import codecs import configparser import copy import os from datetime import datetime import cv2 import numpy as np from PIL import Image from module.base.timer import future_time from module.config.dictionary import * from module.logger import logger class AzurLaneConfig: """ Basic Config. """ CONFIG_FILE = '' config = configparser.ConfigParser(interpolation=None) """ Fleet """ ENABLE_FLEET_CONTROL = True # Fleet 1-6, if empty use 0. _FLEET_1 = 1 FLEET_2 = 2 FLEET_3 = 3 # Formation 1-3. _FLEET_1_FORMATION = 2 FLEET_2_FORMATION = 2 FLEET_3_FORMATION = 2 # Fleet 1-2, if empty use 0. SUBMARINE = 0 FLEET_CHECKED = False USING_SPARE_FLEET = False @property def FLEET_1(self): return self.FLEET_3 if self.USING_SPARE_FLEET else self._FLEET_1 @FLEET_1.setter def FLEET_1(self, value): self._FLEET_1 = value @property def FLEET_1_FORMATION(self): return self.FLEET_3_FORMATION if self.USING_SPARE_FLEET else self._FLEET_1_FORMATION @FLEET_1_FORMATION.setter def FLEET_1_FORMATION(self, value): self._FLEET_1_FORMATION = value """ module.assets """ ASSETS_FOLDER = './assets' """ module.base """ COLOR_SIMILAR_THRESHOLD = 10 BUTTON_OFFSET = 30 BUTTON_MATCH_SIMILARITY = 0.85 SLEEP_AFTER_CLICK = 0 WAIT_BEFORE_SAVING_SCREEN_SHOT = 1 """ module.combat """ ENABLE_SAVE_GET_ITEMS = True ENABLE_HP_BALANCE = False ENABLE_MAP_FLEET_LOCK = True SUBMARINE_MODE = '' SUBMARINE_CALL_AT_BOSS = False """ module.campaign """ CAMPAIGN_NAME = 'default' CAMPAIGN_MODE = 'normal' ENABLE_STOP_CONDITION = True STOP_IF_OIL_LOWER_THAN = 5000 STOP_IF_COUNT_GREATER_THAN = 0 STOP_IF_TIME_REACH = 0 STOP_IF_TRIGGER_EMOTION_LIMIT = False STOP_IF_DOCK_FULL = False """ module.event """ EVENT_NAME = '' CAMPAIGN_EVENT = '' EVENT_NAME_AB = '' """ module.combat.emotion """ ENABLE_EMOTION_REDUCE = True IGNORE_LOW_EMOTION_WARN = False EMOTION_LIMIT_TRIGGERED = False TIME_FORMAT = '%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S' # 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 FLEET_1_RECOVER_PER_HOUR = 50 FLEET_1_EMOTION_LIMIT = 120 FLEET_2_RECOVER_PER_HOUR = 20 FLEET_2_EMOTION_LIMIT = 50 FLEET_3_RECOVER_PER_HOUR = 20 FLEET_3_EMOTION_LIMIT = 50 """ module.device """ SERIAL = '' COMMAND = '' USE_ADB_SREENSHOT = False USE_ADB_CONTROL = False SCREEN_SHOT_SAVE_FOLDER_BASE = './screenshot' SCREEN_SHOT_SAVE_FOLDER = '' SCREEN_SHOT_SAVE_INTERVAL = 5 # Seconds between two save. Saves in the interval will be dropped. """ module.daily """ ENABLE_DAILY_MISSION = True FLEET_DAILY = 3 FLEET_DAILY_EQUIPMENT = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1] DAILY_CHOOSE = { 4: 1, # 商船护送 5: 1, # 海域突进 1: 2, # 战术研修, 1航空 2炮击 3雷击 2: 1, # 斩首行动 3: 1, # 破交作战 } """ module.hard """ ENABLE_HARD_CAMPAIGN = True HARD_CAMPAIGN = '10-4' FLEET_HARD = 1 FLEET_HARD_EQUIPMENT = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1] """ module.exercise """ ENABLE_EXERCISE = True EXERCISE_CHOOSE_MODE = 'max_exp' EXERCISE_PRESERVE = 0 LOW_HP_THRESHOLD = 0.40 LOW_HP_CONFIRM_WAIT = 1.0 OPPONENT_CHALLENGE_TRIAL = 1 EXERCISE_FLEET_EQUIPMENT = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1] """ error_log """ ERROR_LOG_FOLDER = './log/error' """ """ MAP_HAS_AMBUSH = False """ module.retire """ ENABLE_RETIREMENT = True DOCK_FULL_TRIGGERED = False RETIRE_MODE = '10' # all, 10 RETIRE_N = True RETIRE_R = False RETIRE_SR = False RETIRE_SSR = False """ """ # Screen SCREEN_SIZE = (1280, 720) DETECTING_AREA = (123, 55, 1280, 720) SCREEN_CENTER = (SCREEN_SIZE[0] / 2, SCREEN_SIZE[1] / 2) MID_Y = SCREEN_CENTER[1] # UI mask UI_MASK_FILE = './module/map/ui_mask.png' UI_MASK = np.array('L')) kernel = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_RECT, (3, 3)) UI_MASK_STROKE = cv2.erode(UI_MASK, kernel).astype('uint8') # Parameters for scipy.signal.find_peaks # INTERNAL_LINES_FIND_PEAKS_PARAMETERS = { 'height': (150, 255 - 40), 'width': 2, 'prominence': 10, 'distance': 35, } EDGE_LINES_FIND_PEAKS_PARAMETERS = { 'height': (255 - 24, 255), 'prominence': 10, 'distance': 50, # 'width': (0, 7), 'wlen': 1000 } # Parameters for cv2.HoughLines INTERNAL_LINES_HOUGHLINES_THRESHOLD = 75 EDGE_LINES_HOUGHLINES_THRESHOLD = 75 # Parameters for lines pre-cleansing HORIZONTAL_LINES_THETA_THRESHOLD = 0.005 VERTICAL_LINES_THETA_THRESHOLD = 18 # Parameters for perspective calculating VANISH_POINT_RANGE = ((540, 740), (-3000, -1000)) DISTANCE_POINT_X_RANGE = ((-3200, -1600),) # Parameters for line cleansing ERROR_LINES_TOLERANCE = (-10, 10) MID_DIFF_RANGE = (129 - 3, 129 + 3) COINCIDENT_POINT_RANGE = ( ( -abs(ERROR_LINES_TOLERANCE[0]) * MID_DIFF_RANGE[1], # SCREEN_SIZE[0] + ERROR_LINES_TOLERANCE[1] * MID_DIFF_RANGE[1] 200 ), MID_DIFF_RANGE ) """ module.daemon """ ENABLE_SEMI_MAP_PREPARATION = True ENABLE_SEMI_STORY_SKIP = True """ module.reward """ ENABLE_REWARD = True REWARD_INTERVAL = 20 REWARD_LAST_TIME = ENABLE_OIL_REWARD = True ENABLE_COIN_REWARD = True ENABLE_MISSION_REWARD = True ENABLE_COMMISSION_REWARD = True COMMISSION_PRIORITY = { 'major_comm': 0, 'daily_comm': 100, 'extra_drill': 20, 'extra_part': 60, 'extra_cube': 80, 'extra_oil': 90, 'extra_book': 70, 'urgent_drill': 45, 'urgent_part': 95, 'urgent_book': 145, 'urgent_box': 195, 'urgent_cube': 165, 'urgent_gem': 205, 'urgent_ship': 155, 'expire_shorter_than_2': 11, 'expire_longer_than_6': -11, 'duration_shorter_than_2': 11, 'duration_longer_than_6': -11, } COMMISSION_TIME_LIMIT = 0 """ C_7_2_mystery_farming """ C72_BOSS_FLEET_STEP_ON_A3 = True """ C_12_4_leveling """ C124_NON_S3_ENTER_TOLERANCE = 1 C124_NON_S3_WITHDRAW_TOLERANCE = 0 C124_AMMO_PICK_UP = 3 def create_folder(self): self.SCREEN_SHOT_SAVE_FOLDER = self.SCREEN_SHOT_SAVE_FOLDER_BASE + '/' + self.CAMPAIGN_NAME for folder in [self.SCREEN_SHOT_SAVE_FOLDER_BASE, self.ASSETS_FOLDER, self.SCREEN_SHOT_SAVE_FOLDER, self.ERROR_LOG_FOLDER]: if not os.path.exists(folder): os.mkdir(folder) def merge(self, other): """ Args: other (AzurLaneConfig, Config): Returns: AzurLaneConfig """ config = copy.copy(self) for attr in dir(config): if attr.endswith('__'): continue if hasattr(other, attr): value = other.__getattribute__(attr) if value is not None: config.__setattr__(attr, value) return config def load_config_file(self, name='main'): self.CONFIG_FILE = f'./config/{name}.ini' self.config.read_file(, "r", "utf8")) self.load_from_config(self.config) def save(self): self.config.write(, "w+", "utf8")) def load_from_config(self, config): """ Args: config(configparser.ConfigParser): """ self.COMMAND = config.get('Command', 'command') # Emulator option = config['Emulator'] self.SERIAL = option['serial'] option = config['Setting'] # Stop condition self.ENABLE_STOP_CONDITION = to_bool(option['enable_stop_condition']) self.STOP_IF_COUNT_GREATER_THAN = int(option['if_count_greater_than']) if not option['if_time_reach'].isdigit(): self.STOP_IF_TIME_REACH = future_time(option['if_time_reach']) else: self.STOP_IF_TIME_REACH = 0 self.STOP_IF_OIL_LOWER_THAN = int(option['if_oil_lower_than']) self.STOP_IF_TRIGGER_EMOTION_LIMIT = to_bool(option['if_trigger_emotion_control']) self.STOP_IF_DOCK_FULL = to_bool(option['if_dock_full']) # Fleet self.ENABLE_FLEET_CONTROL = to_bool(option['enable_fleet_control']) for n in ['1', '2', '3']: self.__setattr__(f'FLEET_{n}', int(option[f'fleet_index_{n}'])) self.__setattr__(f'FLEET_{n}_FORMATION', int(option[f'fleet_formation_{n}'].split('_')[1])) self.SUBMARINE = int(option['fleet_index_4']) if to_bool(option['fleet_index_4']) else 0 self.SUBMARINE_MODE = option['submarine_mode'] self.SUBMARINE_CALL_AT_BOSS = option['submarine_mode'] == 'when_boss_combat_boss_appear' # Emotion self.ENABLE_EMOTION_REDUCE = to_bool(option['enable_emotion_reduce']) self.IGNORE_LOW_EMOTION_WARN = to_bool(option['ignore_low_emotion_warn']) for n in ['1', '2', '3']: recover = dic_emotion_recover[option[f'emotion_recover_{n}']] recover += 10 if to_bool(option[f'hole_fleet_married_{n}']) else 0 self.__setattr__(f'FLEET_{n}_RECOVER_PER_HOUR', recover) self.__setattr__(f'FLEET_{n}_EMOTION_LIMIT', dic_emotion_limit[option[f'emotion_control_{n}']]) # HP balance, save get items -> combat self.ENABLE_HP_BALANCE = to_bool(option['enable_hp_balance']) self.ENABLE_SAVE_GET_ITEMS = to_bool(option['enable_drop_screenshot']) self.SCREEN_SHOT_SAVE_FOLDER_BASE = option['drop_screenshot_folder'] # Retirement self.ENABLE_RETIREMENT = to_bool(option['enable_retirement']) self.RETIRE_MODE = option['retire_mode'].split('_')[1] for r in ['n', 'r', 'sr', 'ssr']: self.__setattr__(f'RETIRE_{r.upper()}', to_bool(option[f'retire_{r}'])) # Reward option = config['Reward'] self.REWARD_INTERVAL = int(option['reward_interval']) for attr in ['enable_reward', 'enable_oil_reward', 'enable_coin_reward', 'enable_mission_reward', 'enable_commission_reward']: self.__setattr__(attr.upper(), to_bool(option[attr])) self.COMMISSION_TIME_LIMIT = future_time(option['commission_time_limit']) for attr in self.COMMISSION_PRIORITY.keys(): self.COMMISSION_PRIORITY[attr] = int(option[attr]) option = config['Main'] self.CAMPAIGN_NAME = option['main_stage'] self.CAMPAIGN_NAME = 'campaign_' + self.CAMPAIGN_NAME.replace('-', '_') option = config['Daily'] for n in ['daily_mission', 'hard_campaign', 'exercise']: self.__setattr__(f'ENABLE_{n.upper()}', option[f'enable_{n}']) # Daily mission self.ENABLE_DAILY_MISSION = to_bool(option['enable_daily_mission']) for n in [1, 2, 4, 5]: self.DAILY_CHOOSE[n] = dic_daily[option[f'daily_mission_{n}']] self.FLEET_DAILY = int(option['daily_fleet']) self.FLEET_DAILY_EQUIPMENT = equip(option['daily_equipment']) # Hard self.ENABLE_HARD_CAMPAIGN = to_bool(option['enable_hard_campaign']) self.HARD_CAMPAIGN = option['hard_campaign'] self.FLEET_HARD = int(option['hard_fleet']) self.FLEET_HARD_EQUIPMENT = equip(option['hard_equipment']) # Exercise self.ENABLE_EXERCISE = to_bool(option['enable_exercise']) self.EXERCISE_CHOOSE_MODE = option['exercise_choose_mode'] self.EXERCISE_PRESERVE = int(option['exercise_preserve']) self.OPPONENT_CHALLENGE_TRIAL = int(option['exercise_try']) self.LOW_HP_THRESHOLD = float(option['exercise_hp_threshold']) self.LOW_HP_CONFIRM_WAIT = float(option['exercise_low_hp_confirm']) self.EXERCISE_FLEET_EQUIPMENT = equip(option['exercise_equipment']) # Event option = config['Event'] self.EVENT_NAME = option['event_name'] if 'sp' in ''.join(os.listdir(f'./campaign/{self.EVENT_NAME}')): self.CAMPAIGN_EVENT = option['sp_stage'] else: self.CAMPAIGN_EVENT = option['event_stage'] # Event_daily_ab option = config['Event_daily_ab'] self.EVENT_NAME_AB = option['event_name_ab'] # Semi_auto option = config['Semi_auto'] self.ENABLE_SEMI_MAP_PREPARATION = to_bool(option['enable_semi_map_preparation']) self.ENABLE_SEMI_STORY_SKIP = to_bool(option['enable_semi_story_skip']) # C_7_2_mystery_farming option = config['C72_mystery_farming'] self.C72_BOSS_FLEET_STEP_ON_A3 = to_bool(option['boss_fleet_step_on_a3']) if self.COMMAND.lower() == 'c72_mystery_farming' and not self.C72_BOSS_FLEET_STEP_ON_A3: self.FLEET_2 = 0 # C_12_4_leveling option = config['C124_leveling'] self.C124_NON_S3_ENTER_TOLERANCE = int(option['non_s3_enemy_enter_tolerance']) self.C124_NON_S3_WITHDRAW_TOLERANCE = int(option['non_s3_enemy_withdraw_tolerance']) self.C124_AMMO_PICK_UP = int(option['ammo_pick_up_124']) def record_executed_since(self, option, since): """ Args: option (tuple(str)): (Section, Option), such as ('DailyRecord', 'exercise'). since (tuple(int)): Update hour in Azurlane, such as (0, 12, 18,). Returns: bool: If got a record after last game update. """ record = datetime.strptime(self.config.get(*option), self.TIME_FORMAT) since = np.array(since) hour = since[since <=][-1] update =, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) logger.attr(f'{option[0]}_{option[1]}', f'Record time: {record}') logger.attr(f'{option[0]}_{option[1]}', f'Last update: {update}') return record > update def record_save(self, option): record = datetime.strftime(, self.TIME_FORMAT) self.config.set(option[0], option[1], record) def __init__(self, conf='main'): """ Args: conf (str): Config to load. """ self.load_config_file(conf) self.create_folder() # cfg = AzurLaneConfig()