import re import numpy as np from dev_tools.keyword_extract import UI_LANGUAGES from module.base.filter import Filter from module.base.timer import Timer from module.base.utils import area_offset from module.logger import logger from module.ocr.ocr import Ocr, OcrResultButton, DigitCounter from tasks.rogue.assets.assets_rogue_blessing import * from tasks.rogue.keywords import * from tasks.rogue.preset import * from tasks.rogue.ui import RogueUI REGEX_PUNCTUATION = re.compile(r'[ ,.\'"“”,。::!!??·•—/()()「」『』【】]') def parse_name(n): n = REGEX_PUNCTUATION.sub('', str(n)).lower() return n def get_regex_from_keyword_name(keyword, attr_name): regex_pat = "" attrs = tuple() for server in UI_LANGUAGES: string = "" for path in keyword.instances.values(): string += f"{parse_name(getattr(path, server))}|" # some pattern contain each other, make sure each pattern end with "-" or the end of string regex_pat += f"(?:({string[:-1]})(?:-|$))?" attrs += (f"{attr_name}_{server}",) return regex_pat, attrs # normal blessing pattern = "" BLESSING_FILTER_ATTR = tuple() PATH_ATTR_NAME = 'path' path_regex, path_attr = get_regex_from_keyword_name(RoguePath, PATH_ATTR_NAME) pattern += path_regex BLESSING_FILTER_ATTR += path_attr pattern += "([123])?-?" BLESSING_FILTER_ATTR += ("rarity",) BLESSING_ATTR_NAME = 'blessing' blessing_regex, blessing_attr = get_regex_from_keyword_name(RogueBlessing, BLESSING_ATTR_NAME) pattern += blessing_regex BLESSING_FILTER_ATTR += blessing_attr FILETER_REGEX = re.compile(pattern) BLESSING_FILTER_PRESET = ("reset", "same_path", "random") BLESSING_FILTER = Filter(FILETER_REGEX, BLESSING_FILTER_ATTR, BLESSING_FILTER_PRESET) # resonance RESONANCE_ATTR_NAME = 'resonance' pattern, RESONANCE_FILTER_ATTR = get_regex_from_keyword_name(RogueResonance, 'resonance') FILETER_REGEX = re.compile(pattern) RESONANCE_FILTER_PRESET = ("random",) RESONANCE_FILTER = Filter(FILETER_REGEX, RESONANCE_FILTER_ATTR, RESONANCE_FILTER_PRESET) class RogueBuffOcr(Ocr): merge_thres_x = 40 def after_process(self, result): result = super().after_process(result) if self.lang == 'ch': replace_pattern_dict = { "蓬失": "蓬矢", "柘弓危失": "柘弓危矢", "飞虹凿齿": "飞虹诛凿齿", "天培步危": "天棓步危", "云[摘销]": "云镝", "制桑": "制穹桑", "乌号基": "乌号綦", "追摩物": "追孽物", "特月": "狩月", "彤弓素增": "彤弓素矰", "苦表": "苦衷", "[沦沧]肌髓": "沦浃肌髓", "进发": "迸发", "永缩体": "永坍缩体", } for pattern, replace in replace_pattern_dict.items(): result = re.sub(pattern, replace, result) return result class RogueBlessingUI(RogueUI): def buffs_recognition(self): ocr = RogueBuffOcr(OCR_ROGUE_BUFF) results = ocr.matched_ocr(self.device.image, [RogueBlessing, RogueResonance]) if results:"Buffs recognized: {len(results)}") else: logger.warning("No buff recognized") self.blessings = results return results def ui_select_blessing(self, blessing: OcrResultButton | None, skip_first_screenshot=True, enforce=False): """ Select buff once. Multiple calls needed if there's more than one time to choose It might occur that all listed blessings are not recognized So this method provides a hard code way to choose one, which fit in case when blessing num is 1-3 """ def is_blessing_selected(): """ There is a white border if a blessing is selected. """ top_border = area_offset(blessing.area, (0, -180)) return self.image_color_count(top_border, (255, 255, 255)) def is_select_blessing_complete(): """ Case 1: back to main page Case 2: choose curio Case 3: another choose blessings, but no blessing is selected when the new selection page loaded """ return (self.is_in_main() or self.is_page_choose_curio() or (self.is_page_choose_blessing() and not is_blessing_selected())) interval = Timer(1) if not blessing: enforce = True # start -> selected while 1: if skip_first_screenshot: skip_first_screenshot = False else: self.device.screenshot() if is_blessing_selected(): if enforce:"Buff selected (enforce)") else:"Buff {blessing} selected") break if interval.reached(): if enforce: else: interval.reset() skip_first_screenshot = True # selected -> confirm while 1: if skip_first_screenshot: skip_first_screenshot = False else: self.device.screenshot() if is_select_blessing_complete(): break if interval.reached(): interval.reset() def get_reset_count(self): current, _, _ = DigitCounter(OCR_RESET_COUNT).ocr_single_line(self.device.image) return current def wait_until_blessing_loaded(self, skip_first_screenshot=True): timeout = Timer(2, count=4).start() while 1: if skip_first_screenshot: skip_first_screenshot = False else: self.device.screenshot() if timeout.reached(): logger.warning('Wait blessing page loaded timeout') return False if self.image_color_count(BLESSING_STABLE_FLAG, (255, 255, 255)):"Blessing page loaded") return True def reset_blessing_list(self, skip_first_screenshot=True): if not self.is_page_choose_blessing(): return False reset_count = self.get_reset_count() if not reset_count: return False interval = Timer(1) while 1: if skip_first_screenshot: skip_first_screenshot = False else: self.device.screenshot() new_count = self.get_reset_count() if reset_count - new_count == 1:"Reset once") break if interval.reached(): interval.reset() return True class RogueBlessingSelector(RogueBlessingUI): """ Usage: self = RogueBlessingSelector('alas') self.device.screenshot() self.buff_recognition() self.select_blessing(self.) """ def apply_filter(self): paths = RoguePath.instances if not self.blessings: return [] if isinstance(self.blessings[0].matched_keyword, RogueBlessing): for blessing in self.blessings: path = paths[blessing.matched_keyword.path_id] for server in UI_LANGUAGES: setattr(blessing, f"{PATH_ATTR_NAME}_{server}", parse_name(getattr(path, server))) setattr(blessing, f"{BLESSING_ATTR_NAME}_{server}", parse_name(getattr(blessing.matched_keyword, server))) setattr(blessing, "rarity", getattr(blessing.matched_keyword, "rarity")) if self.config.Rogue_PresetBlessingFilter == 'preset-1': BLESSING_FILTER.load(parse_name(BLESSING_PRESET_1)) if self.config.Rogue_PresetBlessingFilter == 'custom': BLESSING_FILTER.load(parse_name(self.config.Rogue_CustomBlessingFilter)) if isinstance(self.blessings[0].matched_keyword, RogueResonance): if len(self.blessings) == 1: # resonance can not be reset. So have not choice when there's only one option return self.blessings for blessing in self.blessings: for server in UI_LANGUAGES: setattr(blessing, f"{RESONANCE_ATTR_NAME}_{server}", parse_name(getattr(blessing.matched_keyword, server))) if self.config.Rogue_PresetResonanceFilter == 'preset-1': RESONANCE_FILTER.load(parse_name(RESONANCE_PRESET_1)) if self.config.Rogue_PresetResonanceFilter == 'custom': RESONANCE_FILTER.load(parse_name(self.config.Rogue_CustomResonanceFilter)) priority = BLESSING_FILTER.apply(self.blessings) return priority def select_blessing(self, priority: list): if not self.blessings:'No blessing recognized, randomly choose one') self.ui_select_blessing(None, enforce=True) return if not len(priority):'No blessing project satisfies current filter, randomly choose one') choose = np.random.choice(self.blessings) self.ui_select_blessing(choose) return for option in priority: # preset if isinstance(option, str): if option.lower() == 'reset': if self.reset_blessing_list(): self.wait_until_blessing_loaded() self.buffs_recognition() self.select_blessing(self.apply_filter()) return else: continue if option.lower() == 'same_path': chosen = False for blessing in self.blessings: if blessing.path_id == self.ui_select_blessing(blessing) chosen = True if chosen: return else: continue if option.lower() == 'random': choose = np.random.choice(self.blessings) self.ui_select_blessing(choose) return if isinstance(option, OcrResultButton): self.ui_select_blessing(option) return