""" Copy from pywebio.platform.remote_access * Implementation of remote access Use https://github.com/wang0618/localshare service by running a ssh subprocess in PyWebIO application. The stdout of ssh process is the connection info. """ import json import shlex import threading import time from subprocess import PIPE, Popen from typing import TYPE_CHECKING from module.logger import logger from module.config.utils import random_id from module.webui.setting import State if TYPE_CHECKING: from module.webui.utils import TaskHandler _ssh_process: Popen = None _ssh_thread: threading.Thread = None _ssh_notfound: bool = False address: str = None def am_i_the_only_thread() -> bool: """Whether the current thread is the only non-Daemon threads in the process""" alive_none_daemonic_thread_cnt = sum( 1 for t in threading.enumerate() if t.is_alive() and not t.isDaemon() or t is threading.current_thread() ) return alive_none_daemonic_thread_cnt == 1 def remote_access_service( local_host="", local_port=22367, server="app.pywebio.online", server_port=1022, remote_port="/", setup_timeout=60, ): """ Wait at most one minute to get the ssh output, if it gets a normal out, the connection is successfully established. Otherwise report error and kill ssh process. :param local_port: ssh local listen port :param server: ssh server domain :param server_port: ssh server port :param setup_timeout: If the service can't setup successfully in `setup_timeout` seconds, then exit. """ global _ssh_process, _ssh_notfound bin = State.deploy_config.SSHExecutable cmd = f"{bin} -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -R {remote_port}:{local_host}:{local_port} -p {server_port} {server} -- --output json" args = shlex.split(cmd) logger.debug(f"remote access service command: {cmd}") if _ssh_process is not None and _ssh_process.poll() is None: logger.warning(f"Kill previous ssh process [{_ssh_process.pid}]") _ssh_process.kill() try: _ssh_process = Popen(args, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) except FileNotFoundError as e: logger.critical( f"Cannot find SSH executable {bin}, please install OpenSSH or specify SSHExecutable in deploy.yaml" ) _ssh_notfound = True return logger.info(f"remote access process pid: {_ssh_process.pid}") success = False def timeout_killer(wait_sec): time.sleep(wait_sec) if not success and _ssh_process.poll() is None: logger.info("Connection timeout, kill ssh process") _ssh_process.kill() threading.Thread( target=timeout_killer, kwargs=dict(wait_sec=setup_timeout), daemon=True ).start() stdout = _ssh_process.stdout.readline().decode("utf8") logger.debug(f"ssh server stdout: {stdout}") connection_info = {} try: connection_info = json.loads(stdout) success = True except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: if not success and _ssh_process.poll() is None: _ssh_process.kill() if success: if connection_info.get("status", "fail") != "success": logger.info( f"Failed to establish remote access, this is the error message from service provider: {connection_info.get('message', '')}" ) new_username = connection_info.get("change_username", None) if new_username: logger.info(f"Server requested to change username, change it to: {new_username}") State.deploy_config.SSHUser = new_username else: global address address = connection_info["address"] logger.debug(f"Remote access url: {address}") # wait ssh or main thread exit while not am_i_the_only_thread() and _ssh_process.poll() is None: # while _ssh_process.poll() is None: time.sleep(1) if _ssh_process.poll() is None: # main thread exit, kill ssh process logger.info("App process exit, killing ssh process") _ssh_process.kill() else: # ssh process exit by itself or by timeout killer stderr = _ssh_process.stderr.read().decode("utf8") if stderr: logger.error(f"PyWebIO application remote access service error: {stderr}") else: logger.info("PyWebIO application remote access service exit.") address = None def start_remote_access_service_(**kwargs): logger.info("Start remote access service") try: remote_access_service(**kwargs) except KeyboardInterrupt: # ignore KeyboardInterrupt pass except Exception as e: logger.exception(e) finally: if _ssh_process: logger.info("Exception occurred, killing ssh process") _ssh_process.kill() logger.info("Exit remote access service thread") class ParseError(Exception): pass def start_remote_access_service(**kwagrs): global _ssh_thread try: server, server_port = State.deploy_config.SSHServer.split(":") except (ValueError, AttributeError): raise ParseError( f"Failed to parse SSH server [{State.deploy_config.SSHServer}]" ) if State.deploy_config.WebuiHost == "": local_host = "" elif State.deploy_config.WebuiHost == "::": local_host = "[::1]" else: local_host = State.deploy_config.WebuiHost if State.deploy_config.SSHUser is None: logger.info("SSHUser is not set, generate a random one") State.deploy_config.SSHUser = random_id(24) server = f"{State.deploy_config.SSHUser}@{server}" kwagrs.setdefault("server", server) kwagrs.setdefault("server_port", server_port) kwagrs.setdefault("local_host", local_host) kwagrs.setdefault("local_port", State.deploy_config.WebuiPort) _ssh_thread = threading.Thread( target=start_remote_access_service_, kwargs=kwagrs, daemon=False, ) _ssh_thread.start() return _ssh_thread class RemoteAccess: @staticmethod def keep_ssh_alive(): task_handler: TaskHandler task_handler = yield while True: if _ssh_thread is not None and _ssh_thread.is_alive(): yield continue logger.info("Remote access service is not running, starting now") try: start_remote_access_service() except ParseError as e: logger.exception(e) task_handler.remove_current_task() yield @staticmethod def kill_ssh_process(): if RemoteAccess.is_alive(): _ssh_process.kill() @staticmethod def is_alive(): return ( _ssh_thread is not None and _ssh_thread.is_alive() and _ssh_process is not None and _ssh_process.poll() is None ) @staticmethod def get_state(): if RemoteAccess.is_alive(): if address is not None: return 1 else: return 2 elif _ssh_notfound: return 3 else: return 0 @staticmethod def get_entry_point(): return address if RemoteAccess.is_alive() else None