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synced 2024-11-30 11:19:30 +00:00
- 开荒模式移动至出击设置 - 增加开荒模式自动启用, 无脑开就完事了 - 将透视识别参数放到了config里, 这样就可以用地图config覆盖了 - 适配小地图模式, 参数抄A1就行了 - 修复了章节名OCR的识别位置 - 修复了开荒会把BOSS当作精英打问题 - 增加战斗中的剧情跳过 - 注释掉了截图和点击的retry - 增加了捕捉目标点超出移动范围
174 lines
6.0 KiB
174 lines
6.0 KiB
import time
import cv2
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
from cnocr import CnOcr
from module.base.button import Button
from module.base.utils import extract_letters
from module.logger import logger
# Font: Impact, AgencyFB
# Charset: 0123456789
'digit': CnOcr(root='./cnocr_models/digit', model_epoch=60),
# Font: Impact
# Charset: 0123456789ABCDEFSP-:/
'stage': CnOcr(root='./cnocr_models/stage', model_epoch=56),
'cnocr': CnOcr(root='./cnocr_models/cnocr', model_epoch=20)
image_shape = (280, 32)
width_range = (0.6, 1.4)
text_length = (1, 6)
text_interval = (0, 10)
y_range = (-2, 2)
class Ocr:
def __init__(self, buttons, lang, letter=(255, 255, 255), back=(0, 0, 0), mid_process_height=70, threshold=127,
additional_preprocess=None, use_binary=True, length=None, white_list=None, name='OCR'):
lang (str): OCR model. in ['digit', 'cnocr'].
letter (tuple(int)): Letter RGB.
back (tuple(int)): Background RGB.
mid_process_height (int): 70
additional_preprocess (callable):
use_binary (bool):
length (int, tuple(int)): Expected length.
white_list (str): Expected str.
buttons (Button, List[Button]): Button or list of Button instance.
self.lang = lang
self.cnocr = OCR_MODELS[lang]
self.letter = letter
self.back = back
self.mid_process_height = mid_process_height
self.threshold = threshold
self.additional_preprocess = additional_preprocess
self.use_binary = use_binary
self.length = (length, length) if isinstance(length, int) else length
self.white_list = white_list
self.buttons = buttons if isinstance(buttons, list) else [buttons]
self.name = str(buttons) if isinstance(buttons, Button) else name
def additional_preprocess_example(self, image):
image (np.ndarray): data range: [0, 255], dtype: float. shape: [?, 70]
np.ndarray: data range: [0, 255], dtype: float.
def pre_process(self, image):
image: A cropped screenshot.
np.ndarray: shape: [70, 280]. data range: [0, 1]
# Resize to height=70.
size = (int(image.size[0] / image.size[1] * self.mid_process_height), self.mid_process_height)
image = image.resize(size, Image.BILINEAR)
# Set letter color to black, set background color to white.
image = extract_letters(image, letter=self.letter, back=self.back)
# Additional preprocess.
if self.additional_preprocess is not None:
image = self.additional_preprocess(image)
# Binarization.
if self.use_binary:
_, image = cv2.threshold(image, self.threshold, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)
# Resize to input size.
size = (int(image.shape[1] / image.shape[0] * image_shape[1]), image_shape[1])
image = cv2.resize(image, size, interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR)
# Left align
x = np.where(np.mean(image, axis=0) < 220)[0]
if len(x):
x = x[0] - 2 if x[0] - 2 >= 2 else 0
image = image[:, x:]
# Pad to image_shape=(280, 32)
diff_x = image_shape[0] - image.shape[1]
if diff_x > 0:
image = np.pad(image, ((0, 0), (0, diff_x)), mode='constant', constant_values=255)
image = image[:, :image_shape[0]]
# Image.fromarray(image.astype('uint8')).show()
return image / 255.0
def after_process(self, result):
result (list[str]): ['第', '二', '行']
result = ''.join(result)
if self.length is not None:
if len(result) > self.length[1] or len(result) < self.length[0]:
logger.warning(f'OCR result length unexpected. Expect: {self.length}. Result: {len(result)}')
if self.white_list:
for letter in result:
if letter not in self.white_list:
logger.warning(f'OCR letter unexpected. Letter: {letter}. White_list: {self.white_list}')
return result
def ocr(self, image):
start_time = time.time()
image_list = [self.pre_process(image.crop(button.area)) for button in self.buttons]
result_list = self.cnocr.ocr_for_single_lines(image_list)
result_list = [self.after_process(result) for result in result_list]
if len(self.buttons) == 1:
result_list = result_list[0]
logger.attr(name='%s %ss' % (self.name, str(round(time.time() - start_time, 3)).ljust(5, '0')),
return result_list
class Digit(Ocr):
def __init__(self, buttons, letter=(255, 255, 255), back=(0, 0, 0), mid_process_height=70, threshold=127,
additional_preprocess=None, length=None, white_list=None, limit=None, name='OCR'):
super().__init__(buttons=buttons, lang='digit', letter=letter, back=back, mid_process_height=mid_process_height,
additional_preprocess=additional_preprocess, length=length, white_list=white_list, name=name)
self.limit = (0, limit) if isinstance(limit, int) else limit
def after_process(self, raw):
raw = super().after_process(raw)
if not raw:
result = 0
result = int(raw)
if self.limit:
if result < self.limit[0]:
logger.info(f'OCR result smaller than expected. Expect: {self.limit}. Raw: {raw}. Treat as: {result}')
result = self.limit[0]
if result > self.limit[1]:
logger.info(f'OCR result bigger than expected. Expect: {self.limit}. Raw: {raw}. Treat as: {result}')
result = self.limit[1]
return result