import io import json import os import re import shutil import subprocess import zipfile from typing import Callable, Generic, TypeVar import requests from requests.adapters import HTTPAdapter T = TypeVar("T") TEMPLATE_FILE = './config/template.yaml' class cached_property(Generic[T]): """ cached-property from Add typing support A property that is only computed once per instance and then replaces itself with an ordinary attribute. Deleting the attribute resets the property. Source: """ def __init__(self, func: Callable[..., T]): self.func = func def __get__(self, obj, cls) -> T: if obj is None: return self value = obj.__dict__[self.func.__name__] = self.func(obj) return value class PrintLogger: info = print warning = print error = print @staticmethod def attr(name, text): print(f'[{name}] {text}') class GitOverCdnClient: logger = PrintLogger() def __init__(self, url, folder, source='origin', branch='master', git='git'): """ Args: url: folder: D:/AzurLaneAutoScript """ self.url = url.strip('/') self.folder = folder.replace('\\', '/') self.source = source self.branch = branch self.git = git def filepath(self, path): path = os.path.join(self.folder, '.git', path) return os.path.abspath(path).replace('\\', '/') def urlpath(self, path): return f'{self.url}{path}' @cached_property def current_commit(self) -> str: for file in [ f'./refs/remotes/{self.source}/{self.branch}', f'./refs/heads/{self.branch}', 'ORIG_HEAD', ]: file = self.filepath(file) try: with open(file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: commit = res ='([0-9a-f]{40})', commit) if res: commit = self.logger.attr('CurrentCommit', commit) return commit except FileNotFoundError as e: self.logger.error(f'Failed to get local commit: {e}') except Exception as e: self.logger.error(f'Failed to get local commit: {e}') return '' @property def session(self): session = requests.Session() session.trust_env = False session.mount('http://', HTTPAdapter(max_retries=3)) session.mount('https://', HTTPAdapter(max_retries=3)) return session @cached_property def latest_commit(self) -> str: try: url = self.urlpath('/latest.json')'Fetch url: {url}') resp = self.session.get(url, timeout=3) except Exception as e: self.logger.error(f'Failed to get remote commit: {e}') return '' if resp.status_code == 200: try: info = json.loads(resp.text) commit = info['commit'] self.logger.attr('LatestCommit', commit) return commit except json.JSONDecodeError: self.logger.error(f'Failed to get remote commit, response is not a json: {resp.text}') return '' except KeyError: self.logger.error(f'Failed to get remote commit, key "commit" is not found: {resp.text}') return '' else: self.logger.error(f'Failed to get remote commit, status={resp.status_code}, text={resp.text}') return '' def download_pack(self): try: url = self.urlpath(f'/{self.latest_commit}/{self.current_commit}.zip')'Fetch url: {url}') resp = self.session.get(url, timeout=20) except Exception as e: self.logger.error(f'Failed to download pack: {e}') return False if resp.status_code == 200: try: zipped = zipfile.ZipFile(io.BytesIO(resp.content)) for file in [f'pack-{self.latest_commit}.pack', f'pack-{self.latest_commit}.idx']:'Unzip {file}') member = zipped.getinfo(file) tmp = self.filepath(f'./objects/pack/{file}.tmp') out = self.filepath(f'./objects/pack/{file}') with as source, open(tmp, "wb") as target: shutil.copyfileobj(source, target) os.replace(tmp, out) return True except zipfile.BadZipFile as e: # File is not a zip file self.logger.error(e) return False except KeyError as e: # There is no item named 'xxx.idx' in the archive self.logger.error(e) return False except Exception as e: self.logger.error(e) return False elif resp.status_code == 404: self.logger.error(f'Failed to download pack, status={resp.status_code}, no such pack files provided') return False else: self.logger.error(f'Failed to download pack, status={resp.status_code}, text={resp.text}') return False def update_refs(self): file = self.filepath(f'./refs/remotes/{self.source}/{self.branch}') text = f'{self.latest_commit}\n''Update refs: {file}') os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(file), exist_ok=True) try: with open(file, 'w', encoding='utf-8', newline='') as f: f.write(text) return True except FileNotFoundError as e: self.logger.error(f'Failed to get local commit: {e}') except Exception as e: self.logger.error(f'Failed to get local commit: {e}') return False def git_command(self, *args, timeout=300): """ Execute ADB commands in a subprocess, usually to be used when pulling or pushing large files. Args: timeout (int): Returns: str: """ os.chdir(self.folder) cmd = list(map(str, args)) cmd = [self.git] + cmd'Execute: {cmd}') process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=False) try: stdout, stderr = process.communicate(timeout=timeout) except subprocess.TimeoutExpired: process.kill() stdout, stderr = process.communicate() self.logger.warning(f'TimeoutExpired when calling {cmd}, stdout={stdout}, stderr={stderr}') return stdout.decode() def git_reset(self, keep_changes=False): """ git reset --hard """ if keep_changes: self.git_command('stash') self.git_command('reset', '--hard', f'{self.source}/{self.branch}') self.git_command('stash', 'pop') else: self.git_command('reset', '--hard', f'{self.source}/{self.branch}') def get_status(self): """ Returns: str: 'uptodate' if repo is up-to-date 'behind' if repos is not up-to-date 'failed' if failed """ _ = self.current_commit _ = self.latest_commit if not self.current_commit: self.logger.error('Failed to get current commit') return 'failed' if not self.latest_commit: self.logger.error('Failed to get latest commit') return 'failed' if self.current_commit == self.latest_commit:'Already up to date') return 'uptodate''Current repo is behind remote') return 'behind' def update(self, keep_changes=False): """ Args: keep_changes: Returns: bool: If repo is up-to-date """ _ = self.current_commit _ = self.latest_commit if not self.current_commit: self.logger.error('Failed to get current commit') return False if not self.latest_commit: self.logger.error('Failed to get latest commit') return False if self.current_commit == self.latest_commit:'Already up to date') self.git_reset(keep_changes=keep_changes) return True if not self.download_pack(): return False if not self.update_refs(): return False self.git_reset(keep_changes=keep_changes)'Update success') return True