**| English | [简体中文](README.md) | [Español](README_es.md) |** # StarRailCopilot Star Rail Instant Tea, a bot for Honkai: Star Rail, based on the next generation of ALAS framework. ![gui](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wiki/LmeSzinc/StarRailCopilot/README.assets/gui_en.png) ![setting](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wiki/LmeSzinc/StarRailCopilot/README.assets/setting_en.png) ## Features - **Dungeons**: [Character Planner](https://github.com/LmeSzinc/StarRailCopilot/wiki/Planner_en), Dungeons, dungeons at double event, echo of war. - **Rewards**: Complete daily quests, do assignment, claim nameless horner rewards. - **Simulated Universe**: Farm SU, farm planers using trailbalze power. - **AFK Auto Farming**: Automatically launch emulators and games, do dungeons and quests at background, keep track of resources through dashboard. - **Cloud Gaming**: [CN only] [Run SRC on cloud HSR](https://github.com/LmeSzinc/StarRailCopilot/wiki/Cloud_cn) ## Install [![](https://img.shields.io/github/downloads/LmeSzinc/StarRailCopilot/total?color=4e4c97)](https://github.com/LmeSzinc/StarRailCopilot/releases) Refers to [Installation tutorial](https://github.com/LmeSzinc/StarRailCopilot/wiki/Installation_en), including easy-installer manual, use manual, manual installation tutorial. > **Why use emulators?** If you run a bot on the desktop client, game windows must stay at front. I guess you don't wanna baby-sit there without being able to move the mouse and keyboard while running the bot, so use the emulators. > **How's the performance?** Lme's 8700k+1080ti using MuMu12 emulator with graphic settings very high gets 40 fps. It shouldn't be a problem to run with maximum graphic settings and 60 fps if you have newer PC specs. ## Develpment Discord https://discord.gg/aJkt3mKDEr - [Minimap Tracking](https://github.com/LmeSzinc/StarRailCopilot/wiki/MinimapTracking) - Development Docs (menu is on sidebar): [Alas wiki](https://github.com/LmeSzinc/AzurLaneAutoScript/wiki/1.-Start) (in Chinese). However, there is ton of code newly written, it is recommended to read the source code and historical commits. - Development Road Map: See pinned issues. Pull Requests are welcomed, just pick the part you interested to work on. > **How to add multi-language or multi-server support?** Need assets updates, see ["Adding a Button" in development docs](https://github.com/LmeSzinc/AzurLaneAutoScript/wiki/4.1.-Detection-objects#%E6%B7%BB%E5%8A%A0%E4%B8%80%E4%B8%AA-button). ## About ALAS SRC is based on an Azur Lane bot [AzurLaneAutoScript](https://github.com/LmeSzinc/AzurLaneAutoScript). After 3 years of development, ALAS has reached a high degree of completion, but it has also accumulated a lot of shit code that is difficult to change. We hope that Fix these issues on a new project. - Update OCR. ALAS has trained multiple models on cnocr==1.2.2, but the dependent [mxnet](https://github.com/apache/mxnet) is no longer active, machine learning is developing rapidly, and the speed of new models and the correct rate crushes the old model. - Converting setting files into [pydantic](https://github.com/pydantic/pydantic) models. Since the concept of task and scheduler was added, the number of user settings greatly increased. ALAS has built a code generator to implement setting read and update. pydantic will make things more elegantly. - Better Assets management. button_extract helps ALAS to easily maintain 4000+ template images, but it has a serious performance issue, and the reminder of multi-server supported is also submerged in a large amount of meaningless logs. - Reduced coupling to Azur Lane. The ALAS framework and ALAS GUI have the ability to interface with other games and their not, but the completed [MAA](https://github.com/MaaAssistantArknights/MaaAssistantArknights) plug-in for Arknights and [fgo-py](https: //github.com/hgjazhgj/FGO-py) plug-in under development have found serious coupling problems between ALAS and the Azur Lane game itself.