import cv2 import numpy as np from ppocronnx.predict_system import BoxedResult from module.base.base import ModuleBase from module.base.utils import area_offset, color_similarity_2d, crop from module.logger.logger import logger from module.ocr.keyword import Keyword from module.ocr.ocr import Ocr, OcrResultButton from module.ui.draggable_list import DraggableList from tasks.base.assets.assets_base_page import FORGOTTEN_HALL_CHECK from tasks.base.ui import UI from tasks.dungeon.keywords import DungeonList from tasks.dungeon.ui import DungeonUI from tasks.forgotten_hall.assets.assets_forgotten_hall import * from tasks.forgotten_hall.keywords import * class ForgottenHallStageOcr(Ocr): def _find_number(self, image): raw = image.copy() area = OCR_STAGE.area image = crop(raw, area) yellow = color_similarity_2d(image, color=(250, 201, 111)) gray = color_similarity_2d(image, color=(100, 109, 134)) image = np.maximum(yellow, gray) kernel = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_RECT, (3, 3)) image = cv2.morphologyEx(image, cv2.MORPH_OPEN, kernel) kernel = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_RECT, (25, 3)) image = cv2.morphologyEx(image, cv2.MORPH_CLOSE, kernel) _, image = cv2.threshold(image, 220, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY) contours, _ = cv2.findContours(image, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) rectangle = [] for cont in contours: rect = cv2.boundingRect(cv2.convexHull(cont).astype(np.float32)) # Filter with rectangle width, usually to be 62~64 if not 62 - 10 < rect[2] < 62 + 10: continue rect = (rect[0], rect[1], rect[0] + rect[2], rect[1] + rect[3]) rect = area_offset(rect, offset=area[:2]) # Move from stars to letters rect = area_offset((-10, -55, 50, -15), offset=rect[:2]) rectangle.append(rect) return rectangle def matched_ocr(self, image, keyword_classes, direct_ocr=False) -> list[OcrResultButton]: if not isinstance(keyword_classes, list): keyword_classes = [keyword_classes] boxes = self._find_number(image) image_list = [crop(image, area) for area in boxes] results = self.ocr_multi_lines(image_list) boxed_results = [ BoxedResult(area_offset(boxes[index], (-50, 0)), image_list[index], text, score) for index, (text, score) in enumerate(results) ] results_buttons = [ OcrResultButton(result, keyword_classes) for result in boxed_results ] logger.attr(name=f'{} matched', text=results_buttons) return results_buttons class DraggableStageList(DraggableList): def insight_row(self, row: Keyword, main: ModuleBase, skip_first_screenshot=True) -> bool: while 1: result = super().insight_row(row, main=main, skip_first_screenshot=skip_first_screenshot) if not result: return False if skip_first_screenshot: skip_first_screenshot = False else: main.device.screenshot() button = self.keyword2button(row) # end if button.button[0] > 0: break # Stage number is insight but button is not"Stage number is insight, swipe left a little bit to find the entrance") self.drag_vector = (0.2, 0.4) self.drag_page("left", main=main) self.drag_vector = DraggableList.drag_vector return True def is_row_selected(self, button: OcrResultButton, main: ModuleBase) -> bool: return main.appear(ENTRANCE_CHECKED) STAGE_LIST = DraggableStageList("ForgottenHallStageList", keyword_class=ForgottenHallStage, ocr_class=ForgottenHallStageOcr, search_button=OCR_STAGE, check_row_order=False, drag_direction="right") class ForgottenHallUI(UI): def stage_goto(self, forgotten_hall: DungeonList, stage_keyword: ForgottenHallStage): """ Examples: self = ForgottenHallUI('alas') self.device.screenshot() self.stage_goto(KEYWORDS_DUNGEON_LIST.The_Last_Vestiges_of_Towering_Citadel, KEYWORDS_FORGOTTEN_HALL_STAGE.Stage_8) """ if not forgotten_hall.is_Forgotten_Hall: logger.warning("DungeonList Chosen is not a forgotten hall") return if not forgotten_hall.is_Last_Vestiges and > 10: logger.warning(f"This dungeon does not have stage that greater than 10. {} is chosen") return if not self.appear(FORGOTTEN_HALL_CHECK): dungeon_ui = DungeonUI(config=self.config, device=self.device) dungeon_ui.dungeon_goto(forgotten_hall) STAGE_LIST.select_row(stage_keyword, main=self)