@ECHO off set PATH=%PATH%;%PROGRAMFILES%\Git\cmd cls :start ECHO. ECHO 1. https://github.com/LmeSzinc/AzurLaneAutoScript ECHO 2. https://github.com/whoamikyo/AzurLaneAutoScript set choice= set /p choice=Choose the repository you want to use. if not '%choice%'=='' set choice=%choice:~0,1% if '%choice%'=='1' goto LmeSzinc if '%choice%'=='2' goto whoamikyo ECHO "%choice%" is not valid, try again ECHO. goto start :LmeSzinc git pull https://github.com/LmeSzinc/AzurLaneAutoScript.git goto end :whoamikyo git pull https://github.com/whoamikyo/AzurLaneAutoScript.git goto end :end pause