# How to do statistics on item drop rate This document will show how to use `dev_tools/item_statistics.py` ## Enable statistics in alas In alas GUI, - set `enable_drop_screenshot` to `yes`, if enabled, alas will add a 1s sleep before screenshot, to avoid capture the flash. There's a flash light when item shows up. - set `drop_screenshot_folder` to be the folder you want to save. It is recommended to save it in SSD. After few hours or few days of running, you will get a folder structure like: ``` campaign_7_2 get_items 158323xxxxxxx.png 158323xxxxxxx.png 158323xxxxxxx.png get_mission get_ship mystery status campaign_10_4_HARD get_items get_mission get_ship status d3 get_items get_mission get_ship status ``` Screenshot are named after millesecond timestamp. ## Prepare a new environment - Prepare another virtual environment, accoring to `requirements.txt`. But use the GPU version of `mxnet`. I am using GTX1080Ti, and I installed `mxnet-cu80==1.4.1`, `CUDA8.0`, `cuDNN`. Google `mxnet gpu install`, and see how to do in details. You may intall other version of CUDA, and mxnet for that CUDA, because you are using another graphic card. - Look for the cnocr in your virtual environment. Replace site-packages\cnocr\cn_ocr.py line 89 ``` mod = mx.mod.Module(symbol=sym, context=mx.cpu(), data_names=data_names, label_names=None) ``` ​ to be: ``` mod = mx.mod.Module(symbol=sym, context=mx.gpu(), data_names=data_names, label_names=None) ``` ​ Now cnocr will run on GPU. ​ You can skip these anyway, and use the same environment as alas, but the OCR will run really slow. - Install tqdm, a package to show progressbar. ``` pip install tqdm ``` ## Extract item_template Copy folder `dev_tools\item_template` to the map folder such as `\campaign_7_2`. Change the folder in line 24 These template are named in chinese, rename them in English. >**How to a name template image** > >You should use their full name, such as "138.6mm单装炮Mle1929T3", instead of short name or nickname, such as "DD_gun". > >If you have same item with different image, use names like `torpedo_part.png`, `torpedo_part_2.png`, they will a classified as torpedo_part Uncomment the part for item extract in dev_tools/item_statistics.py, and run, you will have some new item templates. Here's an example log: ``` 1%| | 107/12668 [00:05<10:24, 20.10it/s]2020-06-03 10:39:42.609 | INFO | New item template: 50 1%| | 158/12668 [00:07<10:42, 19.47it/s]2020-06-03 10:39:45.098 | INFO | New item template: 51 2%|▏ | 207/12668 [00:10<10:33, 19.66it/s]2020-06-03 10:39:47.772 | INFO | New item template: 52 2%|▏ | 215/12668 [00:10<11:20, 18.29it/s]2020-06-03 10:39:48.304 | INFO | New item template: 53 100%|██████████| 12668/12668 [10:33<00:00, 19.99it/s] ``` Rename those new templates. If you find some items haven't been extracted, try use line 140, instead of 141. ## Final statistic Uncomment the part for final statistic, configure the csv file you wang to save. The ocr model may not works fine in EN. Here's an example log: ``` 2020-06-03 12:23:55.355 | INFO | [ENEMY_GENRE 0.007s] 中型侦查舰队 2020-06-03 12:23:55.363 | INFO | [Amount_ocr 0.009s] [1, 1, 22] 100%|█████████▉| 14916/14919 [20:32<00:00, 13.20it/s]2020-06-03 12:23:55.442 | INFO | [ENEMY_GENRE 0.007s] 大型航空舰队 2020-06-03 12:23:55.455 | INFO | [Amount_ocr 0.013s] [1, 1, 1, 17] 2020-06-03 12:23:55.539 | INFO | [ENEMY_GENRE 0.007s] 敌方旗舰 2020-06-03 12:23:55.549 | INFO | [Amount_ocr 0.010s] [1, 2, 1, 63] 100%|█████████▉| 14918/14919 [20:33<00:00, 12.35it/s]2020-06-03 12:23:55.623 | INFO | [ENEMY_GENRE 0.007s] 精英舰队 2020-06-03 12:23:55.633 | INFO | [Amount_ocr 0.010s] [1, 1, 1, 17] 100%|██████████| 14919/14919 [20:33<00:00, 12.10it/s] ``` Now you got a csv file, formated to be: ``` , , , , ``` like this: ``` 1590271317900,1590271315841,中型主力舰队,主炮部件T3,1 1590271317900,1590271315841,中型主力舰队,物资,23 1590271359374,1590271357251,小型侦查舰队,通用部件T1,1 1590271359374,1590271357251,小型侦查舰队,鱼雷部件T2,1 1590271359374,1590271357251,小型侦查舰队,物资,13 1590271415308,1590271413207,敌方旗舰,彗星,1 1590271415308,1590271413207,敌方旗舰,通用部件T3,1 1590271415308,1590271413207,敌方旗舰,科技箱T1,1 1590271415308,1590271413207,敌方旗舰,物资,42 1590271415308,1590271413207,敌方旗舰,_比萨研发物资,1 1590271415308,1590271413207,敌方旗舰,_鸢尾之印,1 ``` You can open it in Excel or load it into database. ## Improvement These code is running on single thread, you can try adding multiprocess to speed up. I didn't do that because it's still acceptable (20it/s without ocr, 12it/s with ocr)