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import re
import typing as t
from dev_tools.keywords.base import GenerateKeyword
from module.base.decorator import cached_property
from module.config.utils import deep_get
from module.exception import ScriptError
from module.logger import logger
from module.ocr.keyword import REGEX_PUNCTUATION
class GenerateCharacterList(GenerateKeyword):
output_file = './tasks/character/keywords/character_list.py'
def data(self):
# Player profile avatar
return self.read_file('./ExcelOutput/ItemConfigAvatarPlayerIcon.json')
def convert_name(self, text: str, keyword: dict) -> str:
text = REGEX_PUNCTUATION.sub('', text)
return super().convert_name(text, keyword)
def iter_keywords(self) -> t.Iterable[dict]:
names = {}
for row in self.data:
icon = deep_get(row, ['ItemIconPath'], default='')
# Must be a avartar icon
if not icon.startswith('SpriteOutput/AvatarRoundIcon/Avatar'):
name_id = deep_get(row, 'ItemName.Hash')
_, name_en = self.find_keyword(name_id, lang='en')
if name_en in names and not name_en.startswith('Trailblazer'):
logger.warning(f'Duplicate character name: id={name_id}, name={name_en}')
names[name_en] = name_id
# Sort characters by their English names
names = sorted(names.items(), key=lambda kv: kv[0])
for _, name_id in names:
yield dict(
class GenerateCombatType(GenerateKeyword):
output_file = './tasks/character/keywords/combat_type.py'
def iter_keywords(self) -> t.Iterable[dict]:
yield from self.iter_keywords_from_text(
['物理', '火', '冰', '雷', '风', '量子', '虚数'],
def convert_inner_character_to_keyword(name):
convert_dict = {
'Mar_7th_00': 'March7thPreservation',
'Mar_7th_10': 'March7thTheHunt',
if name in convert_dict:
return convert_dict[name]
name = re.sub(r'_\d\d$', '', name)
convert_dict = {
'Silwolf': 'SilverWolf',
'Klara': 'Clara',
'Mar_7th': 'March7th',
'PlayerGirl': 'TrailblazerFemale',
'PlayerBoy': 'TrailblazerMale',
'Ren': 'Blade',
'DanHengIL': 'DanHengImbibitorLunae',
'Topaz': 'TopazNumby',
'Dr_Ratio': 'DrRatio',
return convert_dict.get(name, name)
class GenerateCharacterHeight(GenerateKeyword):
output_file = './tasks/character/keywords/height.py'
def data(self):
# Player profile avatar
return self.read_file('./ExcelOutput/FreeStyleCharacterInfo.json')
def generate_content(self):
# NPC_Avatar_Girl_Silwolf_00
# 00, 10 are for different trace
regex = re.compile(r'NPC_Avatar_(?P<height>.*?)_(?P<character>.*?_\d0)$')
dict_height = {}
height_index = ['Kid', 'Girl', 'Boy', 'Maid', 'Miss', 'Lady', 'Lad', 'Male']
for row in self.data:
avatar = deep_get(row, 'FreeStyleCharacterID', default='')
if res := regex.search(avatar):
character, height = res.group('character'), res.group('height')
if height not in height_index:
dict_height[character] = height
dict_height = {k: v for k, v in sorted(dict_height.items(), key=lambda item: height_index.index(item[1]))}
from tasks.character.keywords.classes import CharacterList
with self.gen.Dict('CHARACTER_HEIGHT'):
for character, height in dict_height.items():
print(character, height)
character = convert_inner_character_to_keyword(character)
except ScriptError:
print(f'Character height data {character} is not defined')
self.gen.DictItem(key=character, value=height)