import asyncio import ctypes import os import sys from functools import partial, wraps import cv2 import numpy as np from module.base.decorator import cached_property, del_cached_property, has_cached_property from module.base.timer import Timer from module.base.utils import ensure_time from module.device.method.minitouch import insert_swipe, random_rectangle_point from module.device.method.utils import RETRY_TRIES, retry_sleep from module.device.platform import Platform from module.exception import RequestHumanTakeover from module.logger import logger class NemuIpcIncompatible(Exception): pass class NemuIpcError(Exception): pass class CaptureStd: """ Capture stdout and stderr from both python and C library ``` with CaptureStd() as capture: # String wasn't printed print('whatever') # But captured in ``capture.stdout`` print(f'Got stdout: "{capture.stdout}"') print(f'Got stderr: "{capture.stderr}"') ``` """ def __init__(self): self.stdout = b'' self.stderr = b'' def _redirect_stdout(self, to): sys.stdout.close() os.dup2(to, self.fdout) sys.stdout = os.fdopen(self.fdout, 'w') def _redirect_stderr(self, to): sys.stderr.close() os.dup2(to, self.fderr) sys.stderr = os.fdopen(self.fderr, 'w') def __enter__(self): self.fdout = sys.stdout.fileno() self.fderr = sys.stderr.fileno() self.reader_out, self.writer_out = os.pipe() self.reader_err, self.writer_err = os.pipe() self.old_stdout = os.dup(self.fdout) self.old_stderr = os.dup(self.fderr) file_out = os.fdopen(self.writer_out, 'w') file_err = os.fdopen(self.writer_err, 'w') self._redirect_stdout(to=file_out.fileno()) self._redirect_stderr(to=file_err.fileno()) return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self._redirect_stdout(to=self.old_stdout) self._redirect_stderr(to=self.old_stderr) os.close(self.old_stdout) os.close(self.old_stderr) self.stdout = self.recvall(self.reader_out) self.stderr = self.recvall(self.reader_err) os.close(self.reader_out) os.close(self.reader_err) @staticmethod def recvall(reader, length=1024) -> bytes: fragments = [] while 1: chunk =, length) if chunk: fragments.append(chunk) else: break output = b''.join(fragments) return output class CaptureNemuIpc(CaptureStd): instance = None def is_capturing(self): """ Only capture at the topmost wrapper to avoid nested capturing If a capture is ongoing, this instance does nothing """ cls = self.__class__ return isinstance(cls.instance, cls) and cls.instance != self def __enter__(self): if self.is_capturing(): return self super().__enter__() CaptureNemuIpc.instance = self return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): if self.is_capturing(): return CaptureNemuIpc.instance = None super().__exit__(exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb) self.check_stdout() self.check_stderr() def check_stdout(self): if not self.stdout: return'NemuIpc stdout: {self.stdout}') def check_stderr(self): if not self.stderr: return logger.error(f'NemuIpc stderr: {self.stderr}') # Calling an old MuMu12 player # Tested on 3.4.0 # b'nemu_capture_display rpc error: 1783\r\n' # Tested on 3.7.3 # b'nemu_capture_display rpc error: 1745\r\n' if b'error: 1783' in self.stderr or b'error: 1745' in self.stderr: raise NemuIpcIncompatible( f'NemuIpc requires MuMu12 version >= 3.8.13, please check your version') # contact_id incorrect # b'nemu_capture_display cannot find rpc connection\r\n' if b'cannot find rpc connection' in self.stderr: raise NemuIpcError(self.stderr) # Emulator died # b'nemu_capture_display rpc error: 1722\r\n' # MuMuVMMSVC.exe died # b'nemu_capture_display rpc error: 1726\r\n' # No idea how to handle yet if b'error: 1722' in self.stderr or b'error: 1726' in self.stderr: raise NemuIpcError('Emulator instance is probably dead') def retry(func): @wraps(func) def retry_wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Args: self (NemuIpcImpl): """ init = None for _ in range(RETRY_TRIES): try: if callable(init): retry_sleep(_) init() return func(self, *args, **kwargs) # Can't handle except RequestHumanTakeover: break # Can't handle except NemuIpcIncompatible as e: logger.error(e) break # Function call timeout except asyncio.TimeoutError: logger.warning(f'Func {func.__name__}() call timeout, retrying: {_}') def init(): self.reconnect() # NemuIpcError except NemuIpcError as e: logger.error(e) def init(): self.reconnect() # Unknown, probably a trucked image except Exception as e: logger.exception(e) def init(): pass logger.critical(f'Retry {func.__name__}() failed') raise RequestHumanTakeover return retry_wrapper class NemuIpcImpl: def __init__(self, nemu_folder: str, instance_id: int, display_id: int = 0): """ Args: nemu_folder: Installation path of MuMu12, e.g. E:/ProgramFiles/MuMuPlayer-12.0 instance_id: Emulator instance ID, starting from 0 display_id: Always 0 if keep app alive was disabled """ self.nemu_folder: str = nemu_folder self.instance_id: int = instance_id self.display_id: int = display_id ipc_dll = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(nemu_folder, './shell/sdk/external_renderer_ipc.dll')) f'NemuIpcImpl init, ' f'nemu_folder={nemu_folder}, ' f'ipc_dll={ipc_dll}, ' f'instance_id={instance_id}, ' f'display_id={display_id}' ) try: self.lib = ctypes.CDLL(ipc_dll) except OSError as e: logger.error(e) # OSError: [WinError 126] 找不到指定的模块。 if not os.path.exists(ipc_dll): raise NemuIpcIncompatible( f'ipc_dll={ipc_dll} does not exist, ' f'NemuIpc requires MuMu12 version >= 3.8.13, please check your version') else: raise NemuIpcIncompatible( f'ipc_dll={ipc_dll} exists, but cannot be loaded') self.connect_id: int = 0 self.width = 0 self.height = 0 def connect(self): if self.connect_id > 0: return connect_id = self.ev_run_sync( self.lib.nemu_connect, self.nemu_folder, self.instance_id ) if connect_id == 0: raise NemuIpcError( 'Connection failed, please check if nemu_folder is correct and emulator is running' ) self.connect_id = connect_id #'NemuIpc connected: {self.connect_id}') def disconnect(self): if self.connect_id == 0: return self.ev_run_sync( self.lib.nemu_disconnect, self.connect_id ) #'NemuIpc disconnected: {self.connect_id}') self.connect_id = 0 def reconnect(self): self.disconnect() self.connect() def __enter__(self): self.connect() return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.disconnect() @cached_property def _ev(self): return asyncio.new_event_loop() async def ev_run_async(self, func, *args, timeout=0.15, **kwargs): """ Args: func: Sync function to call *args: timeout: **kwargs: Raises: asyncio.TimeoutError: If function call timeout """ func_wrapped = partial(func, *args, **kwargs) # Increased timeout for slow PCs # Default screenshot interval is 0.2s, so a 0.15s timeout would have a fast retry without extra time costs result = await asyncio.wait_for(self._ev.run_in_executor(None, func_wrapped), timeout=timeout) return result def ev_run_sync(self, func, *args, **kwargs): """ Args: func: Sync function to call *args: **kwargs: Raises: asyncio.TimeoutError: If function call timeout NemuIpcIncompatible: NemuIpcError """ result = self._ev.run_until_complete(self.ev_run_async(func, *args, **kwargs)) err = False if func.__name__ == 'nemu_connect': if result == 0: err = True else: if result > 0: err = True # Get to actual error message printed in std if err: logger.warning(f'Failed to call {func.__name__}, result={result}') with CaptureNemuIpc(): result = self._ev.run_until_complete(self.ev_run_async(func, *args, **kwargs)) return result def get_resolution(self): """ Get emulator resolution, `self.width` and `self.height` will be set """ if self.connect_id == 0: self.connect() width_ptr = ctypes.pointer(ctypes.c_int(0)) height_ptr = ctypes.pointer(ctypes.c_int(0)) nullptr = ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_int)() ret = self.ev_run_sync( self.lib.nemu_capture_display, self.connect_id, self.display_id, 0, width_ptr, height_ptr, nullptr ) if ret > 0: raise NemuIpcError('nemu_capture_display failed during get_resolution()') self.width = width_ptr.contents.value self.height = height_ptr.contents.value @retry def screenshot(self, timeout=0.15): """ Returns: np.ndarray: Image array in RGBA color space Note that image is upside down """ if self.connect_id == 0: self.connect() self.get_resolution() width_ptr = ctypes.pointer(ctypes.c_int(self.width)) height_ptr = ctypes.pointer(ctypes.c_int(self.height)) length = self.width * self.height * 4 pixels_pointer = ctypes.pointer((ctypes.c_ubyte * length)()) ret = self.ev_run_sync( self.lib.nemu_capture_display, self.connect_id, self.display_id, length, width_ptr, height_ptr, pixels_pointer, timeout=timeout, ) if ret > 0: raise NemuIpcError('nemu_capture_display failed during screenshot()') # image = np.ctypeslib.as_array(pixels_pointer, shape=(self.height, self.width, 4)) image = np.ctypeslib.as_array(pixels_pointer.contents).reshape((self.height, self.width, 4)) return image def convert_xy(self, x, y): """ Convert classic ADB coordinates to Nemu's `self.height` must be updated before calling this method Returns: int, int """ x, y = int(x), int(y) x, y = self.height - y, x return x, y @retry def down(self, x, y): """ Contact down, continuous contact down will be considered as swipe """ if self.connect_id == 0: self.connect() if self.height == 0: self.get_resolution() x, y = self.convert_xy(x, y) ret = self.ev_run_sync( self.lib.nemu_input_event_touch_down, self.connect_id, self.display_id, x, y ) if ret > 0: raise NemuIpcError('nemu_input_event_touch_down failed') @retry def up(self): """ Contact up """ if self.connect_id == 0: self.connect() ret = self.ev_run_sync( self.lib.nemu_input_event_touch_up, self.connect_id, self.display_id ) if ret > 0: raise NemuIpcError('nemu_input_event_touch_up failed') @staticmethod def serial_to_id(serial: str): """ Predict instance ID from serial E.g. "" -> 0 "" -> 1 Port from 16414 to 16418 -> 1 Returns: int: instance_id, or None if failed to predict """ try: port = int(serial.split(':')[1]) except (IndexError, ValueError): return None index, offset = divmod(port - 16384 + 16, 32) offset -= 16 if 0 <= index < 32 and offset in [-2, -1, 0, 1, 2]: return index else: return None class NemuIpc(Platform): _screenshot_interval = Timer(0.1) @cached_property def nemu_ipc(self) -> NemuIpcImpl: """ Initialize a nemu ipc implementation """ # Try existing settings first if self.config.EmulatorInfo_path: folder = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.config.EmulatorInfo_path, '../../')) index = NemuIpcImpl.serial_to_id(self.serial) if index is not None: try: return NemuIpcImpl( nemu_folder=folder, instance_id=index, display_id=0 ).__enter__() except (NemuIpcIncompatible, NemuIpcError) as e: logger.error(e) logger.error('Emulator info incorrect') # Search emulator instance # with E:\ProgramFiles\MuMuPlayer-12.0\shell\MuMuPlayer.exe # installation path is E:\ProgramFiles\MuMuPlayer-12.0 if self.emulator_instance is None: logger.error('Unable to use NemuIpc because emulator instance not found') raise RequestHumanTakeover try: return NemuIpcImpl( nemu_folder=self.emulator_instance.emulator.abspath('../'), instance_id=self.emulator_instance.MuMuPlayer12_id, display_id=0 ).__enter__() except (NemuIpcIncompatible, NemuIpcError) as e: logger.error(e) logger.error('Unable to initialize NemuIpc') raise RequestHumanTakeover def nemu_ipc_available(self) -> bool: if not self.is_mumu_family: return False if self.nemud_app_keep_alive == '': return False try: _ = self.nemu_ipc except RequestHumanTakeover: return False return True def nemu_ipc_release(self): if has_cached_property(self, 'nemu_ipc'): self.nemu_ipc.disconnect() del_cached_property(self, 'nemu_ipc')'nemu_ipc released') def screenshot_nemu_ipc(self): timeout = max(self._screenshot_interval.limit - 0.01, 0.15) image = self.nemu_ipc.screenshot(timeout=timeout) image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGRA2BGR) cv2.flip(image, 0, dst=image) return image def click_nemu_ipc(self, x, y): down = ensure_time((0.010, 0.020)) self.nemu_ipc.down(x, y) self.sleep(down) self.nemu_ipc.up() self.sleep(0.050 - down) def long_click_nemu_ipc(self, x, y, duration=1.0): self.nemu_ipc.down(x, y) self.sleep(duration) self.nemu_ipc.up() self.sleep(0.050) def swipe_nemu_ipc(self, p1, p2): points = insert_swipe(p0=p1, p3=p2) for point in points: self.nemu_ipc.down(*point) self.sleep(0.010) self.nemu_ipc.up() self.sleep(0.050) def drag_nemu_ipc(self, p1, p2, point_random=(-10, -10, 10, 10)): p1 = np.array(p1) - random_rectangle_point(point_random) p2 = np.array(p2) - random_rectangle_point(point_random) points = insert_swipe(p0=p1, p3=p2, speed=20) for point in points: self.nemu_ipc.down(*point) self.sleep(0.010) self.nemu_ipc.down(*p2) self.sleep(0.140) self.nemu_ipc.down(*p2) self.sleep(0.140) self.nemu_ipc.up() self.sleep(0.050)