2017-12-05 12:21:55 +01:00

1.6 KiB

2FIRSTNAME_INVALIDThe first name is invalid
3LASTNAME_INVALIDThe last name is invalid
4PHONE_NUMBER_INVALIDThe phone number is invalid
5PHONE_CODE_HASH_EMPTYphone_code_hash is missing
6PHONE_CODE_EMPTYphone_code is missing
7PHONE_CODE_EXPIREDThe confirmation code has expired
8PHONE_CODE_INVALIDThe confirmation code is invalid
9API_ID_INVALIDThe api_id/api_hash combination is invalid
10PHONE_NUMBER_OCCUPIEDThe phone number is already in use
11PHONE_NUMBER_UNOCCUPIEDThe phone number is not yet being used
12USERS_TOO_FEWNot enough users (to create a chat, for example)
13USERS_TOO_MUCHThe maximum number of users has been exceeded (to create a chat, for example)
14TYPE_CONSTRUCTOR_INVALIDThe type constructor is invalid
15FILE_PART_INVALIDThe file part number is invalid
16FILE_PARTS_INVALIDThe number of file parts is invalid
17FILE_PART_X_MISSINGPart {x} of the file is missing from storage
18MD5_CHECKSUM_INVALIDThe MD5 checksums do not match
19PHOTO_INVALID_DIMENSIONSThe photo dimensions are invalid
20FIELD_NAME_INVALIDThe field with the name FIELD_NAME is invalid
21FIELD_NAME_EMPTYThe field with the name FIELD_NAME is missing
22MSG_WAIT_FAILEDA waiting call returned an error
23PEER_ID_INVALIDThe id/access_hash combination is invalid
24MESSAGE_EMPTYThe message sent is empty
25ENCRYPTED_MESSAGE_INVALIDThe special binding message (bind_auth_key_inner) contains invalid data
26INPUT_METHOD_INVALIDThe method called is invalid
27PASSWORD_HASH_INVALIDTwo-step verification password is invalid
28USERNAME_NOT_OCCUPIEDThe username is not occupied by anyone
29USERNAME_INVALIDThe username is invalid