochrome and hide UI.
image: Screenshot.
image = np.array(image.crop(self.config.DETECTING_AREA))
image = 255 - ((np.max(image, axis=2) // 2 + np.min(image, axis=2) // 2) & self.config.UI_MASK)
return image
def find_peaks(self, image, is_horizontal, param, pad=0):
image(np.ndarray): Processed screenshot.
is_horizontal(bool): True if detects horizontal lines.
param(dict): Parameters use in scipy.signal.find_peaks.
if is_horizontal:
image = image.T
if pad:
image = np.pad(image, ((0, 0), (0, pad)), mode='constant', constant_values=255)
origin_shape = image.shape
out = np.zeros(origin_shape[0] * origin_shape[1], dtype='uint8')
peaks, _ = signal.find_peaks(image.ravel(), **param)
out[peaks] = 255
out = out.reshape(origin_shape)
if pad:
out = out[:, :-pad]
if is_horizontal:
out = out.T
2020-03-31 06:21:55 +00:00
out &= self.config.UI_MASK_STROKE
2020-03-28 17:22:46 +00:00
return out
def hough_lines(self, image, is_horizontal, threshold, theta):
image (np.ndarray): Peaks image.
is_horizontal (bool): True if detects horizontal lines.
threshold (int): Threshold use in cv2.HoughLines
lines = cv2.HoughLines(image, 1, np.pi / 180, threshold)
if lines is None:
return Lines(None, is_horizontal=is_horizontal, config=self.config)
lines = lines[:, 0, :]
if is_horizontal:
lines = lines[(np.deg2rad(90 - theta) < lines[:, 1]) & (lines[:, 1] < np.deg2rad(90 + theta))]
lines = lines[(lines[:, 1] < np.deg2rad(theta)) | (np.deg2rad(180 - theta) < lines[:, 1])]
lines = [[-rho, theta - np.pi] if rho < 0 else [rho, theta] for rho, theta in lines]
# if len(lines) > 0:
# return Lines(lines, is_horizontal=is_horizontal, config=self.config)
return Lines(lines, is_horizontal=is_horizontal, config=self.config)
def detect_lines(self, image, is_horizontal, param, threshold, theta, pad=0):
Method that wraps find_peaks and hough_lines
peaks = self.find_peaks(image, is_horizontal=is_horizontal, param=param, pad=pad)
# self.show_array(peaks)
lines = self.hough_lines(peaks, is_horizontal=is_horizontal, threshold=threshold, theta=theta)
# self.draw(lines, Image.fromarray(peaks.astype(np.uint8), mode='L'))
return lines
def show_array(arr):
image = Image.fromarray(arr.astype(np.uint8), mode='L')
def draw(self, lines=None, bg=None, expend=0):
if bg is None:
image = self.image.copy()
image = bg.copy()
if expend:
image = ImageOps.expand(image, border=expend, fill=0)
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)
if lines is None:
lines = self.horizontal.add(self.vertical)
for rho, theta in zip(lines.rho, lines.theta):
a = np.cos(theta)
b = np.sin(theta)
x0 = a * rho
y0 = b * rho
x1 = int(x0 + 10000 * (-b)) + expend
y1 = int(y0 + 10000 * a) + expend
x2 = int(x0 - 10000 * (-b)) + expend
y2 = int(y0 - 10000 * a) + expend
draw.line([x1, y1, x2, y2], 'white')
# image.save('123.png')
def _vanish_point_value(self, point):
"""Value that measures how close a point to the perspective vanish point. The smaller the better.
Use log10 to encourage a group of coincident lines and discourage wrong lines.
point(np.ndarray): np.array([x, y])
float: value.
# Add 0.001 to avoid log10(0).
distance = np.sum(np.log10(np.abs(self.vertical.distance_to_point(point)) + 0.001))
return distance
def _distant_point_value(self, x):
"""Value that measures how close a point to the perspective distant point. The smaller the better.
Use log10 to encourage a group of coincident lines and discourage wrong lines.
x(np.ndarray): np.array([x])
float: value
links = self.crossings.link((x[0], self.vanish_point[1]))
mid = np.sort(links.mid)
distance = np.sum(np.log10(np.diff(mid) + 0.001)) # Add 0.001 to avoid log10(0).
return distance
def mid_cleanse(self, mids, is_horizontal, threshold=3):
mids(np.ndarray): Lines.mid
is_horizontal(bool): True if detects horizontal lines.
right_distant_point = (self.vanish_point[0] * 2 - self.distant_point[0], self.distant_point[1])
def convert_to_x(ys):
return Points([[self.config.SCREEN_CENTER[0], y] for y in ys], config=self.config) \
.link(right_distant_point) \
def convert_to_y(xs):
return Points([[x, self.config.SCREEN_CENTER[1]] for x in xs], config=self.config) \
.link(right_distant_point) \
def coincident_point_value(point):
"""Value that measures how close a point to the coincident point. The smaller the better.
Coincident point may be many.
Use an activation function to encourage a group of coincident lines and ignore wrong lines.
x, y = point
# Do not use:
# distance = coincident.distance_to_point(point)
distance = np.abs(x - coincident.get_x(y))
# print((distance * 1).astype(int).reshape(len(mids), np.diff(self.config.ERROR_LINES_TOLERANCE)[0]+1))
# Activation function
# distance = 1 / (1 + np.exp(16 / distance - distance))
distance = 1 / (1 + np.exp(9 / distance) / distance)
distance = np.sum(distance)
return distance
if is_horizontal:
mids = convert_to_x(mids)
# Drawing lines
lines = []
for index, mid in enumerate(mids):
for n in range(self.config.ERROR_LINES_TOLERANCE[0], self.config.ERROR_LINES_TOLERANCE[1] + 1):
theta = np.arctan(index + n)
rho = mid * np.cos(theta)
lines.append([rho, theta])
# Fitting mid
coincident = Lines(np.vstack(lines), is_horizontal=False, config=self.config)
# print(np.round(np.sort(coincident.get_x(128))).astype(int))
coincident_point = optimize.brute(coincident_point_value, self.config.COINCIDENT_POINT_RANGE)
# print(coincident_point, is_horizontal)
diff = abs(coincident_point[1] - 129)
if diff > 3:
self.correct = False
logger.warning('%s coincident point unexpected: %s' % (
'Horizontal' if is_horizontal else 'Vertical',
if diff > 6:
# The limits of detecting area
if is_horizontal:
border = Points(
[[self.config.SCREEN_CENTER[0], self.config.DETECTING_AREA[1]],
[self.config.SCREEN_CENTER[0], self.config.DETECTING_AREA[3]]], config=self.config) \
.link(right_distant_point) \
border = Points(
[self.config.DETECTING_AREA[0:2], self.config.DETECTING_AREA[1:3][::-1]], config=self.config) \
.link(self.vanish_point) \
left, right = border
# print(mids)
# Filling mid
mids = np.arange(-25, 25) * coincident_point[1] + coincident_point[0]
mids = mids[(mids > left - threshold) & (mids < right + threshold)]
# print(mids)
if is_horizontal:
mids = convert_to_y(mids)
return mids
def line_cleanse(self, lines, inner, edge, threshold=3):
origin = lines.mid
clean = self.mid_cleanse(origin, is_horizontal=lines.is_horizontal, threshold=threshold)
# Cleansing edge
edge = edge.mid
inner = inner.mid
edge = edge[(edge > np.max(inner) - threshold) | (edge < np.min(inner) + threshold)]
edge = [c for c in clean if np.any(np.abs(c - edge) < 5)]
# Separate edges
if len(edge) == 0:
lower, upper = None, None
elif len(edge) == 1:
edge = edge[0]
if lines.is_horizontal:
lower, upper = (None, edge) if edge > self.config.SCREEN_CENTER[1] else (edge, None)
lower, upper = (None, edge) if edge > self.config.SCREEN_CENTER[0] else (edge, None)
2020-03-31 06:21:55 +00:00
# lower, upper = edge[0], edge[-1]
center = self.config.SCREEN_CENTER[1] if lines.is_horizontal else self.config.SCREEN_CENTER[0]
lower = [mid for mid in edge if mid < center]
upper = [mid for mid in edge if mid > center]
lower = lower[0] if len(lower) else None
upper = upper[-1] if len(upper) else None
2020-03-28 17:22:46 +00:00
Add: 适配第一章, 修复大量bug
- 修复处理夜间委托时, 出现递归调用的问题
- 增加红脸出击确认的功能
- 增加了透视识别错误图片保存的开关
- 修复了地图太小时, 透视识别报错的问题
- 修复了相机位于地图外时, 透视识别出错的问题
- 修复了离开退役时, 会连击的问题
- 修复了同时出现低心情和船坞已满弹窗时, 卡住的问题
- 更新了一键退役实装后的安全点击的位置
- 修复了换装滑动失败时, 卡住的问题
- 修复了关闭自动收获后, 出现委托完成的提示是, 进图卡住的问题
- 修复了, 无正在跑的委托时, 报错的问题
2020-04-11 07:23:51 +00:00
# If camera outside map
if lower is not None:
correct, incorrect = np.sum(inner - lower > -threshold), np.sum(inner - lower < threshold)
if incorrect >= 2 and incorrect > correct:
raise PerspectiveError('Camera outside map: to the %s' % ('upper' if lines.is_horizontal else 'right'))
if upper is not None:
correct, incorrect = np.sum(upper - inner > -threshold), np.sum(upper - inner < threshold)
if incorrect >= 2 and incorrect > correct:
raise PerspectiveError('Camera outside map: to the %s' % ('lower' if lines.is_horizontal else 'left'))
2020-03-28 17:22:46 +00:00
# crop mid
if lower:
clean = clean[clean > lower - threshold]
if upper:
clean = clean[clean < upper + threshold]
# mid to lines
if lines.is_horizontal:
lines = Points([[self.config.SCREEN_CENTER[0], y] for y in clean], config=self.config) \
.link(None, is_horizontal=True)
lower = Points([self.config.SCREEN_CENTER[0], lower], config=self.config).link(None, is_horizontal=True) \
if lower else Lines(None, config=self.config, is_horizontal=True)
upper = Points([self.config.SCREEN_CENTER[0], upper], config=self.config).link(None, is_horizontal=True) \
if upper else Lines(None, config=self.config, is_horizontal=True)
lines = Points([[x, self.config.SCREEN_CENTER[1]] for x in clean], config=self.config) \
lower = Points([lower, self.config.SCREEN_CENTER[1]], config=self.config).link(self.vanish_point) \
if lower else Lines(None, config=self.config, is_horizontal=False)
upper = Points([upper, self.config.SCREEN_CENTER[1]], config=self.config).link(self.vanish_point) \
if upper else Lines(None, config=self.config, is_horizontal=False)
return lines, lower, upper
def save_error_image(self):
Add: 适配第一章, 修复大量bug
- 修复处理夜间委托时, 出现递归调用的问题
- 增加红脸出击确认的功能
- 增加了透视识别错误图片保存的开关
- 修复了地图太小时, 透视识别报错的问题
- 修复了相机位于地图外时, 透视识别出错的问题
- 修复了离开退役时, 会连击的问题
- 修复了同时出现低心情和船坞已满弹窗时, 卡住的问题
- 更新了一键退役实装后的安全点击的位置
- 修复了换装滑动失败时, 卡住的问题
- 修复了关闭自动收获后, 出现委托完成的提示是, 进图卡住的问题
- 修复了, 无正在跑的委托时, 报错的问题
2020-04-11 07:23:51 +00:00
return False
2020-03-28 17:22:46 +00:00
file = '%s.%s' % (int(time.time() * 1000), 'png')
file = os.path.join(self.config.ERROR_LOG_FOLDER, file)