from module.ocr.ocr import * from module.ui.scroll import AdaptiveScroll, Scroll from tasks.base.assets.assets_base_page import MENU_CHECK, MENU_SCROLL, SYNTHESIZE_CHECK from tasks.base.assets.assets_base_popup import POPUP_CONFIRM from import Page, page_menu, page_synthesize from tasks.base.ui import UI from tasks.daily.assets.assets_daily_synthesize_consumable import * from tasks.daily.assets.assets_daily_synthesize_material import * class SynthesizeUI(UI): # Default list of candidate items default_candidate_items = {} def ensure_scroll_top(self, page: str | Page, skip_first_screenshot=False) -> None: """ Args: page: skip_first_screenshot: Examples: self = SynthesizeUI('alas') self.device.screenshot() self.ensure_scroll_top(page=page_menu) """ if isinstance(page, Page): page = match page: case check_image = MENU_CHECK scroll = Scroll(MENU_SCROLL.button, color=(191, 191, 191), case check_image = SYNTHESIZE_CHECK scroll = AdaptiveScroll(SYNTHESIZE_SCROLL.button, case _:'No page matched, just skip') return while 1: if skip_first_screenshot: skip_first_screenshot = False else: self.device.screenshot() if not self.appear(check_image):'Current page is not {page} page, just skip') break if not scroll.appear(main=self):'{page} scroll can not find, just skip') break # Determine whether the scroll bar at the top, # and if it does not, pull the scroll bar to the top if scroll.at_top(main=self):'{page} scroll at the top') break if not scroll.at_top(main=self):'Pull the {page} scroll bar to the top') scroll.set_top(main=self) continue def _ensure_synthesize_page(self): # If the current page is not the menu page, # the menu scroll bar must be at the top when opening the menu page from other page, # so first step is determine whether the scroll bar is at the top self.ensure_scroll_top(page=page_menu) self.ui_ensure(page_synthesize) # Default subpage is consumables def _switch_subpage(self, skip_first_screenshot=True, subpage: ButtonWrapper = SYNTHESIZE_GOTO_CONSUMABLES, subpage_check: ButtonWrapper = SYNTHESIZE_CONSUMABLES_CHECK): while 1: if skip_first_screenshot: skip_first_screenshot = False else: self.device.screenshot() if self.appear(subpage_check):'Synthesize {} subpage appear') break # Switch to subpage if self.appear_then_click(subpage):'Switch to {} subpage') continue def _select_items(self, candidate_items: dict[ButtonWrapper, ButtonWrapper]) -> bool: for item, item_check in candidate_items.items(): # Determine if the "item" can be found and synthesized in the left item column if item.match_template_color(self.device.image, similarity=0.7):'Find an item that can be synthesized') # Ensure that item is selected skip_first_screenshot = True while 1: if skip_first_screenshot: skip_first_screenshot = False else: self.device.screenshot() if self.appear(item_check):'Item that can be synthesized has been selected') return True if self.appear_then_click(item, similarity=0.7): continue else: return False def _search_and_select_items(self, target_button: ButtonWrapper = None, target_button_check: ButtonWrapper = None) -> bool: candidate_items = {target_button: target_button_check} if target_button and target_button_check \ else self.__class__.default_candidate_items # Search target button from top to bottom scroll = AdaptiveScroll(SYNTHESIZE_SCROLL.button, if scroll.appear(main=self): skip_first_screenshot = True while 1: if skip_first_screenshot: skip_first_screenshot = False else: self.device.screenshot() if self._select_items(candidate_items): return True if scroll.at_bottom(main=self):'There are no suitable items to synthesize') return False if not scroll.at_bottom(main=self): scroll.next_page(main=self) continue else: return self._select_items(candidate_items) def _open_synthesize_popup(self, skip_first_screenshot=True): while 1: if skip_first_screenshot: skip_first_screenshot = False else: self.device.screenshot() if self.appear(POPUP_CONFIRM):'Synthesize confirm popup window appear') break # The recipe of the item has not been unlocked yet, but it can be unlocked now # Click the "recipe unlock" button to unlock the synthesize recipe if self.appear_then_click(RECIPE_UNLOCK):'Unlock the synthesize recipe') continue # click the "synthesize" button to open the synthesize popup window if self.appear_then_click(SYNTHESIZE_CONFIRM):'Click the synthesize button') continue def _synthesize_confirm(self, skip_first_screenshot=True): while 1: if skip_first_screenshot: skip_first_screenshot = False else: self.device.screenshot() if self.reward_appear():'Synthesize consumable completed') break # Synthesize confirm if self.handle_popup_confirm(): continue def _back_to_synthesize_page(self, skip_first_screenshot=True): while 1: if skip_first_screenshot: skip_first_screenshot = False else: self.device.screenshot() if self.appear(SYNTHESIZE_CHECK):'Synthesize consumables page appear') break # Go back to the previous page if self.handle_reward(interval=2):'Click on the blank space to back to synthesize page') continue def _synthesize(self, target_button: ButtonWrapper = None, target_button_check: ButtonWrapper = None) -> bool: self.ensure_scroll_top(page=page_synthesize) if self._search_and_select_items(target_button, target_button_check): self._open_synthesize_popup() self._synthesize_confirm() self._back_to_synthesize_page() return True else: return False class SynthesizeConsumablesUI(SynthesizeUI): # Selected three items that are easiest to obtain their synthetic materials default_candidate_items = { CONSUMABLES_TRICK_SNACK: CONSUMABLES_TRICK_SNACK_CHECK, CONSUMABLES_COMFORT_FOOD: CONSUMABLES_COMFORT_FOOD_CHECK, CONSUMABLES_SIMPLE_AED: CONSUMABLES_SIMPLE_AED_CHECK } def synthesize_consumables(self, target_button: ButtonWrapper = None, target_button_check: ButtonWrapper = None) -> bool: """ Args: target_button(ButtonWrapper): target_button_check(ButtonWrapper): Returns: bool: Examples: self = SynthesizeConsumablesUI('alas') self.device.screenshot() result = self.synthesize_consumables() """'Synthesize consumables', level=2) self._ensure_synthesize_page() self._switch_subpage(subpage=SYNTHESIZE_GOTO_CONSUMABLES, subpage_check=SYNTHESIZE_CONSUMABLES_CHECK) return self._synthesize(target_button, target_button_check) class SynthesizeMaterialUI(SynthesizeUI): # Selected three items that are easiest to obtain their synthetic materials default_candidate_items = { GLIMMERING_CORE: GLIMMERING_CORE_CHECK, USURPERS_SCHEME: USURPERS_SCHEME_CHECK, SILVERMANE_INSIGNIA: SILVERMANE_INSIGNIA_CHECK } def synthesize_material(self, target_button: ButtonWrapper = None, target_button_check: ButtonWrapper = None) -> bool: """ Args: target_button(ButtonWrapper): target_button_check(ButtonWrapper): Returns: bool: Examples: self = SynthesizeMaterialUI('alas') self.device.screenshot() result = self.synthesize_material() """'Synthesize material', level=2) self._ensure_synthesize_page() self._switch_subpage(subpage=SYNTHESIZE_GOTO_MATERIAL, subpage_check=SYNTHESIZE_MATERIAL_CHECK) return self._synthesize(target_button, target_button_check)