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452 lines
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from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Any
import cv2
import numpy as np
from scipy import signal
from module.base.utils import (
from module.logger import logger
from tasks.map.interact.aim import subtract_blur
from tasks.map.minimap.utils import (
from tasks.map.resource.resource import MapResource
class PositionPredictState:
size: Any = None
scale: Any = None
search_area: Any = None
search_image: Any = None
result_mask: Any = None
result: Any = None
sim: Any = None
loca: Any = None
local_sim: Any = None
local_loca: Any = None
precise_sim: Any = None
precise_loca: Any = None
global_loca: Any = None
class Minimap(MapResource):
position_locked: tuple[int | float, int | float] | None = None
direction_locked: int | float | None = None
rotation_locked: int | float | None = None
def init_position(
position: tuple[int | float, int | float],
locked: If true, lock search area during detection
if show_log:
if locked:
logger.info(f"init_position: {position}, locked")
logger.info(f"init_position: {position}")
self.position = position
if locked:
self.position_locked = position
self.position_locked = None
self.direction_locked = None
self.rotation_locked = None
def lock_direction(self, degree: int | float):
logger.info(f'Lock direction: {degree}')
self.direction_locked = degree
self.direction = degree
self.direction_similarity = 0.
def lock_rotation(self, degree: int | float):
logger.info(f'Lock rotation: {degree}')
self.rotation_locked = degree
self.rotation = degree
self.rotation_confidence = 0.
def _predict_position(self, image, scale=1.0):
local = cv2.resize(image, None, fx=scale, fy=scale, interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC)
size = np.array(image_size(image))
position = self.position
if self.position_locked is not None:
position = self.position_locked
if sum(position) > 0:
search_position = np.array(position, dtype=np.int64)
search_position += self.POSITION_FEATURE_PAD
search_size = np.array(image_size(local)) * self.POSITION_SEARCH_RADIUS
search_half = (search_size // 2).astype(np.int64)
search_area = area_offset((0, 0, *(search_half * 2)), offset=-search_half)
search_area = area_offset(search_area, offset=np.multiply(search_position, self.POSITION_SEARCH_SCALE))
search_area = np.array(search_area).astype(np.int64)
search_image = crop(self.assets_floor_feat, search_area, copy=False)
result_mask = crop(self.assets_floor_outside_mask, search_area, copy=False)
search_area = (0, 0, *image_size(local))
search_image = self.assets_floor_feat
result_mask = self.assets_floor_outside_mask
# if round(scale, 5) == self.POSITION_SEARCH_SCALE * 1.0:
# Image.fromarray((local).astype(np.uint8)).save('local.png')
# Image.fromarray((search_image).astype(np.uint8)).save('search_image.png')
# Using mask will take 3 times as long
# mask = self.get_circle_mask(local)
# result = cv2.matchTemplate(search_image, local, cv2.TM_CCOEFF_NORMED, mask=mask)
result = cv2.matchTemplate(search_image, local, cv2.TM_CCOEFF_NORMED)
result_mask = image_center_crop(result_mask, size=image_size(result))
result[result_mask] = 0
_, sim, _, loca = cv2.minMaxLoc(result)
# from PIL import Image
# if round(scale, 3) == self.POSITION_SEARCH_SCALE * 1.0:
# result[result <= 0] = 0
# Image.fromarray((result * 255).astype(np.uint8)).save('match_result.png')
# Gaussian filter to get local maximum
local_maximum = subtract_blur(result, radius=5)
# Multiply to remove secondary peaks
cv2.multiply(local_maximum, result, dst=local_maximum)
cv2.multiply(local_maximum, 10, dst=local_maximum)
_, local_sim, _, local_loca = cv2.minMaxLoc(local_maximum)
# if round(scale, 5) == self.POSITION_SEARCH_SCALE * 1.0:
# local_maximum[local_maximum < 0] = 0
# local_maximum[local_maximum > 1] = 1
# Image.fromarray((local_maximum * 255).astype(np.uint8)).save('local_maximum.png')
# Calculate the precise location using CUBIC
# precise = crop(result, area=area_offset((-4, -4, 4, 4), offset=local_loca), copy=False)
# precise_sim, precise_loca = cubic_find_maximum(precise, precision=0.05)
# precise_loca -= 5
precise_loca = np.array((0, 0))
precise_sim = result[local_loca[1], local_loca[0]]
state = PositionPredictState(
size=size, scale=scale,
search_area=search_area, search_image=search_image, result_mask=result_mask, result=result,
sim=sim, loca=loca, local_sim=local_sim, local_loca=local_loca,
precise_sim=precise_sim, precise_loca=precise_loca,
# Location on search_image
lookup_loca = precise_loca + local_loca + size * scale / 2
# Location on GIMAP
global_loca = (lookup_loca + search_area[:2]) / self.POSITION_SEARCH_SCALE
# Can't figure out why but the result_of_0.5_lookup_scale + 0.5 ~= result_of_1.0_lookup_scale
global_loca += self.POSITION_MOVE_PATCH
# Move to the origin point of map
global_loca -= self.POSITION_FEATURE_PAD
state.global_loca = global_loca
return state
def _predict_precise_position(self, state):
result (PositionPredictState):
size = state.size
scale = state.scale
search_area = state.search_area
result = state.result
loca = state.loca
local_loca = state.local_loca
precise = crop(result, area=area_offset((-4, -4, 4, 4), offset=loca), copy=False)
precise_sim, precise_loca = cubic_find_maximum(precise, precision=0.05)
precise_loca -= 5
state.precise_sim = precise_sim
state.precise_loca = precise_loca
# Location on search_image
lookup_loca = precise_loca + local_loca + size * scale / 2
# Location on GIMAP
global_loca = (lookup_loca + search_area[:2]) / self.POSITION_SEARCH_SCALE
# Can't figure out why but the result_of_0.5_lookup_scale + 0.5 ~= result_of_1.0_lookup_scale
global_loca += self.POSITION_MOVE_PATCH
# Move to the origin point of map
global_loca -= self.POSITION_FEATURE_PAD
state.global_loca = global_loca
return state
def update_position(self, image):
Get position on GIMAP, costs about 6.57ms.
The following attributes will be set:
- position_similarity
- position
- position_scene
image = self.get_minimap(image, self.POSITION_RADIUS)
image = map_image_preprocess(image)
image &= self.get_circle_mask(image)
best_sim = -1.
best_scale = 1.0
best_state = None
# Walking is in scale 1.20
# Running is in scale 1.25
scale_list = [1.00, 1.05, 1.10, 1.15, 1.20, 1.25]
for scale in scale_list:
state = self._predict_position(image, scale)
# print([np.round(i, 3) for i in [scale, state.sim, state.local_sim, state.global_loca]])
if state.sim > best_sim:
best_sim = state.sim
best_scale = scale
best_state = state
best_state = self._predict_precise_position(best_state)
self.position_similarity = round(best_state.precise_sim, 3)
self.position_similarity_local = round(best_state.local_sim, 3)
self.position = tuple(np.round(best_state.global_loca, 1))
self.position_scale = round(best_scale, 3)
return self.position
def update_direction(self, image):
Get direction of character, costs about 0.64ms.
The following attributes will be set:
- direction_similarity
- direction
image = self.get_minimap(image, self.DIRECTION_RADIUS)
image = color_similarity_2d(image, color=self.DIRECTION_ARROW_COLOR)
area = area_pad(get_bbox(image, threshold=128), pad=-1)
area = area_limit(area, (0, 0, *image_size(image)))
except IndexError:
# IndexError: index 0 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 0
logger.warning('No direction arrow on minimap')
image = crop(image, area=area, copy=False)
mapping = cv2.resize(image, None, fx=scale, fy=scale, interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST)
result = cv2.matchTemplate(self.ArrowRotateMap, mapping, cv2.TM_CCOEFF_NORMED)
result = subtract_blur(result, 5)
_, sim, _, loca = cv2.minMaxLoc(result)
loca = np.array(loca) / self.DIRECTION_SEARCH_SCALE // (self.DIRECTION_RADIUS * 2)
degree = int((loca[0] + loca[1] * 8) * 5)
def to_map(x):
# Row on ArrowRotateMapAll
row = int(degree // 8) + 45
# Calculate +-1 rows to get result with a precision of 1
row = (row - 2, row + 3)
# Convert to ArrowRotateMapAll and to be 5px larger
row = (to_map(row[0]) - 5, to_map(row[1]) + 5)
precise_map = self.ArrowRotateMapAll[row[0]:row[1], :]
result = cv2.matchTemplate(precise_map, mapping, cv2.TM_CCOEFF_NORMED)
result = subtract_blur(result, 5)
def to_map(x):
return int((x * self.DIRECTION_RADIUS * 2) * self.POSITION_SEARCH_SCALE)
def get_precise_sim(d):
y, x = divmod(d, 8)
im = result[to_map(y):to_map(y + 1), to_map(x):to_map(x + 1)]
_, sim, _, _ = cv2.minMaxLoc(im)
return sim
precise = np.array([[get_precise_sim(_) for _ in range(24)]])
precise_sim, precise_loca = cubic_find_maximum(precise, precision=0.1)
precise_loca = degree // 8 * 8 - 8 + precise_loca[0]
self.direction_similarity = round(precise_sim, 3)
self.direction = round(precise_loca % 360, 1)
def update_rotation(self, image):
Get direction of character, costs about 0.66ms.
The following attributes will be set:
- direction_similarity
- direction
d = self.MINIMAP_RADIUS * 2
scale = 1
# Extract
minimap = self.get_minimap(image, radius=self.MINIMAP_RADIUS)
image = rgb2yuv(minimap)[:, :, 2].copy()
cv2.subtract(128, image, dst=image)
cv2.GaussianBlur(image, (3, 3), 0, dst=image)
# Expand circle into rectangle
remap = cv2.remap(image, *self.RotationRemapData, cv2.INTER_LINEAR)[d * 1 // 10:d * 6 // 10].astype(np.float32)
remap = cv2.resize(remap, None, fx=scale, fy=scale, interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR)
# Find derivative
gradx = cv2.Scharr(remap, cv2.CV_32F, 1, 0)
# import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# plt.imshow(gradx)
# plt.show()
# Magic parameters for scipy.find_peaks
para = {
# 'height': (50, 800),
'height': 35,
# 'prominence': (0, 400),
# 'width': (0, d * scale / 20),
# 'distance': d * scale / 18,
'wlen': d * scale,
# plt.plot(gradx[d * 3 // 10])
# plt.show()
# `l` for the left of sight area, derivative is positive
# `r` for the right of sight area, derivative is negative
l = np.bincount(signal.find_peaks(gradx.ravel(), **para)[0] % (d * scale), minlength=d * scale)
r = np.bincount(signal.find_peaks(-gradx.ravel(), **para)[0] % (d * scale), minlength=d * scale)
l, r = np.maximum(l - r, 0), np.maximum(r - l, 0)
# plt.plot(l)
# plt.plot(np.roll(r, -d * scale // 4))
# plt.show()
conv0 = []
kernel = 2 * scale
r_expanded = np.concatenate([r, r, r])
r_length = len(r)
# Faster than nested calling np.roll()
def roll_r(shift):
return r_expanded[r_length - shift:r_length * 2 - shift]
def convolve_r(ker, shift):
return sum(roll_r(shift + i) * (ker - abs(i)) // ker for i in range(-ker + 1, ker))
for offset in range(-kernel + 1, kernel):
result = l * convolve_r(ker=3 * kernel, shift=-d * scale // 4 + offset)
# result = l * convolve(np.roll(r, -d * scale // 4 + offset), kernel=3 * scale)
# minus = l * convolve(np.roll(r, offset), kernel=10 * scale) // 5
# if offset == 0:
# plt.plot(result)
# plt.plot(-minus)
# plt.show()
# result -= minus
# result = convolve(result, kernel=3 * scale)
conv0 += [result]
# plt.figure(figsize=(20, 16))
# for row in conv0:
# plt.plot(row)
# plt.show()
conv0 = np.maximum(conv0, 1)
maximum = np.max(conv0, axis=0)
rotation_confidence = round(peak_confidence(maximum), 3)
if rotation_confidence > 0.3:
# Good match
result = maximum
# Convolve again to reduce noice
average = np.mean(conv0, axis=0)
minimum = np.min(conv0, axis=0)
result = convolve(maximum * average * minimum, 2 * scale)
rotation_confidence = round(peak_confidence(maximum), 3)
# plt.plot(maximum)
# plt.plot(result)
# plt.show()
# Convert match point to degree
degree = np.argmax(result) / (d * scale) * 360 + 135
degree = int(degree % 360)
# +3 is a value obtained from experience
# Don't know why but <predicted_rotation> + 3 = <actual_rotation>
rotation = (degree + 3) % 360
self.rotation_confidence = rotation_confidence
self.rotation = rotation
def update(self, image, show_log=True):
Update minimap, costs about 7.88ms.
if self.direction_locked is None:
if self.rotation_locked is None:
if show_log:
def log_minimap(self):
# MiniMap P:(567.5, 862.8) (1.00x|0.439|0.157), D:303.8 (0.253), R:304 (0.846)
f'MiniMap '
f'P:({self.position[0]:.1f}, {self.position[1]:.1f}) '
f'({self.position_scale:.2f}x|{self.position_similarity:.3f}|{self.position_similarity_local:.3f}), '
f'D:{self.direction:.1f} ({self.direction_similarity:.3f}), '
f'R:{self.rotation} ({self.rotation_confidence:.3f})'
if __name__ == '__main__':
Run mimimap tracking test.
from tasks.base.ui import UI
# Uncomment this to use local srcmap instead of the pre-built one
# MapResource.SRCMAP = '../srcmap/srcmap'
self = Minimap()
# Set plane, assume starting from Jarilo_AdministrativeDistrict
self.set_plane('Jarilo_SilvermaneGuardRestrictedZone', floor='F1')
ui = UI('src')
# Set starter point. Starter point will be calculated if it's missing but may contain errors.
# With starter point set, position is only searched around starter point and new position becomes new starter point.
self.init_position((227.7, 425.5), locked=True)
while 1: