2021-05-31 01:16:50 +08:00

767 lines
18 KiB

import json
import logging
import ntpath
import tempfile
import urllib.request
from gettext import translation
from urllib.error import URLError, HTTPError, ContentTooShortError
import requests
from ehforwarderbot import Message, coordinator
from pkg_resources import resource_filename
from .Exceptions import CoolQUnknownException
qq_emoji_list = { # created by JogleLew and jqqqqqqqqqq, optimized based on Tim's emoji support
0: '😮',
1: '😣',
2: '😍',
3: '😳',
4: '😎',
5: '😭',
6: '☺️',
7: '😷',
8: '😴',
9: '😭',
10: '😰',
11: '😡',
12: '😝',
13: '😃',
14: '🙂',
15: '🙁',
16: '🤓',
17: '[Empty]',
18: '😤',
19: '😨',
20: '😏',
21: '😊',
22: '🙄',
23: '😕',
24: '🤤',
25: '😪',
26: '😨',
27: '😓',
28: '😬',
29: '🤑',
30: '',
31: '😤',
32: '🤔',
33: '🤐',
34: '😵',
35: '😩',
36: '💣',
37: '💀',
38: '🔨',
39: '👋',
40: '[Empty]',
41: '😮',
42: '💑',
43: '🕺',
44: '[Empty]',
45: '[Empty]',
46: '🐷',
47: '[Empty]',
48: '[Empty]',
49: '🤷',
50: '[Empty]',
51: '[Empty]',
52: '[Empty]',
53: '🎂',
54: '',
55: '💣',
56: '🔪',
57: '⚽️',
58: '[Empty]',
59: '💩',
60: '☕️',
61: '🍚',
62: '[Empty]',
63: '🌹',
64: '🥀',
65: '[Empty]',
66: '❤️',
67: '💔️',
68: '[Empty]',
69: '🎁',
70: '[Empty]',
71: '[Empty]',
72: '[Empty]',
73: '[Empty]',
74: '🌞️',
75: '🌃',
76: '👍',
77: '👎',
78: '🤝',
79: '✌️',
80: '[Empty]',
81: '[Empty]',
82: '[Empty]',
83: '[Empty]',
84: '[Empty]',
85: '🥰',
86: '[怄火]',
87: '[Empty]',
88: '[Empty]',
89: '🍉',
90: '[Empty]',
91: '[Empty]',
92: '[Empty]',
93: '[Empty]',
94: '[Empty]',
95: '[Empty]',
96: '😅',
97: '[擦汗]',
98: '[抠鼻]',
99: '👏',
100: '[糗大了]',
101: '😏',
102: '😏',
103: '😏',
104: '🥱',
105: '[鄙视]',
106: '😭',
107: '😭',
108: '[阴险]',
109: '😚',
110: '🙀',
111: '[可怜]',
112: '🔪',
113: '🍺',
114: '🏀',
115: '🏓',
116: '❤️',
117: '🐞',
118: '[抱拳]',
119: '[勾引]',
120: '',
121: '[差劲]',
122: '🤟',
123: '🚫',
124: '👌',
125: '[转圈]',
126: '[磕头]',
127: '[回头]',
128: '[跳绳]',
129: '👋',
130: '[激动]',
131: '[街舞]',
132: '😘',
133: '[左太极]',
134: '[右太极]',
135: '[Empty]',
136: '[双喜]',
137: '🧨',
138: '🏮',
139: '💰',
140: '[K歌]',
141: '🛍️',
142: '📧',
143: '[帅]',
144: '👏',
145: '🙏',
146: '[爆筋]',
147: '🍭',
148: '🍼',
149: '[下面]',
150: '🍌',
151: '🛩',
152: '🚗',
153: '🚅',
154: '[车厢]',
155: '[高铁右车头]',
156: '🌥',
157: '下雨',
158: '💵',
159: '🐼',
160: '💡',
161: '[风车]',
162: '',
163: '🌂',
164: '[彩球]',
165: '💍',
166: '🛋',
167: '[纸巾]',
168: '💊',
169: '🔫',
170: '🐸',
171: '🍵',
172: '[眨眼睛]',
173: '😭',
174: '[无奈]',
175: '[卖萌]',
176: '[小纠结]',
177: '[喷血]',
178: '[斜眼笑]',
179: '[doge]',
180: '[惊喜]',
181: '[骚扰]',
182: '😹',
183: '[我最美]',
184: '🦀',
185: '[羊驼]',
186: '[Empty]',
187: '👻',
188: '🥚',
189: '[Empty]',
190: '🌼',
191: '[Empty]',
192: '🧧',
193: '😄',
194: '😞',
195: '[Empty]',
196: '[Empty]',
197: '[冷漠]',
198: '[呃]',
199: '👍',
200: '👋',
201: '👍',
202: '[无聊]',
203: '[托脸]',
204: '[吃]',
205: '💐',
206: '😨',
207: '[花痴]',
208: '[小样儿]',
209: '[Empty]',
210: '😭',
211: '[我不看]',
212: '[托腮]',
213: '[Empty]',
214: '😙',
215: '[糊脸]',
216: '[拍头]',
217: '[扯一扯]',
218: '[舔一舔]',
219: '[蹭一蹭]',
220: '[拽炸天]',
221: '[顶呱呱]',
222: '🤗',
223: '[暴击]',
224: '🔫',
225: '[撩一撩]',
226: '[拍桌]',
227: '👏',
228: '[恭喜]',
229: '🍻',
230: '[嘲讽]',
231: '[哼]',
232: '[佛系]',
233: '[掐一掐]',
234: '😮',
235: '[颤抖]',
236: '[啃头]',
237: '[偷看]',
238: '[扇脸]',
239: '[原谅]',
240: '[喷脸]',
241: '🎂',
242: '[Empty]',
243: '[Empty]',
244: '[Empty]',
245: '[Empty]',
246: '[Empty]',
247: '[Empty]',
248: '[Empty]',
249: '[Empty]',
250: '[Empty]',
251: '[Empty]',
252: '[Empty]',
253: '[Empty]',
254: '[Empty]',
255: '[Empty]',
# original text copied from Tim
qq_emoji_text_list = {
0: '[惊讶]',
1: '[撇嘴]',
2: '[色]',
3: '[发呆]',
4: '[得意]',
5: '[流泪]',
6: '[害羞]',
7: '[闭嘴]',
8: '[睡]',
9: '[大哭]',
10: '[尴尬]',
11: '[发怒]',
12: '[调皮]',
13: '[呲牙]',
14: '[微笑]',
15: '[难过]',
16: '[酷]',
17: '[Empty]',
18: '[抓狂]',
19: '[吐]',
20: '[偷笑]',
21: '[可爱]',
22: '[白眼]',
23: '[傲慢]',
24: '[饥饿]',
25: '[困]',
26: '[惊恐]',
27: '[流汗]',
28: '[憨笑]',
29: '[悠闲]',
30: '[奋斗]',
31: '[咒骂]',
32: '[疑问]',
33: '[嘘]',
34: '[晕]',
35: '[折磨]',
36: '[衰]',
37: '[骷髅]',
38: '[敲打]',
39: '[再见]',
40: '[Empty]',
41: '[发抖]',
42: '[爱情]',
43: '[跳跳]',
44: '[Empty]',
45: '[Empty]',
46: '[猪头]',
47: '[Empty]',
48: '[Empty]',
49: '[拥抱]',
50: '[Empty]',
51: '[Empty]',
52: '[Empty]',
53: '[蛋糕]',
54: '[闪电]',
55: '[炸弹]',
56: '[刀]',
57: '[足球]',
58: '[Empty]',
59: '[便便]',
60: '[咖啡]',
61: '[饭]',
62: '[Empty]',
63: '[玫瑰]',
64: '[凋谢]',
65: '[Empty]',
66: '[爱心]',
67: '[心碎]',
68: '[Empty]',
69: '[礼物]',
70: '[Empty]',
71: '[Empty]',
72: '[Empty]',
73: '[Empty]',
74: '[太阳]',
75: '[月亮]',
76: '[赞]',
77: '[踩]',
78: '[握手]',
79: '[胜利]',
80: '[Empty]',
81: '[Empty]',
82: '[Empty]',
83: '[Empty]',
84: '[Empty]',
85: '[飞吻]',
86: '[怄火]',
87: '[Empty]',
88: '[Empty]',
89: '[西瓜]',
90: '[Empty]',
91: '[Empty]',
92: '[Empty]',
93: '[Empty]',
94: '[Empty]',
95: '[Empty]',
96: '[冷汗]',
97: '[擦汗]',
98: '[抠鼻]',
99: '[鼓掌]',
100: '[糗大了]',
101: '[坏笑]',
102: '[左哼哼]',
103: '[右哼哼]',
104: '[哈欠]',
105: '[鄙视]',
106: '[委屈]',
107: '[快哭了]',
108: '[阴险]',
109: '[亲亲]',
110: '[吓]',
111: '[可怜]',
112: '[菜刀]',
113: '[啤酒]',
114: '[篮球]',
115: '[乒乓]',
116: '[示爱]',
117: '[瓢虫]',
118: '[抱拳]',
119: '[勾引]',
120: '[拳头]',
121: '[差劲]',
122: '[爱你]',
123: '[NO]',
124: '[OK]',
125: '[转圈]',
126: '[磕头]',
127: '[回头]',
128: '[跳绳]',
129: '[挥手]',
130: '[激动]',
131: '[街舞]',
132: '[献吻]',
133: '[左太极]',
134: '[右太极]',
135: '[Empty]',
136: '[双喜]',
137: '[鞭炮]',
138: '[灯笼]',
139: '[发财]',
140: '[K歌]',
141: '[购物]',
142: '[邮件]',
143: '[帅]',
144: '[喝彩]',
145: '[祈祷]',
146: '[爆筋]',
147: '[棒棒糖]',
148: '[喝奶]',
149: '[下面]',
150: '[香蕉]',
151: '[飞机]',
152: '[开车]',
153: '[高铁左车头]',
154: '[车厢]',
155: '[高铁右车头]',
156: '[多云]',
157: '[下雨]',
158: '[钞票]',
159: '[熊猫]',
160: '[灯泡]',
161: '[风车]',
162: '[闹钟]',
163: '[打伞]',
164: '[彩球]',
165: '[钻戒]',
166: '[沙发]',
167: '[纸巾]',
168: '[药]',
169: '[手枪]',
170: '[青蛙]',
171: '[茶]',
172: '[眨眼睛]',
173: '[泪奔]',
174: '[无奈]',
175: '[卖萌]',
176: '[小纠结]',
177: '[喷血]',
178: '[斜眼笑]',
179: '[doge]',
180: '[惊喜]',
181: '[骚扰]',
182: '[笑哭]',
183: '[我最美]',
184: '[河蟹]',
185: '[羊驼]',
186: '[Empty]',
187: '[幽灵]',
188: '[蛋]',
189: '[Empty]',
190: '[菊花]',
191: '[Empty]',
192: '[红包]',
193: '[大笑]',
194: '[不开心]',
195: '[Empty]',
196: '[Empty]',
197: '[冷漠]',
198: '[呃]',
199: '[好棒]',
200: '[拜托]',
201: '[点赞]',
202: '[无聊]',
203: '[托脸]',
204: '[吃]',
205: '[送花]',
206: '[害怕]',
207: '[花痴]',
208: '[小样儿]',
209: '[Empty]',
210: '[飙泪]',
211: '[我不看]',
212: '[托腮]',
213: '[Empty]',
214: '[啵啵]',
215: '[糊脸]',
216: '[拍头]',
217: '[扯一扯]',
218: '[舔一舔]',
219: '[蹭一蹭]',
220: '[拽炸天]',
221: '[顶呱呱]',
222: '[抱抱]',
223: '[暴击]',
224: '[开枪]',
225: '[撩一撩]',
226: '[拍桌]',
227: '[拍手]',
228: '[恭喜]',
229: '[干杯]',
230: '[嘲讽]',
231: '[哼]',
232: '[佛系]',
233: '[掐一掐]',
234: '[惊呆]',
235: '[颤抖]',
236: '[啃头]',
237: '[偷看]',
238: '[扇脸]',
239: '[原谅]',
240: '[喷脸]',
241: '[生日快乐]',
242: '[Empty]',
243: '[Empty]',
244: '[Empty]',
245: '[Empty]',
246: '[Empty]',
247: '[Empty]',
248: '[Empty]',
249: '[Empty]',
250: '[Empty]',
251: '[Empty]',
252: '[Empty]',
253: '[Empty]',
254: '[Empty]',
255: '[Empty]',
qq_sface_list = {
1: '[拜拜]',
2: '[鄙视]',
3: '[菜刀]',
4: '[沧桑]',
5: '[馋了]',
6: '[吃惊]',
7: '[微笑]',
8: '[得意]',
9: '[嘚瑟]',
10: '[瞪眼]',
11: '[震惊]',
12: '[鼓掌]',
13: '[害羞]',
14: '[好的]',
15: '[惊呆了]',
16: '[静静看]',
17: '[可爱]',
18: '[困]',
19: '[脸红]',
20: '[你懂的]',
21: '[期待]',
22: '[亲亲]',
23: '[伤心]',
24: '[生气]',
25: '[摇摆]',
26: '[帅]',
27: '[思考]',
28: '[震惊哭]',
29: '[痛心]',
30: '[偷笑]',
31: '[挖鼻孔]',
32: '[抓狂]',
33: '[笑着哭]',
34: '[无语]',
35: '[捂脸]',
36: '[喜欢]',
37: '[笑哭]',
38: '[疑惑]',
39: '[赞]',
40: '[眨眼]'
translator = translation("efb_qq_slave",
resource_filename('efb_qq_slave', 'Clients/CoolQ/locale'),
_ = translator.gettext
ngettext = translator.ngettext
def cq_get_image(image_link: str) -> tempfile: # Download image from QQ
file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
urllib.request.urlretrieve(image_link, file.name)
except (URLError, HTTPError, ContentTooShortError) as e:
logging.getLogger(__name__).warning('Image download failed.')
return None
if file.seek(0, 2) <= 0:
raise EOFError('File downloaded is Empty')
return file
def async_send_messages_to_master(msg: Message):
if msg.file:
def process_quote_text(text, max_length): # Simple wrapper for processing quoted text
qt_txt = "%s" % text
if max_length > 0:
tgt_text = qt_txt[:max_length]
if len(qt_txt) >= max_length:
tgt_text += ""
tgt_text = "%s" % tgt_text
elif max_length < 0:
tgt_text = "%s" % qt_txt
tgt_text = ""
return tgt_text
def coolq_text_encode(text: str): # Escape special characters for CQ Code text
expr = (('&', '&amp;'), ('[', '&#91;'), (']', '&#93;'))
for r in expr:
text = text.replace(*r)
return text
def coolq_para_encode(text: str): # Escape special characters for CQ Code parameters
expr = (('&', '&amp;'), ('[', '&#91;'), (']', '&#93;'), (',', '&#44;'))
for r in expr:
text = text.replace(*r)
return text
def upload_image_smms(file, path, email, password): # Upload image to sm.ms and return the link
UPLOAD_URL_TOKEN = 'https://sm.ms/api/v2/token'
UPLOAD_URL_IMAGE = 'https://sm.ms/api/v2/upload'
UPLOAD_LOGIN = {'username': email,
'password': password}
UPLOAD_PARAMS = {'format': 'json', 'ssl': True}
resp = requests.post(UPLOAD_URL_TOKEN, params=UPLOAD_LOGIN)
status = json.loads(resp.text)
if status['code'] == 'success':
token = status['data']['token']
UPLOAD_HEADER = {'Authorization': token}
'WARNING: {}'.format(status['msg']))
raise CoolQUnknownException(status['msg'])
with open(path, 'rb') as f:
files = {'smfile': f.read()}
resp = requests.post(UPLOAD_URL_IMAGE, files=files, headers=UPLOAD_HEADER,
status = json.loads(resp.text)
if status['code'] == 'success':
logging.getLogger(__name__).debug('INFO: upload success! url at {}'.format(status['data']['url']))
return status['data']
logging.getLogger(__name__).warning('WARNING: {}'.format(status['msg']))
raise CoolQUnknownException(status['msg'])
def upload_image_vim_cn(file, path): # Upload image to img.vim-cn.com and return the link
UPLOAD_URL = 'https://img.vim-cn.com/'
with open(path, 'rb') as f:
files = {'name': f.read()}
resp = requests.post(UPLOAD_URL, files=files)
if resp.status_code != 200:
raise CoolQUnknownException("Failed to upload images to vim-cn.com")
return resp.text
def upload_image_sogou(file, path): # Upload image to pic.sogou.com and return the link
UPLOAD_URL = 'https://pic.sogou.com/pic/upload_pic.jsp'
with open(path, 'rb') as f:
files = {'pic_path': f.read()}
resp = requests.post(UPLOAD_URL, files=files)
if resp.status_code != 200:
raise CoolQUnknownException("Failed to upload images to sogou.com")
return "https" + resp.text[4:] # Replace http with https
def upload_image_mi(file, path): # Upload image to shopapi.io.mi.com and return the link
UPLOAD_URL = 'https://shopapi.io.mi.com/homemanage/shop/uploadpic'
with open(path, 'rb') as f:
files = {'pic': (ntpath.basename(path), f.read(), "image/jpeg")}
resp = requests.post(UPLOAD_URL, files=files)
if resp.status_code != 200:
raise CoolQUnknownException("Failed to upload images to mi.com")
status = json.loads(resp.text)
if status['message'] != "ok":
raise CoolQUnknownException("Failed to upload images to mi.com")
return status['result']
def param_spliter(str_param):
params = str_param.split(";")
param = {}
for _k in params:
key, value = _k.strip().split("=")
param[key] = value
return param
def download_file(download_url):
file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
opener = urllib.request.build_opener()
urllib.request.urlretrieve(download_url, file.name)
except (URLError, HTTPError, ContentTooShortError) as e:
logging.getLogger(__name__).warning("Error occurs when downloading files: " + str(e))
return _("Error occurs when downloading files: ") + str(e)
if file.seek(0, 2) <= 0:
raise EOFError('File downloaded is Empty')
return file
def download_user_avatar(uid: str):
file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
url = "https://q1.qlogo.cn/g?b=qq&nk={}&s=0".format(uid)
opener = urllib.request.build_opener()
urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, file.name)
except (URLError, HTTPError, ContentTooShortError) as e:
logging.getLogger(__name__).warning("Error occurs when downloading files: " + str(e))
return _("Error occurs when downloading files: ") + str(e)
if file.seek(0, 2) <= 0:
raise EOFError('File downloaded is Empty')
return file
def download_group_avatar(uid: str):
file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
url = "https://p.qlogo.cn/gh/{}/{}/".format(uid, uid)
opener = urllib.request.build_opener()
urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, file.name)
except (URLError, HTTPError, ContentTooShortError) as e:
logging.getLogger(__name__).warning("Error occurs when downloading files: " + str(e))
return _("Error occurs when downloading files: ") + str(e)
if file.seek(0, 2) <= 0:
raise EOFError('File downloaded is Empty')
return file
def download_voice(filename: str, api_root: str, access_token: str):
file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
url = '{url}/data/record/{file}'.format(url=api_root, file=filename)
opener = urllib.request.build_opener()
opener.addheaders = [("Authorization", "Bearer {at}".format(at=access_token))]
urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, file.name)
except (URLError, HTTPError, ContentTooShortError) as e:
logging.getLogger(__name__).warning("Error occurs when downloading files: " + str(e))
return _("Error occurs when downloading files: ") + str(e)
if file.seek(0, 2) <= 0:
raise EOFError('File downloaded is Empty')
return file