from module.base.button import match_template from module.base.timer import Timer from module.logger import logger from tasks.base.ui import UI from tasks.combat.assets.assets_combat_skill import * class CombatSkill(UI): def is_in_skill(self) -> bool: """ Combat paused, require manual skill use """ if not self.appear(IN_SKILL): return False if not self.image_color_count(IN_SKILL, color=(255, 255, 255), threshold=180, count=50): return False return True def _skill_click(self, button, skip_first_screenshot=True): """ Click a skill button. Not in skill page means skill has been used and skill animation is ongoing """'Skill use: {button}') interval = Timer(1) clicked = False prev_image = None while 1: if skip_first_screenshot: skip_first_screenshot = False else: self.device.screenshot() if self.is_in_skill(): if interval.reached(): prev_image = self.image_crop(button) interval.reset() clicked = True continue else: # Skill animation on going if clicked:'Skill used: {button} (skill ongoing)') break # New skill icon if prev_image is not None: if not match_template(self.image_crop(button), prev_image):'Skill used: {button} (icon changed)') break if self.is_in_main(): logger.warning('_skill_click ended at is_in_main') break def _is_skill_active(self, button): flag = self.image_color_count(button, color=(220, 196, 145), threshold=221, count=50) return flag def _skill_switch(self, check_button, click_button, skip_first_screenshot=True): """ Switch to A or E """'Skill switch: {check_button}') interval = Timer(1) while 1: if skip_first_screenshot: skip_first_screenshot = False else: self.device.screenshot() # Raw brown border if self._is_skill_active(check_button):'Skill switched: {check_button}') break if self.is_in_skill() and (self._is_skill_active(CHECK_A) or self._is_skill_active(CHECK_E)): if interval.reached(): interval.reset() continue def wait_next_skill(self, expected_end=None, skip_first_screenshot=True): """ Args: expected_end: A function returns bool, True represents end. skip_first_screenshot: Returns: bool: True if is_in_skill False if triggered expected_end """'Wait next skill') while 1: if skip_first_screenshot: skip_first_screenshot = False else: self.device.screenshot() if self.is_in_skill(): return True if callable(expected_end) and expected_end():'Combat execute ended at {expected_end.__name__}') return False def use_A(self) -> bool:'Use A') self._skill_switch(check_button=CHECK_A, click_button=USE_A) self._skill_click(USE_A) return True def use_E(self) -> bool:'Use E') self._skill_switch(check_button=CHECK_E, click_button=USE_E) self._skill_click(USE_E) return True def use_Q(self, position: int) -> bool: """ Args: position: 1 to 4 """'Use Q {position}') try: button = [USE_Q1, USE_Q2, USE_Q3, USE_Q4][position - 1] except IndexError: logger.error(f'use_Q: position {position} does not exist') return False self._skill_click(button) self.wait_next_skill() self._skill_click(USE_Q_AIM) return True