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synced 2024-11-16 12:51:36 +00:00
Fixes 每日签到功能异常 #26
80 lines
2.2 KiB
80 lines
2.2 KiB
import os
import time
import platform
from hashlib import md5
from dotenv import dotenv_values
from urllib.request import getproxies
logs = ''
def md5_crypto(passwd: str) -> str:
return md5(passwd.encode('utf8')).hexdigest()
def show_info(tip, info):
return "{}: {}".format(tip, info)
def system_info():
w_log(show_info("系统及版本信息", platform.platform()))
w_log(show_info('系统版本号', platform.version()))
w_log(show_info('系统名称', platform.system()))
w_log(show_info('系统位数', platform.architecture()))
w_log(show_info('计算机类型', platform.machine()))
w_log(show_info('处理器类型', platform.processor()))
w_log(show_info('Python版本', str(platform.python_version()) + ' ' + str(platform.python_build())))
if getproxies():
w_log(show_info('系统代理', getproxies()))
def get_config() -> dict:
config = dotenv_values(".env")
passwd = config.get('MI_PASSWORD')
if len(passwd) != 32:
config['MI_PASSWORD'] = md5_crypto(passwd)
if config.get('SIGN_IN').upper() in ('Y', 'YES'):
config['SIGN_IN'] = True
config['SIGN_IN'] = False
return config
def w_log(text):
global logs
now_localtime = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.localtime())
logs += now_localtime + ' | ' + str(text) + '\n'
print(now_localtime + ' | ' + str(text))
def s_log():
logs_save= get_config().get('LOG_SAVE')
if logs_save == 'Y':
global logs
folder = os.path.exists('./logs')
if not folder:
now_localtime = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d", time.localtime())
fname = now_localtime + '.log'
with open('./logs/' + fname, 'a+', encoding='utf-8') as f:
def conf_check(config: dict):
if not config.get('MI_ID'):
w_log('小米账户 ID 未配置')
return False
if not config.get('MI_PASSWORD'):
w_log('小米账户 密码 / MD5 未配置')
return False
if not config.get('USER_AGENT'):
w_log('User-Agent 未配置')
return False
if not config.get('BOARD_ID'):
w_log('测试类型 ID 未配置')
return False
w_log('.env 已配置')
return True