from module.base.button import ClickButton from module.base.decorator import cached_property from module.base.timer import Timer from module.base.utils import * from module.device.method.hermit import Hermit from module.device.method.maatouch import MaaTouch from module.device.method.minitouch import Minitouch from module.device.method.nemu_ipc import NemuIpc from module.device.method.scrcpy import Scrcpy from module.logger import logger class Control(Hermit, Minitouch, Scrcpy, MaaTouch, NemuIpc): def handle_control_check(self, button): # Will be overridden in Device pass @cached_property def click_methods(self): return { 'ADB': self.click_adb, 'uiautomator2': self.click_uiautomator2, 'minitouch': self.click_minitouch, 'Hermit': self.click_hermit, 'MaaTouch': self.click_maatouch, 'nemu_ipc': self.click_nemu_ipc, } def click(self, button, control_check=True): """Method to click a button. Args: button (button.Button): AzurLane Button instance. control_check (bool): """ if control_check: self.handle_control_check(button) x, y = random_rectangle_point(button.button) x, y = ensure_int(x, y) 'Click %s @ %s' % (point2str(x, y), button) ) method = self.click_methods.get( self.config.Emulator_ControlMethod, self.click_adb ) method(x, y) def multi_click(self, button, n, interval=(0.1, 0.2)): self.handle_control_check(button) click_timer = Timer(0.1) for _ in range(n): remain = ensure_time(interval) - click_timer.current() if remain > 0: self.sleep(remain) click_timer.reset(), control_check=False) def long_click(self, button, duration=(1, 1.2)): """Method to long click a button. Args: button (button.Button): AzurLane Button instance. duration(int, float, tuple): """ self.handle_control_check(button) x, y = random_rectangle_point(button.button) x, y = ensure_int(x, y) duration = ensure_time(duration) 'Click %s @ %s, %s' % (point2str(x, y), button, duration) ) method = self.config.Emulator_ControlMethod if method == 'minitouch': self.long_click_minitouch(x, y, duration) elif method == 'uiautomator2': self.long_click_uiautomator2(x, y, duration) elif method == 'scrcpy': self.long_click_scrcpy(x, y, duration) elif method == 'MaaTouch': self.long_click_maatouch(x, y, duration) elif method == 'nemu_ipc': self.long_click_nemu_ipc(x, y, duration) else: self.swipe_adb((x, y), (x, y), duration) def swipe(self, p1, p2, duration=(0.1, 0.2), name='SWIPE', distance_check=True): self.handle_control_check(name) p1, p2 = ensure_int(p1, p2) duration = ensure_time(duration) method = self.config.Emulator_ControlMethod if method == 'uiautomator2':'Swipe %s -> %s, %s' % (point2str(*p1), point2str(*p2), duration)) elif method in ['minitouch', 'MaaTouch', 'scrcpy', 'nemu_ipc']:'Swipe %s -> %s' % (point2str(*p1), point2str(*p2))) else: # ADB needs to be slow, or swipe doesn't work duration *= 2.5'Swipe %s -> %s, %s' % (point2str(*p1), point2str(*p2), duration)) if distance_check: if np.linalg.norm(np.subtract(p1, p2)) < 10: # Should swipe a certain distance, otherwise AL will treat it as click. # uiautomator2 should >= 6px, minitouch should >= 5px'Swipe distance < 10px, dropped') return if method == 'minitouch': self.swipe_minitouch(p1, p2) elif method == 'uiautomator2': self.swipe_uiautomator2(p1, p2, duration=duration) elif method == 'scrcpy': self.swipe_scrcpy(p1, p2) elif method == 'MaaTouch': self.swipe_maatouch(p1, p2) elif method == 'nemu_ipc': self.swipe_nemu_ipc(p1, p2) else: self.swipe_adb(p1, p2, duration=duration) def swipe_vector(self, vector, box=(123, 159, 1175, 628), random_range=(0, 0, 0, 0), padding=15, duration=(0.1, 0.2), whitelist_area=None, blacklist_area=None, name='SWIPE', distance_check=True): """Method to swipe. Args: box (tuple): Swipe in box (upper_left_x, upper_left_y, bottom_right_x, bottom_right_y). vector (tuple): (x, y). random_range (tuple): (x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max). padding (int): duration (int, float, tuple): whitelist_area: (list[tuple[int]]): A list of area that safe to click. Swipe path will end there. blacklist_area: (list[tuple[int]]): If none of the whitelist_area satisfies current vector, blacklist_area will be used. Delete random path that ends in any blacklist_area. name (str): Swipe name distance_check: (bool): """ p1, p2 = random_rectangle_vector_opted( vector, box=box, random_range=random_range, padding=padding, whitelist_area=whitelist_area, blacklist_area=blacklist_area ) self.swipe(p1, p2, duration=duration, name=name, distance_check=distance_check) def drag(self, p1, p2, segments=1, shake=(0, 15), point_random=(-10, -10, 10, 10), shake_random=(-5, -5, 5, 5), swipe_duration=0.25, shake_duration=0.1, name='DRAG'): self.handle_control_check(name) p1, p2 = ensure_int(p1, p2) 'Drag %s -> %s' % (point2str(*p1), point2str(*p2)) ) method = self.config.Emulator_ControlMethod if method == 'minitouch': self.drag_minitouch(p1, p2, point_random=point_random) elif method == 'uiautomator2': self.drag_uiautomator2( p1, p2, segments=segments, shake=shake, point_random=point_random, shake_random=shake_random, swipe_duration=swipe_duration, shake_duration=shake_duration) elif method == 'scrcpy': self.drag_scrcpy(p1, p2, point_random=point_random) elif method == 'MaaTouch': self.drag_maatouch(p1, p2, point_random=point_random) elif method == 'nemu_ipc': self.drag_nemu_ipc(p1, p2, point_random=point_random) else: logger.warning(f'Control method {method} does not support drag well, ' f'falling back to ADB swipe may cause unexpected behaviour') self.swipe_adb(p1, p2, duration=ensure_time(swipe_duration * 2)), p2), name=name))