import operator import typing as t class SelectedGrids: def __init__(self, grids): self.grids = grids self.indexes: t.Dict[tuple, SelectedGrids] = {} def __iter__(self): return iter(self.grids) def __getitem__(self, item): if isinstance(item, int): return self.grids[item] else: return SelectedGrids(self.grids[item]) def __contains__(self, item): return item in self.grids def __str__(self): # return str([str(grid) for grid in self]) return '[' + ', '.join([str(grid) for grid in self]) + ']' def __len__(self): return len(self.grids) def __bool__(self): return self.count > 0 # def __getattr__(self, item): # return [grid.__getattribute__(item) for grid in self.grids] @property def location(self): """ Returns: list[tuple]: """ return [grid.location for grid in self.grids] @property def cost(self): """ Returns: list[int]: """ return [grid.cost for grid in self.grids] @property def weight(self): """ Returns: list[int]: """ return [grid.weight for grid in self.grids] @property def count(self): """ Returns: int: """ return len(self.grids) def select(self, **kwargs): """ Args: **kwargs: Attributes of Grid. Returns: SelectedGrids: """ def matched(obj): flag = True for k, v in kwargs.items(): obj_v = obj.__getattribute__(k) if type(obj_v) != type(v) or obj_v != v: flag = False return flag return SelectedGrids([grid for grid in self.grids if matched(grid)]) def create_index(self, *attrs): indexes = {} # index_keys = [(grid.__getattribute__(attr) for attr in attrs) for grid in self.grids] for grid in self.grids: k = tuple(grid.__getattribute__(attr) for attr in attrs) try: indexes[k].append(grid) except KeyError: indexes[k] = [grid] indexes = {k: SelectedGrids(v) for k, v in indexes.items()} self.indexes = indexes return indexes def indexed_select(self, *values): return self.indexes.get(values, SelectedGrids([])) def left_join(self, right, on_attr, set_attr, default=None): """ Args: right (SelectedGrids): Right table to join on_attr: set_attr: default: Returns: SelectedGrids: """ right.create_index(*on_attr) for grid in self: attr_value = tuple([grid.__getattribute__(attr) for attr in on_attr]) right_grid = right.indexed_select(*attr_value).first_or_none() if right_grid is not None: for attr in set_attr: grid.__setattr__(attr, right_grid.__getattribute__(attr)) else: for attr in set_attr: grid.__setattr__(attr, default) return self def filter(self, func): """ Filter grids by a function. Args: func (callable): Function should receive an grid as argument, and return a bool. Returns: SelectedGrids: """ return SelectedGrids([grid for grid in self if func(grid)]) def set(self, **kwargs): """ Set attribute to each grid. Args: **kwargs: """ for grid in self: for key, value in kwargs.items(): grid.__setattr__(key, value) def get(self, attr): """ Get an attribute from each grid. Args: attr: Attribute name. Returns: list: """ return [grid.__getattribute__(attr) for grid in self.grids] def call(self, func, **kwargs): """ Call a function in reach grid, and get results. Args: func (str): Function name to call. **kwargs: Returns: list: """ return [grid.__getattribute__(func)(**kwargs) for grid in self] def first_or_none(self): """ Returns: """ try: return self.grids[0] except IndexError: return None def add(self, grids): """ Args: grids(SelectedGrids): Returns: SelectedGrids: """ return SelectedGrids(list(set(self.grids + grids.grids))) def add_by_eq(self, grids): """ Another `add()` method, but de-duplicates with `__eq__` instead of `__hash__`. Args: grids(SelectedGrids): Returns: SelectedGrids: """ new = [] for grid in self.grids + grids.grids: if grid not in new: new.append(grid) return SelectedGrids(new) def intersect(self, grids): """ Args: grids(SelectedGrids): Returns: SelectedGrids: """ return SelectedGrids(list(set(self.grids).intersection(set(grids.grids)))) def intersect_by_eq(self, grids): """ Another `intersect()` method, but de-duplicates with `__eq__` instead of `__hash__`. Args: grids(SelectedGrids): Returns: SelectedGrids: """ new = [] for grid in self.grids: if grid in grids.grids: new.append(grid) return SelectedGrids(new) def delete(self, grids): """ Args: grids(SelectedGrids): Returns: SelectedGrids: """ g = [grid for grid in self.grids if grid not in grids] return SelectedGrids(g) def sort(self, *args): """ Args: args (str): Attribute name to sort. Returns: SelectedGrids: """ if not self: return self if len(args): grids = sorted(self.grids, key=operator.attrgetter(*args)) return SelectedGrids(grids) else: return self def sort_by_camera_distance(self, camera): """ Args: camera (tuple): Returns: SelectedGrids: """ import numpy as np if not self: return self location = np.array(self.location) diff = np.sum(np.abs(location - camera), axis=1) # grids = [x for _, x in sorted(zip(diff, self.grids))] grids = tuple(np.array(self.grids)[np.argsort(diff)]) return SelectedGrids(grids) def sort_by_clock_degree(self, center=(0, 0), start=(0, 1), clockwise=True): """ Args: center (tuple): Origin point. start (tuple): Start coordinate, this point will be considered as theta=0. clockwise (bool): True for clockwise, false for counterclockwise. Returns: SelectedGrids: """ import numpy as np if not self: return self vector = np.subtract(self.location, center) theta = np.arctan2(vector[:, 1], vector[:, 0]) / np.pi * 180 vector = np.subtract(start, center) theta = theta - np.arctan2(vector[1], vector[0]) / np.pi * 180 if not clockwise: theta = -theta theta[theta < 0] += 360 grids = tuple(np.array(self.grids)[np.argsort(theta)]) return SelectedGrids(grids) class RoadGrids: def __init__(self, grids): """ Args: grids (list): """ self.grids = [] for grid in grids: if isinstance(grid, list): self.grids.append(SelectedGrids(grids=grid)) else: self.grids.append(SelectedGrids(grids=[grid])) def __str__(self): return str(' - '.join([str(grid) for grid in self.grids])) def roadblocks(self): """ Returns: SelectedGrids: """ grids = [] for block in self.grids: if block.count == grids += block.grids return SelectedGrids(grids) def potential_roadblocks(self): """ Returns: SelectedGrids: """ grids = [] for block in self.grids: if any([grid.is_fleet for grid in block]): continue if any([grid.is_cleared for grid in block]): continue if block.count - == 1: grids += return SelectedGrids(grids) def first_roadblocks(self): """ Returns: SelectedGrids: """ grids = [] for block in self.grids: if any([grid.is_fleet for grid in block]): continue if any([grid.is_cleared for grid in block]): continue if >= 1: grids += return SelectedGrids(grids) def combine(self, road): """ Args: road (RoadGrids): Returns: RoadGrids: """ out = RoadGrids([]) for select_1 in self.grids: for select_2 in road.grids: select = select_1.add(select_2) out.grids.append(select) return out