import re from typing import Optional import cv2 import numpy as np from module.base.timer import Timer from module.base.utils import Points, extract_white_letters from module.logger import logger from tasks.base.assets.assets_base_main_page import OCR_MAP_NAME from tasks.base.main_page import OcrPlaneName from import page_rogue from tasks.combat.interact import CombatInteract from import KEYWORDS_MAP_PLANE, MapPlane from tasks.rogue.assets.assets_rogue_exit import OCR_DOMAIN_EXIT from tasks.rogue.assets.assets_rogue_reward import ROGUE_REPORT from tasks.rogue.assets.assets_rogue_ui import BLESSING_CONFIRM def area_center(area): """ Get the center of an area Args: area: (upper_left_x, upper_left_y, bottom_right_x, bottom_right_y) Returns: tuple: (x, y) """ x1, y1, x2, y2 = area return (x1 + x2) / 2, (y1 + y2) / 2 class OcrDomainExit(OcrPlaneName): merge_thres_x = 50 def pre_process(self, image): image = extract_white_letters(image, threshold=255) image = cv2.merge([image, image, image]) return image def detect_and_ocr(self, *args, **kwargs): # Try hard to lower TextSystem.box_thresh backup = self.model.text_detector.box_thresh self.model.text_detector.box_thresh = 0.2 result = super().detect_and_ocr(*args, **kwargs) self.model.text_detector.box_thresh = backup return result def _match_result( self, result: str, keyword_classes, lang: str = None, ignore_punctuation=True, ignore_digit=True): matched = super()._match_result(result, keyword_classes, lang, ignore_punctuation, ignore_digit) # Name may be covered by minimap, "Domain - " is missing, # check keywords like "Combat" if matched is None: for domain in MapPlane.instances.values(): domain: MapPlane = domain if not domain.rogue_domain: continue name = domain._keywords_to_find(ignore_punctuation=False)[0] try: name = re.split('[ \-—]', name)[-1] except IndexError: pass if name in result: return domain return matched class RogueExit(CombatInteract): def domain_exit_interact(self, skip_first_screenshot=True): """ Pages: in: page_main, DUNGEON_COMBAT_INTERACT out: page_main or page_rogue if rogue cleared """'Domain exit interact') clicked = False confirm = Timer(1.5, count=5) while 1: if skip_first_screenshot: skip_first_screenshot = False else: self.device.screenshot() # End if clicked and not self.is_in_main(): break if self.handle_combat_interact(): clicked = True continue if self.handle_popup_confirm(): confirm.reset() continue'Interact loading') skip_first_screenshot = True while 1: if skip_first_screenshot: skip_first_screenshot = False else: self.device.screenshot() # End if self.is_in_main(): if confirm.reached():'Entered another domain') break if self.ui_page_appear(page_rogue):'Rogue cleared') break if self.appear(ROGUE_REPORT, interval=2): continue if self.handle_popup_confirm(): confirm.reset() continue @staticmethod def screen2direction(point): """ Args: point: Coordinate on screenshot Returns: float: Direction to move, -180~180 """ screen_middle = (640.0, 360.0) vanish_point = np.array((640.0, 247.34)) distant_point = np.array((1509.46, 247.34)) name_y = 77.60 foot_y = 621.82 door_projection_bottom = ( Points([point]).link(vanish_point).get_x(name_y)[0], foot_y, ) door_bottom = ( point[0], Points([door_projection_bottom]).link(vanish_point).get_y(point[0])[0], ) door_distant = ( Points([door_bottom]).link(distant_point).get_x(foot_y)[0], foot_y, ) planar_door = ( door_projection_bottom[0] - screen_middle[0], door_projection_bottom[0] - door_distant[0], ) if abs(planar_door[0]) < 5: direction = 0 else: direction = np.rad2deg(np.arctan(planar_door[0] / planar_door[1])) planar_door = (round(planar_door[0], 1), round(planar_door[1], 1)) direction = round(direction, 1)'PlanarDoor: {planar_door}, direction: {direction}') return direction def predict_door_by_name(self, image) -> Optional[float]: # Paint current name black x1, y1, x2, y2 = OCR_MAP_NAME.area image[y1:y2, x1:x2] = (0, 0, 0) ocr = OcrDomainExit(OCR_DOMAIN_EXIT) results = ocr.matched_ocr(image, keyword_classes=MapPlane) centers = [area_center(result.area) for result in results]'DomainDoor: {centers}') directions = [self.screen2direction(center) for center in centers] count = len(centers) if count == 0: logger.warning('No domain exit found') return None if count == 1:'Goto next domain: {results[0]}') return directions[0] # Doors >= 2 for expect in [ KEYWORDS_MAP_PLANE.Rogue_DomainBoss, KEYWORDS_MAP_PLANE.Rogue_DomainElite, KEYWORDS_MAP_PLANE.Rogue_DomainRespite, ]: for domain, direction in zip(results, directions): if domain == expect: logger.warning('Found multiple doors but has unique domain in it')'Goto next domain: {domain}') return direction logger.attr('DomainStrategy', self.config.RoguePath_DomainStrategy) if self.config.RoguePath_DomainStrategy == 'leave': for expect in [ KEYWORDS_MAP_PLANE.Rogue_DomainTransaction, KEYWORDS_MAP_PLANE.Rogue_DomainOccurrence, KEYWORDS_MAP_PLANE.Rogue_DomainEncounter, KEYWORDS_MAP_PLANE.Rogue_DomainCombat, ]: for domain, direction in zip(results, directions): if domain == expect:'Goto next domain: {domain}') return direction elif self.config.RoguePath_DomainStrategy == 'fight': for expect in [ KEYWORDS_MAP_PLANE.Rogue_DomainCombat, KEYWORDS_MAP_PLANE.Rogue_DomainEncounter, KEYWORDS_MAP_PLANE.Rogue_DomainOccurrence, KEYWORDS_MAP_PLANE.Rogue_DomainTransaction, ]: for domain, direction in zip(results, directions): if domain == expect:'Goto next domain: {domain}') return direction else: logger.error(f'Unknown domain strategy: {self.config.RoguePath_DomainStrategy}') logger.error('No domain was selected, return the first instead')'Goto next domain: {results[0]}') return directions[0]