import typing as t from dev_tools.keywords.base import GenerateKeyword, SHARE_DATA from module.base.decorator import cached_property from module.config.utils import deep_get class GenerateItemBase(GenerateKeyword): purpose_type = [] blacklist = [] def iter_items(self) -> t.Iterable[dict]: for data in SHARE_DATA.ItemConfig: item_id = data.get('ID', 0) text_id = deep_get(data, keys='ItemName.Hash') subtype = data.get('ItemSubType', 0) rarity = data.get('Rarity', 0) purpose = data.get('PurposeType', 0) item_group = data.get('ItemGroup', 0) yield dict( text_id=text_id, rarity=rarity, item_id=item_id, item_group=item_group, dungeon_id=-1, subtype=subtype, purpose=purpose, ) def iter_keywords(self) -> t.Iterable[dict]: for data in self.iter_items(): if data['subtype'] == 'Material' and data['purpose'] in self.purpose_type: if data['item_id'] in self.blacklist: continue data['dungeon_id'] = self.dict_itemid_to_dungeonid.get(data['item_id'], -1) yield data def iter_rows(self) -> t.Iterable[dict]: for data in super().iter_rows(): data.pop('subtype') data.pop('purpose') yield data @cached_property def dict_itemid_to_dungeonid(self): """ MappingInfo is like dungeon_id: dungeon_level: data """ dic = {} for dungeon_data in SHARE_DATA.MappingInfo: # Use the highest level # And must contain: # "Type": "FARM_ENTRANCE", # "FarmType": "COCOON", if dungeon_data.get('Type') != 'FARM_ENTRANCE': continue # parse dungeon_id = dungeon_data.get('ID', 0) for item_data in dungeon_data.get('DisplayItemList', []): item_id = item_data.get('ItemID', 0) if item_id < 100: continue dic.setdefault(item_id, dungeon_id) # Credict dic.setdefault(2, 1003) return dic class GenerateItemCurrency(GenerateItemBase): output_file = './tasks/planner/keywords/' # Leave 'Credit' and `Trailblaze_EXP` whitelist = [2, 22] def iter_keywords(self) -> t.Iterable[dict]: for data in self.iter_items(): if data['subtype'] == 'Virtual' and data['item_id'] < 100: if data['item_id'] not in self.whitelist: continue data['dungeon_id'] = self.dict_itemid_to_dungeonid.get(data['item_id'], -1) yield data class GenerateItemExp(GenerateItemBase): output_file = './tasks/planner/keywords/' purpose_type = [1, 5, 6] # 'Lost_Essence' is not available in game currently blacklist = [234] class GenerateItemAscension(GenerateItemBase): output_file = './tasks/planner/keywords/' purpose_type = [2] # 'Enigmatic_Ectostella' is not available in game currently blacklist = [110400] class GenerateItemTrace(GenerateItemBase): output_file = './tasks/planner/keywords/' purpose_type = [3] # Can't farm Tears_of_Dreams blacklist = [110101] class GenerateItemWeekly(GenerateItemBase): output_file = './tasks/planner/keywords/' purpose_type = [4] class GenerateItemCalyx(GenerateItemBase): output_file = './tasks/planner/keywords/' purpose_type = [7] def iter_keywords(self) -> t.Iterable[dict]: items = list(super().iter_keywords()) # Copy dungeon_id from green item to all items in group dic_group_to_dungeonid = {} for item in items: dungeon = item['dungeon_id'] if dungeon > 0: dic_group_to_dungeonid[item['item_group']] = dungeon for item in items: dungeon = dic_group_to_dungeonid[item['item_group']] item['dungeon_id'] = dungeon yield from items def generate_items(): GenerateItemCurrency()() GenerateItemExp()() GenerateItemAscension()() GenerateItemTrace()() GenerateItemWeekly()() GenerateItemCalyx()()