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synced 2024-11-27 02:27:12 +00:00
- 开荒模式移动至出击设置 - 增加开荒模式自动启用, 无脑开就完事了 - 将透视识别参数放到了config里, 这样就可以用地图config覆盖了 - 适配小地图模式, 参数抄A1就行了 - 修复了章节名OCR的识别位置 - 修复了开荒会把BOSS当作精英打问题 - 增加战斗中的剧情跳过 - 注释掉了截图和点击的retry - 增加了捕捉目标点超出移动范围
433 lines
14 KiB
433 lines
14 KiB
import numpy as np
from module.base.utils import location2node, node2location
from module.logger import logger
from module.map.grid_info import GridInfo
from module.map.map_grids import SelectedGrids
def location_ensure(location):
if isinstance(location, GridInfo):
return location.location
elif isinstance(location, str):
return node2location(location)
return location
def camera_1d(shape, sight):
start, step = abs(sight[0]), sight[1] - sight[0] + 1
if shape <= start:
out = shape // 2
out = list(range(start, 26, step))
out.append(shape - sight[1])
out = [x for x in set(out) if x <= shape - sight[1]]
return out
def camera_2d(shape, sight):
x = camera_1d(shape=shape[0], sight=[sight[0], sight[2]])
y = camera_1d(shape=shape[1], sight=[sight[1], sight[3]])
out = np.array(np.meshgrid(x, y)).T.reshape(-1, 2)
return [tuple(c) for c in out]
class CampaignMap:
def __init__(self, name=None):
self.name = name
self.grids = {}
self._shape = (0, 0)
self._map_data = ''
self._weight_data = ''
self._block_data = []
self._spawn_data = []
self._spawn_data_backup = []
self._camera_data = []
self.in_map_swipe_preset_data = None
self.poor_map_data = False
self.camera_sight = (-3, -1, 3, 2)
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self.grids.values())
def __getitem__(self, item):
return self.grids[tuple(item)]
def __contains__(self, item):
return tuple(item) in self.grids
def _parse_text(text):
text = text.strip()
for y, row in enumerate(text.split('\n')):
row = row.strip()
for x, data in enumerate(row.split(' ')):
yield (x, y), data
def shape(self):
return self._shape
def shape(self, scale):
self._shape = node2location(scale.upper())
for y in range(self._shape[1] + 1):
for x in range(self._shape[0] + 1):
grid = GridInfo()
grid.location = (x, y)
self.grids[(x, y)] = grid
# camera_data can be generate automatically, but it's better to set it manually.
self.camera_data = [location2node(loca) for loca in camera_2d(self._shape, sight=self.camera_sight)]
# weight_data set to 10.
for grid in self:
grid.weight = 10.
def map_data(self):
return self._map_data
def map_data(self, text):
if not len(self.grids.keys()):
grids = np.array([loca for loca, _ in self._parse_text(text)])
self.shape = location2node(tuple(np.max(grids, axis=0)))
self._map_data = text
for loca, data in self._parse_text(text):
def show(self):
# logger.info('Showing grids:')
logger.info(' ' + ' '.join([' ' + chr(x + 64 + 1) for x in range(self.shape[0] + 1)]))
for y in range(self.shape[1] + 1):
text = str(y + 1) + ' ' + ' '.join(
[self[(x, y)].str if (x, y) in self else ' ' for x in range(self.shape[0] + 1)])
def update(self, grids, camera, is_carrier_scan=False):
camera (tuple):
is_carrier_scan (bool):
offset = np.array(camera) - np.array(grids.center_grid)
for grid in grids.grids.values():
loca = tuple(offset + grid.location)
if loca in self.grids:
self.grids[loca].update(grid, is_carrier_scan=is_carrier_scan, ignore_may=self.poor_map_data)
return True
def reset(self):
for grid in self:
def reset_fleet(self):
for grid in self:
grid.is_current_fleet = False
def camera_data(self):
return self._camera_data
def camera_data(self, nodes):
nodes (list): Contains str.
self._camera_data = SelectedGrids([self[node2location(node)] for node in nodes])
def spawn_data(self):
return self._spawn_data
def spawn_data(self, data_list):
self._spawn_data_backup = data_list
spawn = {'battle': 0, 'enemy': 0, 'mystery': 0, 'siren': 0, 'boss': 0}
for data in data_list:
spawn['battle'] = data['battle']
spawn['enemy'] += data.get('enemy', 0) + data.get('siren', 0)
spawn['mystery'] += data.get('mystery', 0)
spawn['siren'] += data.get('siren', 0)
spawn['boss'] += data.get('boss', 0)
def weight_data(self):
return self._weight_data
def weight_data(self, text):
self._weight_data = text
for loca, data in self._parse_text(text):
self[loca].weight = float(data)
def show_cost(self):
logger.info(' ' + ' '.join([' ' + chr(x + 64 + 1) for x in range(self.shape[0] + 1)]))
for y in range(self.shape[1] + 1):
text = str(y + 1) + ' ' + ' '.join(
[str(self[(x, y)].cost).rjust(4) if (x, y) in self else ' ' for x in range(self.shape[0] + 1)])
def show_connection(self):
logger.info(' ' + ' '.join([' ' + chr(x + 64 + 1) for x in range(self.shape[0] + 1)]))
for y in range(self.shape[1] + 1):
text = str(y + 1) + ' ' + ' '.join(
[location2node(self[(x, y)].connection) if (x, y) in self and self[(x, y)].connection else ' ' for x in
range(self.shape[0] + 1)])
def find_path_initial(self, location, has_ambush=True):
location = location_ensure(location)
ambush_cost = 10 if has_ambush else 1
for grid in self:
grid.cost = 9999
grid.connection = None
self[location].cost = 0
total = set([grid for grid in self.grids.keys()])
visited = [location]
visited = set(visited)
while 1:
new = visited.copy()
for grid in visited:
for arr in np.array([(0, -1), (0, 1), (-1, 0), (1, 0)]):
arr = tuple(arr + grid)
if arr not in total or self[arr].is_land:
cost = 1 if self[arr].is_ambush_save else ambush_cost
cost += self[grid].cost
if cost < self[arr].cost:
self[arr].cost = cost
self[arr].connection = grid
elif cost == self[arr].cost:
if abs(arr[0] - grid[0]) == 1:
self[arr].connection = grid
if self[arr].is_sea:
if len(new) == len(visited):
visited = new
# self.show_cost()
# self.show_connection()
def _find_path(self, location):
location (tuple):
list[tuple]: walking route.
[(2, 2), (3, 2), (4, 2), (5, 2), (6, 2), (6, 1), (7, 1)] # ['C3', 'D3', 'E3', 'F3', 'G3', 'G2', 'H2']
if self[location].connection is None:
return None
res = [location]
while 1:
location = self[location].connection
if len(res) > 30:
logger.warning('Route too long')
# exit(1)
if location is not None:
if len(res) == 0:
logger.warning('No path found. Destination: %s' % str(location))
return [location, location]
return res
def _find_route_node(self, route, step=0):
route (list[tuple]): list of grids.
step (int): Fleet step in event map. Default to 0.
list[tuple]: list of walking node.
MAP_7_2._find_route_node([(2, 2), (3, 2), (4, 2), (5, 2), (6, 2), (6, 1), (7, 1)])
[(6, 2), (7, 1)]
res = []
diff = np.abs(np.diff(route, axis=0))
turning = np.diff(diff, axis=0)[:, 0]
indexes = np.where(turning == -1)[0] + 1
for index in indexes:
if not self[route[index]].is_fleet:
if (index > 1) and (index - 1 not in indexes):
res.append(index - 1)
if (index < len(route) - 2) and (index + 1 not in indexes):
res.append(index + 1)
res.append(len(route) - 1)
# res = [6, 8]
if step == 0:
return [route[index] for index in res]
res.insert(0, 0)
inserted = []
for left, right in zip(res[:-1], res[1:]):
for index in list(range(left, right, step))[1:]:
if not self[route[index]].is_fleet:
if (index > 1) and (index - 1 not in res):
inserted.append(index - 1)
if (index < len(route) - 2) and (index + 1 not in res):
inserted.append(index + 1)
res = inserted
# res = [3, 6, 8]
return [route[index] for index in res]
def find_path(self, location, step=0):
location = location_ensure(location)
path = self._find_path(location)
if path is None or not len(path):
logger.warning('No path found. Return destination.')
return [location]
logger.info('Path: %s' % '[' + ', ' .join([location2node(grid) for grid in path]) + ']')
path = self._find_route_node(path, step=step)
logger.info('Path: %s' % '[' + ', ' .join([location2node(grid) for grid in path]) + ']')
return path
def missing_get(self, battle_count, mystery_count=0, siren_count=0, carrier_count=0):
missing = self.spawn_data[battle_count].copy()
except IndexError:
missing = self.spawn_data[-1].copy()
may = {'enemy': 0, 'mystery': 0, 'siren': 0, 'boss': 0, 'carrier': 0}
missing['enemy'] -= battle_count
missing['mystery'] -= mystery_count
missing['siren'] -= siren_count
missing['carrier'] = carrier_count - self.select(is_enemy=True, may_enemy=False).count
for grid in self:
for attr in ['enemy', 'mystery', 'siren', 'boss']:
if grid.__getattribute__('is_' + attr) and grid.__getattribute__('may_' + attr):
missing[attr] -= 1
for grid in self:
if not grid.is_fleet and not grid.is_mystery and not grid.is_siren:
cover = [(0, -1)]
if grid.is_current_fleet:
cover.append((0, -2))
for upper in cover:
upper = tuple(np.array(grid.location) + upper)
if upper in self:
upper = self[upper]
for attr in ['enemy', 'mystery', 'siren', 'boss']:
if upper.__getattribute__('may_' + attr) and not upper.__getattribute__('is_' + attr):
may[attr] += 1
if upper.may_carrier:
may['carrier'] += 1
logger.info('missing: %s' % missing)
logger.info('may: %s' % may)
return may, missing
def missing_is_none(self, battle_count, mystery_count=0, siren_count=0, carrier_count=0):
if self.poor_map_data:
return False
may, missing = self.missing_get(battle_count, mystery_count, siren_count, carrier_count)
for key in may.keys():
if missing[key] != 0:
return False
return True
def missing_predict(self, battle_count, mystery_count=0, siren_count=0, carrier_count=0):
if self.poor_map_data:
return False
may, missing = self.missing_get(battle_count, mystery_count, siren_count, carrier_count)
# predict
for grid in self:
if not grid.is_fleet and not grid.is_mystery:
cover = [(0, -1)]
if grid.is_current_fleet:
cover.append((0, -2))
for upper in cover:
upper = tuple(np.array(grid.location) + upper)
if upper in self:
upper = self[upper]
for attr in ['enemy', 'mystery', 'siren', 'boss']:
if upper.__getattribute__('may_' + attr) and missing[attr] > 0 and missing[attr] == may[attr]:
logger.info('Predict %s to be %s' % (location2node(upper.location), attr))
upper.__setattr__('is_' + attr, True)
if carrier_count:
if upper.may_carrier and missing['carrier'] > 0 and missing['carrier'] == may['carrier']:
logger.info('Predict %s to be enemy' % location2node(upper.location))
upper.__setattr__('is_enemy', True)
def select(self, **kwargs):
**kwargs: Attributes of Grid.
result = []
for grid in self:
flag = True
for k, v in kwargs.items():
if grid.__getattribute__(k) != v:
flag = False
if flag:
return SelectedGrids(result)
def flatten(self):
return self.grids.values()