import re from module.base.timer import Timer from module.logger import logger from module.ocr.ocr import Digit, DigitCounter from tasks.base.ui import UI from tasks.combat.assets.assets_combat_prepare import ( OCR_TRAILBLAZE_POWER, OCR_WAVE_COST, OCR_WAVE_COUNT, WAVE_MINUS, WAVE_PLUS ) class TrailblazePowerOcr(DigitCounter): def after_process(self, result): result = super().after_process(result) # The trailblaze power icon is recognized as 买 # OCR_TRAILBLAZE_POWER includes the icon because the length varies by value result = re.sub(r'[买米装:()]', '', result) return result class CombatPrepare(UI): # Current combat waves, combat_waves = 1 # Limit combat runs, 0 means no limit. combat_wave_limit = 0 combat_wave_done = 0 # E.g. 10, 30, 40 combat_wave_cost = 10 def combat_set_wave(self, count=6): """ Args: count: 1 to 6 Pages: in: COMBAT_PREPARE """ self.ui_ensure_index( count, letter=Digit(OCR_WAVE_COUNT), next_button=WAVE_PLUS, prev_button=WAVE_MINUS, skip_first_screenshot=True ) def combat_has_multi_wave(self) -> bool: """ If combat has waves to set. Most dungeons can do 6 times at one time while bosses don't. """ return self.appear(WAVE_MINUS) or self.appear(WAVE_PLUS) def combat_get_trailblaze_power(self, expect_reduce=False, skip_first_screenshot=True) -> int: """ Args: expect_reduce: Current value is supposed to be lower than the previous. skip_first_screenshot: Pages: in: COMBAT_PREPARE or COMBAT_REPEAT """ timeout = Timer(1, count=2).start() while 1: if skip_first_screenshot: skip_first_screenshot = False else: self.device.screenshot() current, _, total = TrailblazePowerOcr(OCR_TRAILBLAZE_POWER).ocr_single_line(self.device.image) # Empty result if total == 0: continue # Confirm if it is > 180, sometimes just OCR errors if current > 180 and timeout.reached(): break if expect_reduce and current >= self.config.stored.TrailblazePower.value: continue if current <= 180: break self.config.stored.TrailblazePower.value = current return current def combat_get_wave_cost(self, skip_first_screenshot=True): """ Get traiblaze power cost and set it to `combat_cost` Returns: int: E.g. 10, 30, 40 Pages: in: COMBAT_PREPARE """ multi = self.combat_has_multi_wave() logger.attr('CombatMultiWave', multi) timeout = Timer(1.5, count=6).start() while 1: if skip_first_screenshot: skip_first_screenshot = False else: self.device.screenshot() cost = Digit(OCR_WAVE_COST).ocr_single_line(self.device.image) if cost == 10: if multi: self.combat_wave_cost = cost return cost else: logger.warning(f'Combat wave costs {cost} but does not has multiple waves') self.combat_wave_cost = cost return cost elif cost in [30, 40]: if multi: logger.warning(f'Combat wave costs {cost} but has multiple waves, ' f'probably wave amount is preset') self.combat_set_wave(1) skip_first_screenshot = True timeout.reset() continue else: self.combat_wave_cost = cost return cost else: logger.warning(f'Unexpected combat wave cost: {cost}') continue if multi: cost = 10 else: cost = 40 logger.warning(f'Get combat wave cost timeout, assume it costs {cost}') self.combat_wave_cost = cost return cost