import logging import tempfile import urllib.request # import os from gettext import translation from urllib.error import ContentTooShortError, HTTPError, URLError import pilk import pydub from ehforwarderbot import Message, coordinator from pkg_resources import resource_filename # created by JogleLew and jqqqqqqqqqq, optimized based on Tim's emoji support, updated by xzsk2 to mobileqq v8.8.11 qq_emoji_list = { 0: "😮", 1: "😣", 2: "😍", 3: "😳", 4: "😎", 5: "😭", 6: "☺️", 7: "😷", 8: "😴", 9: "😭", 10: "😰", 11: "😡", 12: "😝", 13: "😃", 14: "🙂", 15: "🙁", 16: "🤓", 17: "[Empty]", 18: "😤", 19: "😨", 20: "😏", 21: "😊", 22: "🙄", 23: "😕", 24: "🤤", 25: "😪", 26: "😨", 27: "😓", 28: "😬", 29: "🤑", 30: "✊", 31: "😤", 32: "🤔", 33: "🤐", 34: "😵", 35: "😩", 36: "💣", 37: "💀", 38: "🔨", 39: "👋", 40: "[Empty]", 41: "😮", 42: "💑", 43: "🕺", 44: "[Empty]", 45: "[Empty]", 46: "🐷", 47: "[Empty]", 48: "[Empty]", 49: "🤷", 50: "[Empty]", 51: "[Empty]", 52: "[Empty]", 53: "🎂", 54: "⚡", 55: "💣", 56: "🔪", 57: "⚽️", 58: "[Empty]", 59: "💩", 60: "☕️", 61: "🍚", 62: "[Empty]", 63: "🌹", 64: "🥀", 65: "[Empty]", 66: "❤️", 67: "💔️", 68: "[Empty]", 69: "🎁", 70: "[Empty]", 71: "[Empty]", 72: "[Empty]", 73: "[Empty]", 74: "🌞️", 75: "🌃", 76: "👍", 77: "👎", 78: "🤝", 79: "✌️", 80: "[Empty]", 81: "[Empty]", 82: "[Empty]", 83: "[Empty]", 84: "[Empty]", 85: "🥰", 86: "[怄火]", 87: "[Empty]", 88: "[Empty]", 89: "🍉", 90: "[Empty]", 91: "[Empty]", 92: "[Empty]", 93: "[Empty]", 94: "[Empty]", 95: "[Empty]", 96: "😅", 97: "[擦汗]", 98: "[抠鼻]", 99: "👏", 100: "[糗大了]", 101: "😏", 102: "😏", 103: "😏", 104: "🥱", 105: "[鄙视]", 106: "😭", 107: "😭", 108: "[阴险]", 109: "😚", 110: "🙀", 111: "[可怜]", 112: "🔪", 113: "🍺", 114: "🏀", 115: "🏓", 116: "❤️", 117: "🐞", 118: "[抱拳]", 119: "[勾引]", 120: "✊", 121: "[差劲]", 122: "🤟", 123: "🚫", 124: "👌", 125: "[转圈]", 126: "[磕头]", 127: "[回头]", 128: "[跳绳]", 129: "👋", 130: "[激动]", 131: "[街舞]", 132: "😘", 133: "[左太极]", 134: "[右太极]", 135: "[Empty]", 136: "[双喜]", 137: "🧨", 138: "🏮", 139: "💰", 140: "[K歌]", 141: "🛍️", 142: "📧", 143: "[帅]", 144: "👏", 145: "🙏", 146: "[爆筋]", 147: "🍭", 148: "🍼", 149: "[下面]", 150: "🍌", 151: "🛩", 152: "🚗", 153: "🚅", 154: "[车厢]", 155: "[高铁右车头]", 156: "🌥", 157: "下雨", 158: "💵", 159: "🐼", 160: "💡", 161: "[风车]", 162: "⏰", 163: "🌂", 164: "[彩球]", 165: "💍", 166: "🛋", 167: "[纸巾]", 168: "💊", 169: "🔫", 170: "🐸", 171: "🍵", 172: "[眨眼睛]", 173: "😭", 174: "[无奈]", 175: "[卖萌]", 176: "[小纠结]", 177: "[喷血]", 178: "[斜眼笑]", 179: "[doge]", 180: "[惊喜]", 181: "[骚扰]", 182: "😹", 183: "[我最美]", 184: "🦀", 185: "[羊驼]", 186: "[Empty]", 187: "👻", 188: "🥚", 189: "[Empty]", 190: "🌼", 191: "[Empty]", 192: "🧧", 193: "😄", 194: "😞", 195: "[Empty]", 196: "[Empty]", 197: "[冷漠]", 198: "[呃]", 199: "👍", 200: "👋", 201: "👍", 202: "[无聊]", 203: "[托脸]", 204: "[吃]", 205: "💐", 206: "😨", 207: "[花痴]", 208: "[小样儿]", 209: "[Empty]", 210: "😭", 211: "[我不看]", 212: "[托腮]", 213: "[Empty]", 214: "😙", 215: "[糊脸]", 216: "[拍头]", 217: "[扯一扯]", 218: "[舔一舔]", 219: "[蹭一蹭]", 220: "[拽炸天]", 221: "[顶呱呱]", 222: "🤗", 223: "[暴击]", 224: "🔫", 225: "[撩一撩]", 226: "[拍桌]", 227: "👏", 228: "[恭喜]", 229: "🍻", 230: "[嘲讽]", 231: "[哼]", 232: "[佛系]", 233: "[掐一掐]", 234: "😮", 235: "[颤抖]", 236: "[啃头]", 237: "[偷看]", 238: "[扇脸]", 239: "[原谅]", 240: "[喷脸]", 241: "🎂", 242: "[头撞击]", 243: "[甩头]", 244: "[扔狗]", 245: "[加油必胜]", 246: "[加油抱抱]", 247: "[口罩护体]", 248: "[Empty]", 249: "[Empty]", 250: "[Empty]", 251: "[Empty]", 252: "[Empty]", 253: "[Empty]", 254: "[Empty]", 255: "[Empty]", 256: "😲", 257: "😟", 258: "😍", 259: "😳", 260: "[搬砖中]", 261: "[忙到飞起]", 262: "[脑阔疼]", 263: "[沧桑]", 264: "[捂脸]", 265: "[辣眼睛]", 266: "[哦哟]", 267: "[头秃]", 268: "[问号脸]", 269: "[暗中观察]", 270: "[emm]", 271: "[吃瓜]", 272: "[呵呵哒]", 273: "[我酸了]", 274: "[太南了]", 275: "[Empty]", 276: "[辣椒酱]", 277: "[汪汪]", 278: "[汗]", 279: "[打脸]", 280: "[击掌]", 281: "[无眼笑]", 282: "[敬礼]", 283: "[狂笑]", 284: "[面无表情]", 285: "[摸鱼]", 286: "[魔鬼笑]", 287: "[哦]", 288: "[请]", 289: "[睁眼]", 290: "[敲开心]", 291: "[震惊]", 292: "[让我康康]", 293: "[摸锦鲤]", 294: "[期待]", 295: "[拿到红包]", 296: "[真好]", 297: "[拜谢]", 298: "[元宝]", 299: "[牛啊]", 300: "[胖三斤]", 301: "[好闪]", 302: "[左拜年]", 303: "[右拜年]", 304: "[红包包]", 305: "[右亲亲]", 306: "[牛气冲天]", 307: "[喵喵]", 308: "[求红包]", 309: "[谢红包]", 310: "[新年烟花]", 311: "[打call]", 312: "[变形]", 313: "[嗑到了]", 314: "[仔细分析]", 315: "[加油]", 316: "[我没事]", 317: "[菜狗]", 318: "[崇拜]", 319: "[比心]", 320: "[庆祝]", 321: "[老色痞]", 322: "[拒绝]", 323: "[嫌弃]", } # original text copied from Tim qq_emoji_text_list = { 0: "[惊讶]", 1: "[撇嘴]", 2: "[色]", 3: "[发呆]", 4: "[得意]", 5: "[流泪]", 6: "[害羞]", 7: "[闭嘴]", 8: "[睡]", 9: "[大哭]", 10: "[尴尬]", 11: "[发怒]", 12: "[调皮]", 13: "[呲牙]", 14: "[微笑]", 15: "[难过]", 16: "[酷]", 17: "[Empty]", 18: "[抓狂]", 19: "[吐]", 20: "[偷笑]", 21: "[可爱]", 22: "[白眼]", 23: "[傲慢]", 24: "[饥饿]", 25: "[困]", 26: "[惊恐]", 27: "[流汗]", 28: "[憨笑]", 29: "[悠闲]", 30: "[奋斗]", 31: "[咒骂]", 32: "[疑问]", 33: "[嘘]", 34: "[晕]", 35: "[折磨]", 36: "[衰]", 37: "[骷髅]", 38: "[敲打]", 39: "[再见]", 40: "[Empty]", 41: "[发抖]", 42: "[爱情]", 43: "[跳跳]", 44: "[Empty]", 45: "[Empty]", 46: "[猪头]", 47: "[Empty]", 48: "[Empty]", 49: "[拥抱]", 50: "[Empty]", 51: "[Empty]", 52: "[Empty]", 53: "[蛋糕]", 54: "[闪电]", 55: "[炸弹]", 56: "[刀]", 57: "[足球]", 58: "[Empty]", 59: "[便便]", 60: "[咖啡]", 61: "[饭]", 62: "[Empty]", 63: "[玫瑰]", 64: "[凋谢]", 65: "[Empty]", 66: "[爱心]", 67: "[心碎]", 68: "[Empty]", 69: "[礼物]", 70: "[Empty]", 71: "[Empty]", 72: "[Empty]", 73: "[Empty]", 74: "[太阳]", 75: "[月亮]", 76: "[赞]", 77: "[踩]", 78: "[握手]", 79: "[胜利]", 80: "[Empty]", 81: "[Empty]", 82: "[Empty]", 83: "[Empty]", 84: "[Empty]", 85: "[飞吻]", 86: "[怄火]", 87: "[Empty]", 88: "[Empty]", 89: "[西瓜]", 90: "[Empty]", 91: "[Empty]", 92: "[Empty]", 93: "[Empty]", 94: "[Empty]", 95: "[Empty]", 96: "[冷汗]", 97: "[擦汗]", 98: "[抠鼻]", 99: "[鼓掌]", 100: "[糗大了]", 101: "[坏笑]", 102: "[左哼哼]", 103: "[右哼哼]", 104: "[哈欠]", 105: "[鄙视]", 106: "[委屈]", 107: "[快哭了]", 108: "[阴险]", 109: "[亲亲]", 110: "[吓]", 111: "[可怜]", 112: "[菜刀]", 113: "[啤酒]", 114: "[篮球]", 115: "[乒乓]", 116: "[示爱]", 117: "[瓢虫]", 118: "[抱拳]", 119: "[勾引]", 120: "[拳头]", 121: "[差劲]", 122: "[爱你]", 123: "[NO]", 124: "[OK]", 125: "[转圈]", 126: "[磕头]", 127: "[回头]", 128: "[跳绳]", 129: "[挥手]", 130: "[激动]", 131: "[街舞]", 132: "[献吻]", 133: "[左太极]", 134: "[右太极]", 135: "[Empty]", 136: "[双喜]", 137: "[鞭炮]", 138: "[灯笼]", 139: "[发财]", 140: "[K歌]", 141: "[购物]", 142: "[邮件]", 143: "[帅]", 144: "[喝彩]", 145: "[祈祷]", 146: "[爆筋]", 147: "[棒棒糖]", 148: "[喝奶]", 149: "[下面]", 150: "[香蕉]", 151: "[飞机]", 152: "[开车]", 153: "[高铁左车头]", 154: "[车厢]", 155: "[高铁右车头]", 156: "[多云]", 157: "[下雨]", 158: "[钞票]", 159: "[熊猫]", 160: "[灯泡]", 161: "[风车]", 162: "[闹钟]", 163: "[打伞]", 164: "[彩球]", 165: "[钻戒]", 166: "[沙发]", 167: "[纸巾]", 168: "[药]", 169: "[手枪]", 170: "[青蛙]", 171: "[茶]", 172: "[眨眼睛]", 173: "[泪奔]", 174: "[无奈]", 175: "[卖萌]", 176: "[小纠结]", 177: "[喷血]", 178: "[斜眼笑]", 179: "[doge]", 180: "[惊喜]", 181: "[骚扰]", 182: "[笑哭]", 183: "[我最美]", 184: "[河蟹]", 185: "[羊驼]", 186: "[Empty]", 187: "[幽灵]", 188: "[蛋]", 189: "[Empty]", 190: "[菊花]", 191: "[Empty]", 192: "[红包]", 193: "[大笑]", 194: "[不开心]", 195: "[Empty]", 196: "[Empty]", 197: "[冷漠]", 198: "[呃]", 199: "[好棒]", 200: "[拜托]", 201: "[点赞]", 202: "[无聊]", 203: "[托脸]", 204: "[吃]", 205: "[送花]", 206: "[害怕]", 207: "[花痴]", 208: "[小样儿]", 209: "[Empty]", 210: "[飙泪]", 211: "[我不看]", 212: "[托腮]", 213: "[Empty]", 214: "[啵啵]", 215: "[糊脸]", 216: "[拍头]", 217: "[扯一扯]", 218: "[舔一舔]", 219: "[蹭一蹭]", 220: "[拽炸天]", 221: "[顶呱呱]", 222: "[抱抱]", 223: "[暴击]", 224: "[开枪]", 225: "[撩一撩]", 226: "[拍桌]", 227: "[拍手]", 228: "[恭喜]", 229: "[干杯]", 230: "[嘲讽]", 231: "[哼]", 232: "[佛系]", 233: "[掐一掐]", 234: "[惊呆]", 235: "[颤抖]", 236: "[啃头]", 237: "[偷看]", 238: "[扇脸]", 239: "[原谅]", 240: "[喷脸]", 241: "[生日快乐]", 242: "[Empty]", 243: "[Empty]", 244: "[Empty]", 245: "[Empty]", 246: "[Empty]", 247: "[Empty]", 248: "[Empty]", 249: "[Empty]", 250: "[Empty]", 251: "[Empty]", 252: "[Empty]", 253: "[Empty]", 254: "[Empty]", 255: "[Empty]", } qq_sface_list = { 1: "[拜拜]", 2: "[鄙视]", 3: "[菜刀]", 4: "[沧桑]", 5: "[馋了]", 6: "[吃惊]", 7: "[微笑]", 8: "[得意]", 9: "[嘚瑟]", 10: "[瞪眼]", 11: "[震惊]", 12: "[鼓掌]", 13: "[害羞]", 14: "[好的]", 15: "[惊呆了]", 16: "[静静看]", 17: "[可爱]", 18: "[困]", 19: "[脸红]", 20: "[你懂的]", 21: "[期待]", 22: "[亲亲]", 23: "[伤心]", 24: "[生气]", 25: "[摇摆]", 26: "[帅]", 27: "[思考]", 28: "[震惊哭]", 29: "[痛心]", 30: "[偷笑]", 31: "[挖鼻孔]", 32: "[抓狂]", 33: "[笑着哭]", 34: "[无语]", 35: "[捂脸]", 36: "[喜欢]", 37: "[笑哭]", 38: "[疑惑]", 39: "[赞]", 40: "[眨眼]", } translator = translation( "efb_qq_slave", resource_filename("efb_qq_slave", "Clients/CoolQ/locale"), fallback=True, ) _ = translator.gettext ngettext = translator.ngettext def cq_get_image(image_link: str) -> tempfile: # Download image from QQ file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() try: urllib.request.urlretrieve(image_link, except (URLError, HTTPError, ContentTooShortError) as e: logging.getLogger(__name__).warning("Image download failed.") logging.getLogger(__name__).warning(str(e)) return None else: if, 2) <= 0: raise EOFError("File downloaded is Empty") return file def async_send_messages_to_master(msg: Message): coordinator.send_message(msg) if msg.file: msg.file.close() def process_quote_text(text, max_length): # Simple wrapper for processing quoted text qt_txt = "%s" % text if max_length > 0: tgt_text = qt_txt[:max_length] if len(qt_txt) >= max_length: tgt_text += "…" tgt_text = "「%s」" % tgt_text elif max_length < 0: tgt_text = "「%s」" % qt_txt else: tgt_text = "" return tgt_text def coolq_text_encode(text: str): # Escape special characters for CQ Code text expr = (("&", "&"), ("[", "["), ("]", "]")) for r in expr: text = text.replace(*r) return text def coolq_para_encode(text: str): # Escape special characters for CQ Code parameters expr = (("&", "&"), ("[", "["), ("]", "]"), (",", ",")) for r in expr: text = text.replace(*r) return text def param_spliter(str_param): params = str_param.split(";") param = {} for _k in params: key, value = _k.strip().split("=") param[key] = value return param def download_file(download_url): file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() try: opener = urllib.request.build_opener() urllib.request.install_opener(opener) urllib.request.urlretrieve(download_url, except (URLError, HTTPError, ContentTooShortError) as e: logging.getLogger(__name__).warning("Error occurs when downloading files: " + str(e)) return _("Error occurs when downloading files: ") + str(e) else: if, 2) <= 0: raise EOFError("File downloaded is Empty") return file def download_user_avatar(uid: str): file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() url = "{}&s=0".format(uid) try: opener = urllib.request.build_opener() urllib.request.install_opener(opener) urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, except (URLError, HTTPError, ContentTooShortError) as e: logging.getLogger(__name__).warning("Error occurs when downloading files: " + str(e)) return _("Error occurs when downloading files: ") + str(e) if, 2) <= 0: raise EOFError("File downloaded is Empty") return file def download_group_avatar(uid: str): file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() url = "{}/{}/".format(uid, uid) try: opener = urllib.request.build_opener() urllib.request.install_opener(opener) urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, except (URLError, HTTPError, ContentTooShortError) as e: logging.getLogger(__name__).warning("Error occurs when downloading files: " + str(e)) return _("Error occurs when downloading files: ") + str(e) if, 2) <= 0: raise EOFError("File downloaded is Empty") return file def download_voice(voice_url: str): with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as origin_file: try: with urllib.request.build_opener() as opener: urllib.request.install_opener(opener) urllib.request.urlretrieve(voice_url, except (URLError, HTTPError, ContentTooShortError) as e: logging.getLogger(__name__).warning("Error occurs when downloading files: " + str(e)) return _("Error occurs when downloading files: ") + str(e) if, 2) <= 0: raise EOFError("File downloaded is Empty") silk_header = if b"#!SILK_V3" in silk_header: with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as pcm_file: pilk.decode(, audio_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() pydub.AudioSegment.from_raw(file=pcm_file, sample_width=2, frame_rate=24000, channels=1).export( audio_file, format="ogg", codec="libopus", parameters=["-vbr", "on"] ) else: audio_file = origin_file return audio_file