mirror of
synced 2024-11-30 11:19:30 +00:00
- Speed up retire confirm - Set default server to CN - Improve log appearance of aScreenCap init
179 lines
3.9 KiB
179 lines
3.9 KiB
command = Daily
enable_stop_condition = yes
enable_fast_forward = yes
if_count_greater_than = 0
if_time_reach = 0
if_oil_lower_than = 2000
if_trigger_emotion_control = no
if_dock_full = no
enable_fleet_control = yes
enable_map_fleet_lock = yes
fleet_index_1 = 1
fleet_formation_1 = formation_2
fleet_step_1 = 3
fleet_index_2 = 2
fleet_formation_2 = formation_2
fleet_step_2 = 2
fleet_index_3 = 1
fleet_formation_3 = formation_2
fleet_step_3 = 3
combat_auto_mode = combat_auto
fleet_index_4 = do_not_use
submarine_mode = do_not_use
enable_emotion_reduce = yes
ignore_low_emotion_warn = no
emotion_recover_1 = dormitory_floor_2
emotion_control_1 = keep_high_emotion
hole_fleet_married_1 = no
emotion_recover_2 = not_in_dormitory
emotion_control_2 = avoid_yellow_face
hole_fleet_married_2 = no
emotion_recover_3 = dormitory_floor_1
emotion_control_3 = keep_high_emotion
hole_fleet_married_3 = no
enable_hp_balance = no
enable_low_hp_withdraw = no
scout_hp_difference_threshold = 0.2
emergency_repair_single_threshold = 0.3
emergency_repair_hole_threshold = 0.6
scout_hp_weights = 1000,1000,1000
low_hp_withdraw_threshold = 0.2
enable_retirement = yes
retire_method = one_click_retire
retire_amount = retire_all
enhance_favourite = no
retire_n = yes
retire_r = no
retire_sr = no
retire_ssr = no
enable_drop_screenshot = no
drop_screenshot_folder =
enable_map_clear_mode = yes
clear_mode_stop_condition = map_green
map_star_clear_all = index_3
command = setting
command = reward
enable_reward = yes
reward_interval = 20
enable_oil_reward = yes
enable_coin_reward = yes
enable_mission_reward = yes
enable_commission_reward = yes
enable_tactical_reward = yes
commission_time_limit = 0
duration_shorter_than_2 = 11
duration_longer_than_6 = -11
expire_shorter_than_2 = 11
expire_longer_than_6 = -11
daily_comm = 120
major_comm = 0
extra_drill = 20
extra_part = 60
extra_cube = 80
extra_oil = 90
extra_book = 70
urgent_drill = 45
urgent_part = 95
urgent_cube = 165
urgent_book = 95
urgent_box = 195
urgent_gem = 205
urgent_ship = 155
tactical_night_range = 23:30-06:30
tactical_book_tier = 2
tactical_exp_first = yes
tactical_book_tier_night = 3
tactical_exp_first_night = no
command = emulator
serial =
package_name = com.bilibili.azurlane
enable_error_log_and_screenshot_save = yes
enable_perspective_error_image_save = no
device_screenshot_method = aScreenCap
device_control_method = uiautomator2
combat_screenshot_interval = 1.
enable_daily_mission = yes
enable_hard_campaign = yes
enable_exercise = yes
daily_mission_1 = daily_gun
daily_mission_2 = index_1
daily_mission_4 = index_1
daily_mission_5 = index_1
daily_fleet = 5
daily_equipment = 0
hard_campaign = 10-4
hard_fleet = 1
hard_equipment = 0
exercise_choose_mode = max_exp
exercise_preserve = 0
exercise_try = 1
exercise_hp_threshold = 0.40
exercise_low_hp_confirm = 1.0
exercise_equipment = 0
command = daily
command = main
main_stage = 7-2
campaign_mode = normal
command = event
event_stage = d3
sp_stage = sp3
event_name = event_20200326_cn
event_name_ab = event_20200326_cn
command = event_daily_ab
command = semi_auto
enable_semi_map_preparation = no
enable_semi_story_skip = yes
command = c72_mystery_farming
boss_fleet_step_on_a3 = yes
command = c122_leveling
s3_enemy_tolerance = 0
non_s3_enemy_enter_tolerance = 1
non_s3_enemy_withdraw_tolerance = 0
ammo_pick_up_124 = 3
command = c124_leveling
fleet_1_emotion = 150
fleet_1_savetime = 2020-01-01_00:00:00
fleet_2_emotion = 119
fleet_2_savetime = 2020-01-01_00:00:00
fleet_3_emotion = 150
fleet_3_savetime = 2020-01-01_00:00:00
daily = 2020-01-01_00:00:00
hard = 2020-01-01_00:00:00
exercise = 2020-01-01_00:00:00
a1 = 2020-01-01_00:00:00
a2 = 2020-01-01_00:00:00
a3 = 2020-01-01_00:00:00
b1 = 2020-01-01_00:00:00
b2 = 2020-01-01_00:00:00
b3 = 2020-01-01_00:00:00