import ctypes import os import subprocess import typing as t from dataclasses import dataclass from functools import wraps import cv2 import numpy as np from module.base.decorator import cached_property from module.device.method.utils import RETRY_TRIES, get_serial_pair, retry_sleep from module.device.platform import Platform from module.exception import RequestHumanTakeover from module.logger import logger class LDOpenGLIncompatible(Exception): pass class LDOpenGLError(Exception): pass def bytes_to_str(b: bytes) -> str: for encoding in ['utf-8', 'gbk']: try: return b.decode(encoding) except UnicodeDecodeError: pass return str(b) @dataclass class DataLDPlayerInfo: # Emulator instance index, starting from 0 index: int # Instance name name: str # Handle of top window topWnd: int # Handle of bind window bndWnd: int # If instance is running, 1 for True, 0 for False sysboot: int # PID of the instance process, or -1 if instance is not running playerpid: int # PID of the vbox process, or -1 if instance is not running vboxpid: int # Resolution width: int height: int dpi: int def __post_init__(self): self.index = int(self.index) = bytes_to_str( self.topWnd = int(self.topWnd) self.bndWnd = int(self.bndWnd) self.sysboot = int(self.sysboot) self.playerpid = int(self.playerpid) self.vboxpid = int(self.vboxpid) self.width = int(self.width) self.height = int(self.height) self.dpi = int(self.dpi) class LDConsole: def __init__(self, ld_folder: str): """ Args: ld_folder: Installation path of MuMu12, e.g. E:/ProgramFiles/LDPlayer9 which should have a `ldconsole.exe` in it. """ self.ld_console = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(ld_folder, './ldconsole.exe')) def subprocess_run(self, cmd, timeout=10): """ Args: cmd (list): timeout (int): Returns: bytes: """ cmd = [self.ld_console] + cmd'Execute: {cmd}') try: process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=False) except FileNotFoundError as e: logger.warning(f'warning when calling {cmd}, {str(e)}') raise LDOpenGLIncompatible(f'ld_folder does not have ldconsole.exe') try: stdout, stderr = process.communicate(timeout=timeout) except subprocess.TimeoutExpired: process.kill() stdout, stderr = process.communicate() logger.warning(f'TimeoutExpired when calling {cmd}, stdout={stdout}, stderr={stderr}') return stdout def list2(self) -> t.List[DataLDPlayerInfo]: """ > ldconsole.exe list2 0,雷电模拟器,28053900,42935798,1,59776,36816,1280,720,240 1,雷电模拟器-1,0,0,0,-1,-1,1280,720,240 """ out = [] data = self.subprocess_run(['list2']) for row in data.strip().split(b'\n'): info = row.strip().split(b',') info = DataLDPlayerInfo(*info) out.append(info) return out class IScreenShotClass: def __init__(self, ptr): self.ptr = ptr # Define in class since ctypes.WINFUNCTYPE is windows only cap_type = ctypes.WINFUNCTYPE(ctypes.c_void_p) release_type = ctypes.WINFUNCTYPE(None) self.class_cap = cap_type(1, "IScreenShotClass_Cap") # Keep reference count # so __del__ won't have an empty IScreenShotClass_Cap self.class_release = release_type(2, "IScreenShotClass_Release") def cap(self): return self.class_cap(self.ptr) def __del__(self): self.class_release(self.ptr) def retry(func): @wraps(func) def retry_wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Args: self (NemuIpcImpl): """ init = None for _ in range(RETRY_TRIES): try: if callable(init): retry_sleep(_) init() return func(self, *args, **kwargs) # Can't handle except RequestHumanTakeover: break # Can't handle except LDOpenGLIncompatible as e: logger.error(e) break # NemuIpcError except LDOpenGLError as e: logger.error(e) def init(): pass # Unknown, probably a trucked image except Exception as e: logger.exception(e) def init(): pass logger.critical(f'Retry {func.__name__}() failed') raise RequestHumanTakeover return retry_wrapper class LDOpenGLImpl: def __init__(self, ld_folder: str, instance_id: int): """ Args: ld_folder: Installation path of MuMu12, e.g. E:/ProgramFiles/LDPlayer9 instance_id: Emulator instance ID, starting from 0 """ ldopengl_dll = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(ld_folder, './ldopengl64.dll')) f'LDOpenGL init, ' f'ld_folder={ld_folder}, ' f'ldopengl_dll={ldopengl_dll}, ' f'instance_id={instance_id}' ) # Load dll try: self.lib = ctypes.WinDLL(ldopengl_dll) except OSError as e: logger.error(e) if not os.path.exists(ldopengl_dll): raise LDOpenGLIncompatible( f'ldopengl_dll={ldopengl_dll} does not exist, ' f'ldopengl requires LDPlayer >= 9.0.78, please check your version' ) else: raise LDOpenGLIncompatible( f'ldopengl_dll={ldopengl_dll} exist, ' f'but cannot be loaded' ) # Get info after loading DLL, so DLL existence can act as a version check self.console = LDConsole(ld_folder) = self.get_player_info_by_index(instance_id) self.lib.CreateScreenShotInstance.restype = ctypes.c_void_p # Get screenshot instance instance_ptr = ctypes.c_void_p(self.lib.CreateScreenShotInstance(instance_id, self.screenshot_instance = IScreenShotClass(instance_ptr) def get_player_info_by_index(self, instance_id: int): """ Args: instance_id: Returns: DataLDPlayerInfo: Raises: LDOpenGLError: """ for info in self.console.list2(): if info.index == instance_id:'Match LDPlayer instance: {info}') if not info.sysboot: raise LDOpenGLError('Trying to connect LDPlayer instance but emulator is not running') return info raise LDOpenGLError(f'No LDPlayer instance with index {instance_id}') @retry def screenshot(self): """ Returns: np.ndarray: Image array in BGR color space Note that image is upside down """ width, height =, img_ptr = self.screenshot_instance.cap() # ValueError: NULL pointer access if img_ptr is None: raise LDOpenGLError('Empty image pointer') img = ctypes.cast(img_ptr, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_ubyte * (height * width * 3))).contents image = np.ctypeslib.as_array(img).reshape((height, width, 3)) return image @staticmethod def serial_to_id(serial: str): """ Predict instance ID from serial E.g. "" -> 0 "" -> 1 "emulator-5554" -> 0 Returns: int: instance_id, or None if failed to predict """ serial, _ = get_serial_pair(serial) if serial is None: return None try: port = int(serial.split(':')[1]) except (IndexError, ValueError): return None if 5555 <= port <= 5555 + 32: return int((port - 5555) // 2) return None class LDOpenGL(Platform): @cached_property def ldopengl(self): """ Initialize a ldopengl implementation """ # Try existing settings first if self.config.EmulatorInfo_path: folder = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.config.EmulatorInfo_path, '../')) index = LDOpenGLImpl.serial_to_id(self.serial) if index is not None: try: return LDOpenGLImpl( ld_folder=folder, instance_id=index, ) except (LDOpenGLIncompatible, LDOpenGLError) as e: logger.error(e) logger.error('Emulator info incorrect') # Search emulator instance # with E:/ProgramFiles/LDPlayer9/dnplayer.exe # installation path is E:/ProgramFiles/LDPlayer9 if self.emulator_instance is None: logger.error('Unable to use LDOpenGL because emulator instance not found') raise RequestHumanTakeover try: return LDOpenGLImpl( ld_folder=self.emulator_instance.emulator.abspath('./'), instance_id=self.emulator_instance.LDPlayer_id, ) except (LDOpenGLIncompatible, LDOpenGLError) as e: logger.error(e) logger.error('Unable to initialize LDOpenGL') raise RequestHumanTakeover def ldopengl_available(self) -> bool: if not self.is_ldplayer_bluestacks_family: return False logger.attr('EmulatorInfo_Emulator', self.config.EmulatorInfo_Emulator) if self.config.EmulatorInfo_Emulator not in ['LDPlayer9']: return False try: _ = self.ldopengl except RequestHumanTakeover: return False return True def screenshot_ldopengl(self): image = self.ldopengl.screenshot() image = cv2.flip(image, 0) cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB, dst=image) return image if __name__ == '__main__': ld = LDOpenGLImpl('E:/ProgramFiles/LDPlayer9', instance_id=1) for _ in range(5): import time start = time.time() ld.screenshot() print(time.time() - start)