import os import re import typing as t from dataclasses import dataclass import numpy as np from tqdm import tqdm from module.base.code_generator import CodeGenerator from module.base.utils import SelectedGrids, area_limit, area_pad, get_bbox, get_color, image_size, load_image from module.config.config_manual import ManualConfig as AzurLaneConfig from module.config.server import VALID_SERVER from module.config.utils import deep_get, deep_iter, deep_set, iter_folder from module.logger import logger SHARE_SERVER = 'share' ASSET_SERVER = [SHARE_SERVER] + VALID_SERVER class AssetsImage: REGEX_ASSETS = re.compile( f'^{AzurLaneConfig.ASSETS_FOLDER}/' f'(?P{"|".join(ASSET_SERVER).lower()})/' f'(?P[a-zA-Z0-9_/]+?)/' f'(?P\w+)' f'(?P\.\d+)?' f'(?P\.AREA|\.SEARCH|\.COLOR|\.BUTTON)?' f'\.png$' ) def __init__(self, file: str): """ Args: file: ./assets///...png Example: ./assets/cn/ui/login/LOGIN_CONFIRM.2.BUTTON.png then, server="cn", module="ui/login", assets="LOGIN_CONFIRM", frame=2, attr="BUTTON" and are optional. """ self.file: str = file prefix = AzurLaneConfig.ASSETS_FOLDER res = AssetsImage.REGEX_ASSETS.match(file) self.valid = False self.server = '' self.module = '' self.assets = '' self.frame = 1 self.attr = '' if res: self.valid = True self.server ='server') self.module ='module') self.assets ='assets') if'frame'): self.frame = int('frame').strip('.')) else: self.frame = 1 if'attr'): self.attr ='attr').strip('.') else: self.attr = '' self.parent_file = f'{prefix}{}.png' else:'Invalid assets name: {self.file}') self.bbox: t.Tuple = () self.mean: t.Tuple = () def parse(self): image = load_image(self.file) size = image_size(image) if size != AzurLaneConfig.ASSETS_RESOLUTION: logger.warning(f'{self.file} has wrong resolution: {size}') self.valid = False bbox = get_bbox(image) mean = get_color(image=image, area=bbox) mean = tuple(np.rint(mean).astype(int)) self.bbox = bbox self.mean = mean return bbox, mean def __str__(self): if self.valid: return f'AssetsImage(module={self.module}, assets={self.assets}, server={self.server}, frame={self.frame}, attr={self.attr})' else: return f'AssetsImage(file={self.file}, valid={self.valid})' def iter_images(): for server in ASSET_SERVER: for path, folders, files in os.walk(os.path.join(AzurLaneConfig.ASSETS_FOLDER, server)): for file in files: file = os.path.join(path, file).replace('\\', '/') yield AssetsImage(file) @dataclass class DataAssets: module: str assets: str server: str frame: int file: str = '' area: t.Tuple[int, int, int, int] = () search: t.Tuple[int, int, int, int] = () color: t.Tuple[int, int, int] = () button: t.Tuple[int, int, int, int] = () @staticmethod def area_to_search(area): area = area_pad(area, pad=-20) area = area_limit(area, (0, 0, *AzurLaneConfig.ASSETS_RESOLUTION)) return area @classmethod def product(cls, image: AssetsImage): """ Product DataAssets from AssetsImage with attr="" """ data = cls(module=image.module, assets=image.assets, server=image.server, frame=image.frame, file=image.file) data.load_image(image) return data def load_image(self, image: AssetsImage): if image.attr == '': self.file = image.file self.area = image.bbox self.color = image.mean self.button = image.bbox elif image.attr == 'AREA': self.area = image.bbox elif image.attr == 'SEARCH': = image.bbox elif image.attr == 'COLOR': self.color = image.mean elif image.attr == 'BUTTON': self.button = image.bbox else: logger.warning(f'Trying to load an image with unknown attribute: {image}') def generate_code(self): return f'Assets(file="{self.file}", area={self.area}, search={}, color={self.color}, button={self.button})' def iter_assets(): images = list(iter_images()) # parse images, this may take a while for image in tqdm(images): image.parse() # Validate images images = SelectedGrids(images).select(valid=True) images.create_index('module', 'assets', 'server', 'frame', 'attr') for image in images.filter(lambda x: bool(x.attr)): image: AssetsImage = image if not images.indexed_select(image.module, image.assets, image.server, image.frame, ''): logger.warning(f'Attribute assets has no parent assets: {image.file}') image.valid = False if not images.indexed_select(image.module, image.assets, image.server, 1, ''): logger.warning(f'Attribute assets has no first frame: {image.file}') image.valid = False if image.attr == 'SEARCH' and image.frame > 1: logger.warning(f'Attribute SEARCH with frame > 1 is not allowed: {image.file}') image.valid = False images ='module', 'assets', 'server', 'frame') # Convert to DataAssets data = {} for image in images: if image.attr == '': row = DataAssets.product(image) row.load_image(image) deep_set(data, keys=[image.module, image.assets, image.server, image.frame], value=row) # Load attribute images for image in images: if image.attr != '': row = deep_get(data, keys=[image.module, image.assets, image.server, image.frame]) row.load_image(image) # Apply `search` of the first frame to all for path, frames in deep_iter(data, depth=3): print(path, frames) first = frames[1] search = if else DataAssets.area_to_search(first.area) for frame in frames.values(): = search return data def generate_code(): all = iter_assets() for module, module_data in all.items(): path = os.path.join(AzurLaneConfig.ASSETS_MODULE, module.split('/', maxsplit=1)[0]) output = os.path.join(path, '') if os.path.exists(output): os.remove(output) output = os.path.join(path, 'assets') os.makedirs(output, exist_ok=True) for prev in iter_folder(output, ext='.py'): os.remove(prev) for module, module_data in all.items(): path = os.path.join(AzurLaneConfig.ASSETS_MODULE, module.split('/', maxsplit=1)[0]) output = os.path.join(path, 'assets') gen = CodeGenerator() gen.Import(""" from module.base.button import Button, ButtonWrapper """) gen.CommentAutoGenerage('dev_tools.button_extract') for assets, assets_data in module_data.items(): has_share = SHARE_SERVER in assets_data with gen.Object(key=assets, object_class='ButtonWrapper'): gen.ObjectAttr(key='name', value=assets) if has_share: servers = assets_data.keys() else: servers = VALID_SERVER for server in servers: frames = list(assets_data.get(server, {}).values()) if len(frames) > 1: with gen.ObjectAttr(key=server, value=gen.List()): for index, frame in enumerate(frames): with gen.ListItem(gen.Object(object_class='Button')): gen.ObjectAttr(key='file', value=frame.file) gen.ObjectAttr(key='area', value=frame.area) gen.ObjectAttr(key='search', gen.ObjectAttr(key='color', value=frame.color) gen.ObjectAttr(key='button', value=frame.button) elif len(frames) == 1: frame = frames[0] with gen.ObjectAttr(key=server, value=gen.Object(object_class='Button')): gen.ObjectAttr(key='file', value=frame.file) gen.ObjectAttr(key='area', value=frame.area) gen.ObjectAttr(key='search', gen.ObjectAttr(key='color', value=frame.color) gen.ObjectAttr(key='button', value=frame.button) else: gen.ObjectAttr(key=server, value=None) gen.write(os.path.join(output, f'assets_{module.replace("/", "_")}.py')) if __name__ == '__main__': generate_code()