@echo off call adb kill-server > nul 2>&1 REM Change to your emulator port adb connect echo initializing uiautomator2 python -m uiautomator2 init :: timout PowerShell -Command "Start-Sleep -s 3" > nul 2>&1 goto alas :alas cls echo. echo :: Alas run echo. echo Choose your server echo. echo 1. EN echo 2. CN echo 3. JP echo. echo :: Type a 'number' and press ENTER echo :: Type 'exit' to quit echo. set /P menu= if %menu%==1 GOTO en if %menu%==2 GOTO cn if %menu%==3 GOTO jp if %menu%==exit GOTO EOF else ( cls echo. echo :: Incorrect Input Entered echo. echo Please type a 'number' or 'exit' echo Press any key to retry to the menu... echo. pause > NUL goto alas ) :en %~dp0python/python.exe alas_en.pyw goto alas :cn %~dp0python/python.exe alas_cn.pyw goto alas :jp %~dp0python/python.exe alas_jp.pyw goto alas