import asyncio import re from typing import Any, Dict, List, Tuple, Union from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from core.custom import CMDS_PREFIX from loguru import logger from pyrogram import Client from pyrogram.errors import FloodWait, RPCError from pyrogram.types import Message, User from .constants import STICKER_DESCRIP, SYCGRAM_ERROR, SYCGRAM_INFO from .sessions import session class Parameters: @classmethod def get(cls, msg: Message) -> Tuple[str]: """返回所需的指令的单个参数,类型为`str`""" text = msg.text.split(' ', 1) if len(text) > 1: return text[0], ''.join(text[1:]).strip() else: return text[0], '' @classmethod def get_int(cls, msg: Message, max_num: int = 30) -> Tuple[str, int]: """返回所需的指令的单个参数,类型为`int`""" cmd, arg = cls.get(msg) if not arg or not bool(re.match(r"[0-9]+$", arg)): return cmd, 1 num = int(arg) if 1 <= int(arg) <= max_num else 1 return cmd, num @classmethod def get_more(cls, msg: Message) -> Tuple[str, List[str]]: cmd, text = cls.get(msg) return cmd, [x.strip() for x in text.split(' ') if x] def get_iterlimit(num: int) -> int: """ Args: num (int): 实际删除消息数 Returns: int: 迭代历史消息限制数 """ return num * 3 if num * 3 < 1500 else 1500 def get_dc_text(name: str, dc_id: int) -> str: text = f"{name} 的数据中心为:`DC{dc_id}`\n该数据中心位于:" if dc_id == 1 or dc_id == 3: return f"{text}`美国佛罗里达州迈阿密`" elif dc_id == 2 or dc_id == 4: return f"{text}`荷兰北荷兰省阿姆斯特丹`" elif dc_id == 5: return f"{text}`新加坡`" else: return "❗️ 无法获取该用户/群组的数据中心 ..." def get_fullname(user: User) -> str: if user: if user.last_name: return f"{user.first_name} {user.last_name}" return user.first_name else: return "Anonymous" def get_default_pkg(user: User) -> Tuple[str]: if user.username: return f"@{user.username} 的贴纸包(1)", f"{user.username}_1" return f"@{user.first_name} 的贴纸包(1)", f"tmp_{}_1" def is_deleted_id(msg: Message) -> bool: return bool(msg.message_id > 1 and msg.from_user and msg.from_user.is_self) async def show_exception(msg: Message, e: Any) -> None: text = f"**{SYCGRAM_ERROR}**\n> # `{e}`" await msg.edit_text(text, parse_mode='md') async def show_cmd_tip(msg: Message, cmd: str) -> str: tip = f"Use `{CMDS_PREFIX}help {cmd.replace(CMDS_PREFIX, '', 1)}` to view detailed usage." text = f"**{SYCGRAM_INFO}**\n> # {tip}" await msg.edit_text(text, parse_mode='md') async def check_if_package_existed(pkg_name: str) -> bool: """检测贴纸包是否存在 Args: pkg_name (`str`): 贴纸包名字 Raises: ValueError: 无法检测贴纸包是否存在 Returns: bool: `True`为贴纸包存在,`False`为贴纸包不存在 """ async with session.get( f'{pkg_name}', timeout=9.9, ) as resp: if resp.status == 200: soup = BeautifulSoup(await resp.text(), 'lxml') target = soup.find( 'div', class_='tgme_page_description').text.strip() return not bool(STICKER_DESCRIP == target) else: resp.raise_for_status() raise ValueError("Can't check if sticker package is existed.") async def emoji_sender( cli: Client, chat_id: Union[int, str], msg_id: int, emoji: str = '', ) -> bool: try: await cli.send_reaction(chat_id, msg_id, emoji) except FloodWait as e: raise e except RPCError: return False else: return True async def delete_this(msg: Message) -> None: try: await msg.delete() except RPCError as e: logger.warning(e) await logger.complete() async def basher(cmd: str, timeout: int = 10) -> Dict[str, Any]: return await asyncio.wait_for(execute(cmd), timeout=timeout) async def execute(command: str) -> Dict[str, Any]: executor = await asyncio.create_subprocess_shell( command, stdout=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE, stderr=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE, ) try: stdout, stderr = await executor.communicate() except Exception as e: return {'output': '', 'error': str(e)} else: return { 'output': stdout.decode('utf-8', 'ignore').strip(), 'error': stderr.decode('utf-8', 'ignore').strip() } async def kick_one(cli: Client, cid: Union[int, str], uid: Union[int, str]): me = await cli.get_chat_member(cid, 'me') if me.can_restrict_members and await cli.ban_chat_member(cid, uid): return True return False def escape_markdown(text: str, version: int = 1, entity_type: str = None) -> str: """ Helper function to escape telegram markup symbols. Args: text (:obj:`str`): The text. version (:obj:`int` | :obj:`str`): Use to specify the version of telegrams Markdown. Either ``1`` or ``2``. Defaults to ``1``. entity_type (:obj:`str`, optional): For the entity types ``PRE``, ``CODE`` and the link part of ``TEXT_LINKS``, only certain characters need to be escaped in ``MarkdownV2``. See the official API documentation for details. Only valid in combination with ``version=2``, will be ignored else. """ if int(version) == 1: escape_chars = r'_*`[' elif int(version) == 2: if entity_type in ['pre', 'code']: escape_chars = r'\`' elif entity_type == 'text_link': escape_chars = r'\)' else: escape_chars = r'_*[]()~`>#+-=|{}.!' else: raise ValueError('Markdown version must be either 1 or 2!') return re.sub(f'([{re.escape(escape_chars)}])', r'\\\1', text)