mirror of
synced 2024-12-18 07:14:27 +00:00
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1 | id | message |
2 | ABOUT_TOO_LONG | The provided about/bio text is too long |
3 | ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRED | The bot token has expired |
4 | ACCESS_TOKEN_INVALID | The bot access token is invalid |
5 | ADMINS_TOO_MUCH | The chat has too many administrators |
6 | ADMIN_RANK_EMOJI_NOT_ALLOWED | Emoji are not allowed in custom administrator titles |
7 | ADMIN_RANK_INVALID | The custom administrator title is invalid or too long |
8 | ALBUM_PHOTOS_TOO_MANY | Too many photos were included in the album |
9 | API_ID_INVALID | The api_id/api_hash combination is invalid |
10 | API_ID_PUBLISHED_FLOOD | You are using an API key that is limited on the server side because it was published somewhere |
11 | ARTICLE_TITLE_EMPTY | The article title is empty |
12 | AUDIO_TITLE_EMPTY | The title attribute of the audio is empty |
13 | AUTH_BYTES_INVALID | The authorization bytes are invalid |
14 | AUTH_TOKEN_ALREADY_ACCEPTED | The authorization token was already used |
15 | AUTH_TOKEN_EXPIRED | The provided authorization token has expired and the updated QR-code must be re-scanned |
16 | AUTH_TOKEN_INVALID | An invalid authorization token was provided |
17 | AUTOARCHIVE_NOT_AVAILABLE | This feature is not yet enabled for your account due to it not receiving too many private messages from strangers |
18 | BANK_CARD_NUMBER_INVALID | The credit card number is invalid |
19 | BANNED_RIGHTS_INVALID | You provided a set of restrictions that is invalid |
20 | BASE_PORT_LOC_INVALID | The base port location is invalid |
21 | BOOSTS_REQUIRED | Boosts required |
22 | BOTS_TOO_MUCH | The chat has too many bots |
23 | BOT_CHANNELS_NA | Bots can't edit admin privileges |
24 | BOT_COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_INVALID | The command description was empty, too long or had invalid characters |
25 | BOT_DOMAIN_INVALID | The domain used for the auth button does not match the one configured in @BotFather |
26 | BOT_GAMES_DISABLED | Bot games cannot be used in this type of chat |
27 | BOT_GROUPS_BLOCKED | This bot can't be added to groups |
28 | BOT_INLINE_DISABLED | The inline feature of the bot is disabled |
29 | BOT_INVALID | This is not a valid bot |
30 | BOT_METHOD_INVALID | The method can't be used by bots |
31 | BOT_MISSING | This method can only be run by a bot |
32 | BOT_ONESIDE_NOT_AVAIL | Bots can't pin messages for one side only in private chats |
33 | BOT_PAYMENTS_DISABLED | This method can only be run by a bot |
34 | BOT_POLLS_DISABLED | Sending polls by bots has been disabled |
35 | BOT_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT | The bot did not answer to the callback query in time |
36 | BOT_SCORE_NOT_MODIFIED | The bot score was not modified |
37 | BROADCAST_ID_INVALID | The channel is invalid |
38 | BROADCAST_PUBLIC_VOTERS_FORBIDDEN | Polls with public voters cannot be sent in channels |
39 | BROADCAST_REQUIRED | The request can only be used with a channel |
40 | BUTTON_DATA_INVALID | The button callback data is invalid or too large |
41 | BUTTON_TYPE_INVALID | The type of one of the buttons you provided is invalid |
42 | BUTTON_URL_INVALID | The button url is invalid |
43 | BUTTON_USER_PRIVACY_RESTRICTED | The privacy settings of the user specified in a keyboard button do not allow creating such button |
44 | CALL_ALREADY_ACCEPTED | The call is already accepted |
45 | CALL_ALREADY_DECLINED | The call is already declined |
46 | CALL_PEER_INVALID | The provided call peer object is invalid |
47 | CALL_PROTOCOL_FLAGS_INVALID | Call protocol flags invalid |
48 | CDN_METHOD_INVALID | The method can't be used on CDN DCs |
49 | CHANNELS_ADMIN_PUBLIC_TOO_MUCH | You are an administrator of too many public channels |
50 | CHANNELS_TOO_MUCH | You have joined too many channels or supergroups, leave some and try again |
51 | CHANNEL_ADD_INVALID | Internal error. |
52 | CHANNEL_BANNED | The channel is banned |
53 | CHANNEL_FORUM_MISSING | The channel forum is missing |
54 | CHANNEL_INVALID | The channel parameter is invalid |
55 | CHANNEL_PRIVATE | The channel/supergroup is not accessible |
56 | CHANNEL_TOO_LARGE | The channel is too large |
57 | CHAT_ABOUT_NOT_MODIFIED | The chat about text was not modified because you tried to edit it using the same content |
58 | CHAT_ABOUT_TOO_LONG | The chat about text is too long |
59 | CHAT_ADMIN_REQUIRED | The method requires chat admin privileges |
60 | CHAT_FORWARDS_RESTRICTED | The chat restricts forwarding content |
61 | CHAT_DISCUSSION_UNALLOWED | The chat discussion is not allowed |
62 | CHAT_ID_EMPTY | The provided chat id is empty |
63 | CHAT_ID_INVALID | The chat id being used is invalid or not known yet. Make sure you see the chat before interacting with it |
64 | CHAT_INVALID | The chat is invalid |
65 | CHAT_INVITE_PERMANENT | The chat invite link is primary |
66 | CHAT_LINK_EXISTS | The action failed because the supergroup is linked to a channel |
67 | CHAT_NOT_MODIFIED | The chat settings (title, permissions, photo, etc..) were not modified because you tried to edit them using the same content |
68 | CHAT_RESTRICTED | The chat is restricted and cannot be used |
69 | CHAT_SEND_INLINE_FORBIDDEN | You cannot use inline bots to send messages in this chat |
70 | CHAT_TITLE_EMPTY | The chat title is empty |
71 | CHAT_TOO_BIG | The chat is too big for this action |
72 | CODE_EMPTY | The provided code is empty |
73 | CODE_HASH_INVALID | The provided code hash invalid |
74 | CODE_INVALID | The provided code is invalid (i.e. from email) |
75 | CONNECTION_API_ID_INVALID | The provided API id is invalid |
76 | CONNECTION_APP_VERSION_EMPTY | App version is empty |
77 | CONNECTION_DEVICE_MODEL_EMPTY | The device model is empty |
78 | CONNECTION_LANG_PACK_INVALID | The specified language pack is not valid |
79 | CONNECTION_LAYER_INVALID | The connection layer is invalid. Missing InvokeWithLayer-InitConnection call |
80 | CONNECTION_NOT_INITED | The connection was not initialized |
81 | CONNECTION_SYSTEM_EMPTY | The connection to the system is empty |
82 | CONNECTION_SYSTEM_LANG_CODE_EMPTY | The system language code is empty |
83 | CONTACT_ADD_MISSING | Contact to add is missing |
84 | CONTACT_ID_INVALID | The provided contact id is invalid |
85 | CONTACT_NAME_EMPTY | The provided contact name is empty |
86 | CONTACT_REQ_MISSING | Missing contact request |
87 | DATA_INVALID | The encrypted data is invalid |
88 | DATA_JSON_INVALID | The provided JSON data is invalid |
89 | DATA_TOO_LONG | Data too long |
90 | DATE_EMPTY | The date argument is empty |
91 | DC_ID_INVALID | The dc_id parameter is invalid |
92 | DH_G_A_INVALID | The g_a parameter invalid |
93 | DOCUMENT_INVALID | The document is invalid |
94 | EMAIL_HASH_EXPIRED | The email hash expired and cannot be used to verify it |
95 | EMAIL_INVALID | The email provided is invalid |
96 | EMAIL_UNCONFIRMED | Email unconfirmed |
97 | EMAIL_UNCONFIRMED_X | The provided email isn't confirmed, {value} is the length of the verification code that was just sent to the email |
98 | EMAIL_VERIFY_EXPIRED | The verification email has expired |
99 | EMOTICON_EMPTY | The emoticon parameter is empty |
100 | EMOTICON_INVALID | The emoticon parameter is invalid |
101 | EMOTICON_STICKERPACK_MISSING | The emoticon sticker pack you are trying to obtain is missing |
102 | ENCRYPTED_MESSAGE_INVALID | The special binding message (bind_auth_key_inner) contains invalid data |
103 | ENCRYPTION_ALREADY_ACCEPTED | The secret chat is already accepted |
104 | ENCRYPTION_ALREADY_DECLINED | The secret chat is already declined |
105 | ENCRYPTION_DECLINED | The secret chat was declined |
106 | ENCRYPTION_ID_INVALID | The provided secret chat id is invalid |
107 | ENTITIES_TOO_LONG | The entity provided contains data that is too long, or you passed too many entities to this message |
108 | ENTITY_BOUNDS_INVALID | The message entity bounds are invalid |
109 | ENTITY_MENTION_USER_INVALID | The mentioned entity is not an user |
110 | ERROR_TEXT_EMPTY | The provided error message is empty |
111 | EXPIRE_DATE_INVALID | The expiration date is invalid |
112 | EXPORT_CARD_INVALID | The provided card is invalid |
113 | EXTERNAL_URL_INVALID | The external media URL is invalid |
114 | FIELD_NAME_EMPTY | The field with the name FIELD_NAME is missing |
115 | FIELD_NAME_INVALID | The field with the name FIELD_NAME is invalid |
116 | FILE_ID_INVALID | The file id is invalid |
117 | FILE_MIGRATE_X | The file is in Data Center No. {value} |
118 | FILE_PARTS_INVALID | Invalid number of parts. |
119 | FILE_PART_EMPTY | The file part sent is empty |
120 | FILE_PART_INVALID | The file part number is invalid. |
121 | FILE_PART_LENGTH_INVALID | The length of a file part is invalid |
122 | FILE_PART_SIZE_CHANGED | The part size is different from the size of one of the previous parts in the same file |
123 | FILE_PART_SIZE_INVALID | The file part size is invalid |
124 | FILE_PART_TOO_BIG | The size limit for the content of the file part has been exceeded |
125 | FILE_PART_X_MISSING | Part {value} of the file is missing from storage |
126 | FILE_REFERENCE_EMPTY | The file id contains an empty file reference, you must obtain a valid one by fetching the message from the origin context |
127 | FILE_REFERENCE_EXPIRED | The file id contains an expired file reference, you must obtain a valid one by fetching the message from the origin context |
128 | FILE_REFERENCE_INVALID | The file id contains an invalid file reference, you must obtain a valid one by fetching the message from the origin context |
129 | FILTER_ID_INVALID | The specified filter ID is invalid |
130 | FIRSTNAME_INVALID | The first name is invalid |
131 | FOLDER_ID_EMPTY | The folder you tried to delete was already empty |
132 | FOLDER_ID_INVALID | The folder id is invalid |
133 | FRESH_CHANGE_ADMINS_FORBIDDEN | You can't change administrator settings in this chat because your session was logged-in recently |
134 | FROM_MESSAGE_BOT_DISABLED | Bots can't use fromMessage min constructors |
135 | FROM_PEER_INVALID | The from peer value is invalid |
136 | GAME_BOT_INVALID | You cannot send that game with the current bot |
137 | GEO_POINT_INVALID | Invalid geo point provided |
138 | GIF_CONTENT_TYPE_INVALID | GIF content-type invalid |
139 | GIF_ID_INVALID | The provided gif/animation id is invalid |
140 | GRAPH_INVALID_RELOAD | Invalid graph token provided, please reload the stats and provide the updated token |
141 | GRAPH_OUTDATED_RELOAD | The graph data is outdated |
142 | GROUPCALL_SSRC_DUPLICATE_MUCH | Too many group call synchronization source duplicates |
143 | GROUPED_MEDIA_INVALID | The album contains invalid media |
144 | GROUP_CALL_INVALID | The group call is invalid |
145 | HASH_INVALID | The provided hash is invalid |
146 | IMAGE_PROCESS_FAILED | The server failed to process your image |
147 | IMPORT_FILE_INVALID | The imported file is invalid |
148 | IMPORT_FORMAT_UNRECOGNIZED | The imported format is unrecognized |
149 | IMPORT_ID_INVALID | The import id is invalid |
150 | INLINE_RESULT_EXPIRED | The inline bot query expired |
151 | INPUT_CONSTRUCTOR_INVALID | The provided constructor is invalid |
152 | INPUT_FETCH_ERROR | An error occurred while deserializing TL parameters |
153 | INPUT_FETCH_FAIL | Failed deserializing TL payload |
154 | INPUT_FILTER_INVALID | The filter is invalid for this query |
155 | INPUT_LAYER_INVALID | The provided layer is invalid |
156 | INPUT_METHOD_INVALID | The method invoked is invalid in the current schema |
157 | INPUT_REQUEST_TOO_LONG | The input request is too long |
158 | INPUT_USER_DEACTIVATED | The target user has been deleted/deactivated |
159 | INVITE_HASH_EMPTY | The invite hash is empty |
160 | INVITE_HASH_EXPIRED | The chat invite link is no longer valid |
161 | INVITE_HASH_INVALID | The invite link hash is invalid |
162 | INVITE_REQUEST_SENT | The request to join this chat or channel has been successfully sent |
163 | INVITE_REVOKED_MISSING | The action required a chat invite link to be revoked first |
164 | LANG_PACK_INVALID | The provided language pack is invalid |
165 | LASTNAME_INVALID | The last name is invalid |
166 | LIMIT_INVALID | The limit parameter is invalid |
167 | LINK_NOT_MODIFIED | The chat link was not modified because you tried to link to the same target |
168 | LOCATION_INVALID | The file location is invalid |
169 | MAX_ID_INVALID | The max_id parameter is invalid |
170 | MAX_QTS_INVALID | The provided QTS is invalid |
171 | MD5_CHECKSUM_INVALID | The file's checksum did not match the md5_checksum parameter |
172 | MEDIA_CAPTION_TOO_LONG | The media caption is too long |
173 | MEDIA_EMPTY | The media you tried to send is invalid |
174 | MEDIA_FILE_INVALID | The media file is invalid |
175 | MEDIA_INVALID | The media is invalid |
176 | MEDIA_NEW_INVALID | The new media to edit the message with is invalid |
177 | MEDIA_PREV_INVALID | The previous media cannot be edited with anything else |
178 | MEDIA_TTL_INVALID | The media ttl is invalid |
179 | MEDIA_VIDEO_STORY_MISSING | The media does not have a photo or a video |
180 | MEGAGROUP_ID_INVALID | The supergroup is invalid |
181 | MEGAGROUP_PREHISTORY_HIDDEN | The action failed because the supergroup has the pre-history hidden |
182 | MEGAGROUP_REQUIRED | The request can only be used with a supergroup |
183 | MESSAGE_EDIT_TIME_EXPIRED | You can no longer edit this message because too much time has passed |
184 | MESSAGE_EMPTY | The message sent is empty or contains invalid characters |
185 | MESSAGE_IDS_EMPTY | The requested message doesn't exist or you provided no message id |
186 | MESSAGE_ID_INVALID | The message id is invalid |
187 | MESSAGE_NOT_MODIFIED | The message was not modified because you tried to edit it using the same content |
188 | MESSAGE_POLL_CLOSED | You can't interact with a closed poll |
189 | MESSAGE_TOO_LONG | The message text is too long |
190 | METHOD_INVALID | The API method is invalid and cannot be used |
191 | MSG_ID_INVALID | The message ID used in the peer was invalid |
192 | MSG_VOICE_MISSING | The message does not contain a voice message |
193 | MSG_WAIT_FAILED | A waiting call returned an error |
194 | MULTI_MEDIA_TOO_LONG | The album/media group contains too many items |
195 | NEW_SALT_INVALID | The new salt is invalid |
196 | NEW_SETTINGS_INVALID | The new settings are invalid |
197 | NEXT_OFFSET_INVALID | The next offset value is invalid |
198 | OFFSET_INVALID | The offset parameter is invalid |
199 | OFFSET_PEER_ID_INVALID | The provided offset peer is invalid |
200 | OPTIONS_TOO_MUCH | The poll options are too many |
201 | OPTION_INVALID | The option specified is invalid and does not exist in the target poll |
202 | PACK_SHORT_NAME_INVALID | Invalid sticker pack name. It must begin with a letter, can't contain consecutive underscores and must end in '_by_<bot username>'. |
203 | PACK_SHORT_NAME_OCCUPIED | A sticker pack with this name already exists |
204 | PACK_TITLE_INVALID | The sticker pack title is invalid |
205 | PARTICIPANTS_TOO_FEW | The chat doesn't have enough participants |
206 | PARTICIPANT_VERSION_OUTDATED | The other participant is using an outdated Telegram app version |
207 | PASSWORD_EMPTY | The password provided is empty |
208 | PASSWORD_HASH_INVALID | The two-step verification password is invalid |
209 | PASSWORD_MISSING | The account is missing the two-step verification password |
210 | PASSWORD_RECOVERY_NA | The password recovery e-mail is not available |
211 | PASSWORD_REQUIRED | The two-step verification password is required for this method |
212 | PASSWORD_TOO_FRESH_X | The two-step verification password was added recently and you are required to wait {value} seconds |
213 | PAYMENT_PROVIDER_INVALID | The payment provider was not recognised or its token was invalid |
214 | PEER_FLOOD | The method can't be used because your account is currently limited |
215 | PEER_ID_INVALID | The peer id being used is invalid or not known yet. Make sure you meet the peer before interacting with it |
216 | PEER_ID_NOT_SUPPORTED | The provided peer id is not supported |
217 | PERSISTENT_TIMESTAMP_EMPTY | The pts argument is empty |
218 | PERSISTENT_TIMESTAMP_INVALID | The persistent timestamp is invalid |
219 | PHONE_CODE_EMPTY | The phone code is missing |
220 | PHONE_CODE_EXPIRED | The confirmation code has expired |
221 | PHONE_CODE_HASH_EMPTY | The phone code hash is missing |
222 | PHONE_CODE_INVALID | The confirmation code is invalid |
223 | PHONE_NUMBER_APP_SIGNUP_FORBIDDEN | You can't sign up using this app |
224 | PHONE_NUMBER_BANNED | The phone number is banned from Telegram and cannot be used |
225 | PHONE_NUMBER_FLOOD | This number has tried to login too many times |
226 | PHONE_NUMBER_INVALID | The phone number is invalid |
227 | PHONE_NUMBER_OCCUPIED | The phone number is already in use |
228 | PHONE_NUMBER_UNOCCUPIED | The phone number is not yet being used |
229 | PHONE_PASSWORD_PROTECTED | The phone is password protected |
230 | PHOTO_CONTENT_TYPE_INVALID | The photo content type is invalid |
231 | PHOTO_CONTENT_URL_EMPTY | The photo content URL is empty |
232 | PHOTO_CROP_FILE_MISSING | Photo crop file missing |
233 | PHOTO_CROP_SIZE_SMALL | The photo is too small |
234 | PHOTO_EXT_INVALID | The photo extension is invalid |
235 | PHOTO_FILE_MISSING | Profile photo file missing |
236 | PHOTO_ID_INVALID | The photo id is invalid |
237 | PHOTO_INVALID | The photo is invalid |
238 | PHOTO_INVALID_DIMENSIONS | The photo dimensions are invalid |
239 | PHOTO_SAVE_FILE_INVALID | The photo you tried to send cannot be saved by Telegram |
240 | PHOTO_THUMB_URL_EMPTY | The photo thumb URL is empty |
241 | PHOTO_THUMB_URL_INVALID | The photo thumb URL is invalid |
242 | PINNED_DIALOGS_TOO_MUCH | Too many pinned dialogs |
243 | PIN_RESTRICTED | You can't pin messages in private chats with other people |
244 | POLL_ANSWERS_INVALID | The poll answers are invalid |
245 | POLL_OPTION_DUPLICATE | A duplicate option was sent in the same poll |
246 | POLL_OPTION_INVALID | A poll option used invalid data (the data may be too long) |
247 | POLL_QUESTION_INVALID | The poll question is invalid |
248 | POLL_UNSUPPORTED | This layer does not support polls in the invoked method |
249 | POLL_VOTE_REQUIRED | Cast a vote in the poll before calling this method |
250 | PREMIUM_ACCOUNT_REQUIRED | The method requires a premium user account |
251 | PRIVACY_KEY_INVALID | The privacy key is invalid |
252 | PRIVACY_TOO_LONG | Your privacy exception list has exceeded the maximum capacity |
253 | PRIVACY_VALUE_INVALID | The privacy value is invalid |
254 | QUERY_ID_EMPTY | The query ID is empty |
255 | QUERY_ID_INVALID | The callback query id is invalid |
256 | QUERY_TOO_SHORT | The query is too short |
257 | QUIZ_CORRECT_ANSWERS_EMPTY | The correct answers of the quiz are empty |
258 | QUIZ_CORRECT_ANSWERS_TOO_MUCH | The quiz contains too many correct answers |
259 | QUIZ_CORRECT_ANSWER_INVALID | The correct answers of the quiz are invalid |
260 | QUIZ_MULTIPLE_INVALID | A quiz can't have multiple answers |
261 | QUOTE_TEXT_INVALID | The quote text is invalid |
262 | RANDOM_ID_EMPTY | The random ID is empty |
263 | RANDOM_ID_INVALID | The provided random ID is invalid |
264 | RANDOM_LENGTH_INVALID | The random length is invalid |
265 | RANGES_INVALID | Invalid range provided |
266 | REACTION_EMPTY | The reaction provided is empty |
267 | REACTION_INVALID | Invalid reaction provided (only valid emoji are allowed) |
268 | REFLECTOR_NOT_AVAILABLE | The call reflector is not available |
269 | REPLY_MARKUP_BUY_EMPTY | Reply markup for buy button empty |
270 | REPLY_MARKUP_GAME_EMPTY | The provided reply markup for the game is empty |
271 | REPLY_MARKUP_INVALID | The provided reply markup is invalid |
272 | REPLY_MARKUP_TOO_LONG | The reply markup is too long |
273 | RESULTS_TOO_MUCH | The result contains too many items |
274 | RESULT_ID_DUPLICATE | The result contains items with duplicated identifiers |
275 | RESULT_ID_EMPTY | Result ID empty |
276 | RESULT_ID_INVALID | The given result cannot be used to send the selection to the bot |
277 | RESULT_TYPE_INVALID | The result type is invalid |
278 | REVOTE_NOT_ALLOWED | You cannot change your vote |
279 | RSA_DECRYPT_FAILED | Internal RSA decryption failed |
280 | SCHEDULE_BOT_NOT_ALLOWED | Bots are not allowed to schedule messages |
281 | SCHEDULE_DATE_INVALID | Invalid schedule date provided |
282 | SCHEDULE_DATE_TOO_LATE | The date you tried to schedule is too far in the future (more than one year) |
283 | SCHEDULE_STATUS_PRIVATE | You cannot schedule a message until the person comes online if their privacy does not show this information |
284 | SCHEDULE_TOO_MUCH | You tried to schedule too many messages in this chat |
285 | SEARCH_QUERY_EMPTY | The search query is empty |
286 | SECONDS_INVALID | The seconds interval is invalid |
287 | SEND_MESSAGE_MEDIA_INVALID | The message media is invalid |
288 | SEND_MESSAGE_TYPE_INVALID | The message type is invalid |
289 | SESSION_TOO_FRESH_X | You can't do this action because the current session was logged-in recently |
290 | SETTINGS_INVALID | Invalid settings were provided |
291 | SHA256_HASH_INVALID | The provided SHA256 hash is invalid |
292 | SHORTNAME_OCCUPY_FAILED | An error occurred when trying to register the short-name used for the sticker pack. Try a different name |
293 | SLOWMODE_MULTI_MSGS_DISABLED | Slowmode is enabled, you cannot forward multiple messages to this group |
294 | SMS_CODE_CREATE_FAILED | An error occurred while creating the SMS code |
295 | SRP_ID_INVALID | Invalid SRP ID provided |
296 | SRP_PASSWORD_CHANGED | The password has changed |
297 | START_PARAM_EMPTY | The start parameter is empty |
298 | START_PARAM_INVALID | The start parameter is invalid |
299 | START_PARAM_TOO_LONG | The start parameter is too long |
300 | STICKERSET_INVALID | The requested sticker set is invalid |
301 | STICKERSET_NOT_MODIFIED | The sticker set is not modified |
302 | STICKERS_EMPTY | The sticker provided is empty |
303 | STICKERS_TOO_MUCH | Too many stickers in the set |
304 | STICKER_DOCUMENT_INVALID | The sticker document is invalid |
305 | STICKER_EMOJI_INVALID | The sticker emoji is invalid |
306 | STICKER_FILE_INVALID | The sticker file is invalid |
307 | STICKER_ID_INVALID | The provided sticker id is invalid |
308 | STICKER_INVALID | The provided sticker is invalid |
309 | STICKER_PNG_DIMENSIONS | The sticker png dimensions are invalid |
310 | STICKER_PNG_NOPNG | Stickers must be png files but the provided image was not a png |
311 | STICKER_TGS_NOTGS | A tgs sticker file was expected, but something else was provided |
312 | STICKER_THUMB_PNG_NOPNG | A png sticker thumbnail file was expected, but something else was provided |
313 | STICKER_VIDEO_NOWEBM | A webm video file was expected, but something else was provided |
314 | STORIES_TOO_MUCH | Too many stories in the current account |
315 | TAKEOUT_INVALID | The takeout id is invalid |
316 | TAKEOUT_REQUIRED | The method must be invoked inside a takeout session |
317 | TEMP_AUTH_KEY_EMPTY | The temporary auth key provided is empty |
318 | THEME_FILE_INVALID | Invalid theme file provided |
319 | THEME_FORMAT_INVALID | Invalid theme format provided |
320 | THEME_INVALID | Invalid theme provided |
321 | THEME_MIME_INVALID | You cannot create this theme because the mime-type is invalid |
322 | TMP_PASSWORD_DISABLED | The temporary password is disabled |
323 | TMP_PASSWORD_INVALID | The temporary password is invalid |
324 | TOKEN_INVALID | The provided token is invalid |
325 | TOPIC_CLOSED | The topic was closed |
326 | TOPIC_DELETED | The topic was deleted |
327 | TOPIC_NOT_MODIFIED | The topic was not modified |
328 | TRANSCRIPTION_FAILED | Telegram is having internal problems. Please try again later to transcribe the audio. |
329 | TTL_DAYS_INVALID | The provided TTL days is invalid |
330 | TTL_MEDIA_INVALID | The media does not support self-destruction |
331 | TTL_PERIOD_INVALID | The provided TTL period is invalid |
332 | TYPES_EMPTY | The types parameter is empty |
333 | TYPE_CONSTRUCTOR_INVALID | The type constructor is invalid |
334 | UNTIL_DATE_INVALID | That date parameter is invalid |
335 | URL_INVALID | The URL provided is invalid |
336 | USAGE_LIMIT_INVALID | The usage limit is invalid |
337 | USERNAME_INVALID | The username is invalid |
338 | USERNAME_NOT_MODIFIED | The username was not modified because you tried to edit it using the same one |
339 | USERNAME_NOT_OCCUPIED | The username is not occupied by anyone |
340 | USERNAME_OCCUPIED | The username is already in use by someone else |
341 | USERNAME_PURCHASE_AVAILABLE | The username is available for purchase on fragment.com |
342 | USERPIC_UPLOAD_REQUIRED | You are required to upload a profile picture for this action |
343 | USERS_TOO_FEW | Not enough users (to create a chat, for example) |
344 | USERS_TOO_MUCH | The maximum number of users has been exceeded (to create a chat, for example) |
345 | USER_ADMIN_INVALID | The action requires admin privileges. Probably you tried to edit admin privileges on someone you don't have rights to |
346 | USER_ALREADY_PARTICIPANT | The user is already a participant of this chat |
347 | USER_BANNED_IN_CHANNEL | You are limited from sending messages in supergroups/channels, check @SpamBot for details |
348 | USER_BLOCKED | The user is blocked |
349 | USER_BOT | Bots in channels can only be administrators, not members. |
350 | USER_BOT_INVALID | This method can only be used by a bot |
351 | USER_BOT_REQUIRED | The method can be used by bots only |
352 | USER_CHANNELS_TOO_MUCH | The user is already in too many channels or supergroups |
353 | USER_CREATOR | You can't leave this channel because you're its creator |
354 | USER_ID_INVALID | The user id being used is invalid or not known yet. Make sure you meet the user before interacting with it |
355 | USER_INVALID | The provided user is invalid |
356 | USER_IS_BLOCKED | The user blocked you |
357 | USER_IS_BOT | A bot cannot send messages to other bots or to itself |
358 | USER_KICKED | This user was kicked from this chat |
359 | USER_NOT_MUTUAL_CONTACT | The user is not a mutual contact |
360 | USER_NOT_PARTICIPANT | The user is not a member of this chat |
361 | VIDEO_CONTENT_TYPE_INVALID | The video content type is invalid (i.e.: not streamable) |
362 | VIDEO_FILE_INVALID | The video file is invalid |
363 | VOICE_MESSAGES_FORBIDDEN | Voice messages are restricted |
364 | VOLUME_LOC_NOT_FOUND | The volume location can't be found |
365 | WALLPAPER_FILE_INVALID | The provided file cannot be used as a wallpaper |
366 | WALLPAPER_INVALID | The input wallpaper was not valid |
367 | WALLPAPER_MIME_INVALID | The wallpaper mime type is invalid |
368 | WC_CONVERT_URL_INVALID | WC convert URL invalid |
369 | WEBDOCUMENT_INVALID | The web document is invalid |
370 | WEBDOCUMENT_MIME_INVALID | The web document mime type is invalid |
371 | WEBDOCUMENT_SIZE_TOO_BIG | The web document is too big |
372 | WEBDOCUMENT_URL_EMPTY | The web document URL is empty |
373 | WEBDOCUMENT_URL_INVALID | The web document URL is invalid |
374 | WEBPAGE_CURL_FAILED | Telegram server could not fetch the provided URL |
375 | WEBPAGE_MEDIA_EMPTY | The URL doesn't contain any valid media |
376 | YOU_BLOCKED_USER | You blocked this user |
377 | STORIES_NEVER_CREATED | You have never created any stories |
378 | MEDIA_FILE_INVALID | The provided media file is invalid |